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A Lost Walk Of Age


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           A young boy with black hair walked around the lit streets of Hanseti-Ruska for the umpteenth time that night, a frown etched into his face. He passed by the bakery set for eviction, the once aglow Sigmundic Smithy, and back down to the Barclay Bargins. With a sigh he paused as he looked down the main road again, "What do I do- when dawn breaks I will turn 14. I don't know what I should do with my life at all yet."


           He thought back to the stories his older sister told him, about their great-great-great-great grandfather and how he fought with one arm. The great Archer Biano, once ranger for the HRA turned into a quick paced assassin from the shadows. Stories of how he slew a one-eyed beast with simply a dagger, sneaking up on an entire camp and killing everyone in it, and losing his arm to a rouge mercenary with a claymore. It was all stories he enjoyed, albeit for the extra gore his sister loved to throw in, it gave him inspiration and confidence.


           Then why was he feeling so lost, if he truely felt a semblance of confidance or inspiration from stores of his ancestor why does he hesitate to find a soldier and ask to join? He thought it was because he feared not being good enough to fight alongside well-seasoned warriors. Maybe because he wanted to stay in Haense and learn to forge weapons and create beautiful masterpeices that could-hopefully rival the masters. And yet he stopped, watching the forge fire burn out, watching the lone soldier at their post from a distance, all because he was unsure.


            So the rest of the night, he paced the streets of Haense, looking through store windows and beating himself down for not being good enough.


I love emo posting for characters.
So he is the decendant of Archer Biano who also has a sister. Meet Angelo Biano and Annabel Biano. 👍


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