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Announcement from the Office of the Procurator


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Announced in the Year of our lord, 28. B.A

13th Of Peter’s Glory







The Hiring of Stewards

It pleases us to announce that with the expansion of the city of Atrus, an uptick of house sales have become prominent. With this, the Procurator Office is announcing the hiring of new stewards for Balian to assist in these sales.

 A position in which these are the following duties.

I. A Steward shall answer when an individual is seeking a home or stall within the borders of Balian.

II. They may sell the property, keeping half of the down payment received, while the other half goes to the treasury.

III. They may mark the sheet down, keeping reports of sales tidy and organized.

If one wishes to apply, they may send a bird to the Procurator, Johanne Vuiller.


As declared by,

Her Excellency, the Procurator of Balian,

Countess Johanne Vuiller of Aquilae.




I can be contacted on minecraft, at tadabug2000 or via discord, beautifulwatty#6584 if needed!


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Yailin sends a bird in response:

Procurator, Johanne Vuiller,

My name is Yailin Mozafari. I am the owner of the new apothecary located in Balian. I am interested in speaking with you about this opportunity. I think this is a perfect fit for my skills. I hope to speak with you soon.

Yailin Mozafari

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