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Medieval Times

This missive outlines Ser Sveneld Ivanovich's final actions before his doom.

Horen's Calling, 1898 F.A.



As Karl III declares how justice is to be payed for the actions committed against Haense, Sveneld snaps. Barging his way through the crowd of noblemen, "This is absurd." He barked as he lowed his hand towards the grip of his longsword, unsheathing his Raevir blade from his scabbard before directing the point towards the King of Haense. "This is a mockery." He roared as numerous guardsmen unsheathed their weapons towards Sveneld in order to shield Karl III. He lunges forward in attempt of impaling Katerina, successfully plunging his sword into her face before his skull is split in half by the same King he swore to protect.


Sveneld was dead.


The crowd gasps at the horrific sighting, some talking amongst each other and some shrieking in fear. "For every step the Ivanovich take fowards, they take five hundred steps backwards." The corpse of Sveneld was heaved out the hall as echoes of King Karl III ordered the execution of all Ivanovich blood and Cherskavy levymen.



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The young Jan Ivanovich sat within his room, trying to read over old scriptures of his ancestors. He waited for his father to return home from the peace summit. From outside his room a loud bang could be heard, Jan leaped to his feet to open the door to see a friend of his family, Stannik Kovachev barge into his room quickly packing all of Jan's things into sack. Bewildered and confused, the young raevir asked Stannik, "What doing with my things? We going hunting?" Stannik remained cold and uttered but a few words, "Your papej is dead, now you must leave and never return, for you safety." Jan was speechless, the young Ivanovich hadn't a clue how to comprehend this information, but he did as he was told, Stannik said one more thing before ushering the boy out the door, "Find friends, find your grandpapej, you will be safe then." 


Jan would then leave his home and run into the woods knowing all that he did of hunting and survival, his next chapter began, a search for any kin or friends... 

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Karl III twitched as he ordered the death of many in a moment of anger, seeing the mixed blood of Ivanovich and Barbanov upon the dais. "Perhaps I acted in haste." He murmured. "Let Godan be my witness for what I did was right. That I dispensed justice."

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Katerina would be resting in her bed and recovering from her injuries. The pain was luckily bearable due to the numbing agent that was applied once in a while to the scabbing wound. "Godani forgive him, he is dead but still deserving of peace in vyr skies despite his sins." she muttered in a heavy sigh. 

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Bishop Iosif sat in sombre silence. His eyes were locked in a deep, unending stare with the scratch in his desk. So much blood he thought and all for the actions of one man. The moment played on repeat, that sickening display of the Cherskavy levyman's throat being slit. Over in a split second, a red line traced and a life extinguished. None even offered to help Iosif carry the body for its final rites and cremation, not a single one. The band of men who'd surrounded the Aaunite had come and gone just as quickly as they'd began baying for his blood.


The chiming bell tolls of the Church of St. Otto in Valwyck brought him back to the present but the clergyman's mood persisted even if the bloodletting was over. Haense needs its church more than ever.

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Hera hopes that any children thrown from their homes may find her, and find solace there. But in the meantime, she prepared rooms in Helious. 

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