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[✗] Creature Lore - The Duskflayers of Casmiokarra


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The Duskflayers of Casmiokarra



Originating from the depths of Casmiokarra, a glacial land with many secrets frozen within the depths of its ancient ice structures, the Duskflayer as locals termed it is a ferocious beast that scours the lands looking for its next victims. This beast used to roam the lands centuries ago before many of the descendents spanned the world in which they exist, going completely unrecognized for over 300 years. However, due to the changing tides and shifts of magick among the world, a great storm covered the lands of Casmiokarra plummeting this species into depths of frozen, magical ice that preserved them for some time.

In recent years, given more populace worldly events among the world, especially the large amount of otherworldly impacts hitting the lands, the ice structures that encapsulated these creatures soon came to break unleashing them upon local nomadic tribes and natives near their lands. Eventually, they had consumed all that lingered there before completely wiping out all forms of life upon their continent.

Slowly they learned to expand outwards, traversing over mountains and even attaining the ability to swim. Such ability was dangerous however, even allowing these creatures to reach the lands known as Almaris, starving for a new source of food. Their means of hunting however involves them cramming their body into the flesh of a deceased being or animal animating it as they scour the world looking for individuals engaging in romantic activities. Upon finding a couple indulging in any form of romance, they will approach the decaying corpse before springing themselves outwards to slaughter and consume the unlikely individuals before them.



Physiology and Mentality

Duskflayers are creatures that consist of a main body that has many long appendages and limbs attached to it. This creature often has many faces that are attached to its body via an adhesive or through impalement; a way of shaming its victims who have fallen to its devices. These creatures are completely unnatural and look akin to otherworldly monsters.

Those near the creature would smell a foul and horrid stench, however by the time one was even close enough to smell such it would likely be too late for them to escape combat with this creature. These creatures attacks are swift and deadly, and if not avoided would likely end in death.

These creatures would often span between the height of 10-15 meters tall, and often can weigh between 200-400 pounds depending on their size. Their body would be covered in a thick layer of chitin that is as durable as brick. They would have many eyes that they use for eyesight, and would be capable of all senses; touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste. Their limbs can contain everything from acidic spores that pollute gas onto nearby areas, razor sharp blades made of their body’s material, and so on. This body however would be extremely flexible allowing the creature to bundle itself up and inhabit the corpse of a past living being, or even something inorganic like a barrel.

Duskflayers pride themselves on their hunting capabilities. These creatures are naturally drawn to humanoid species romanticizing with one another, such as descendents out on a picnic, or cretin lingering with one another in deep caverns without speaking or moving for hours. 




Duskflayers are capable of many abilities given their unnatural forms and nature. Often traveling alone as they look for victims, they are widely capable of performing their singular goal - hunting.

Their bodies allow for them to mutate and mold together practically anything to their liking so long as they have experienced it before. For example a duskflayer within a deep cavern could mutate a stronger form of stone-skin, as well as sharp spikes akin to the ones they would see. A duskflayer within a town could form swords and blades made of its own chitin with ease. These creatures are incapable of magicks and are too vicious to be tamed or reasoned with upon any circumstances.





- These creatures are played by ST and are at their discretion, they are not playable by players.

- Duskflayers can under NO circumstances be tamed, communicated with via druidism, reasoned with, bribed, and so forth. Their minds are inertly programmed through evolution to slaughter and consume their target.

- These creatures are not selective, they will go for any and all who engage in the activities listed above.

- These creatures cannot be studied and recreated through any alchemic or magickal means.
- Adheres to all specifications listed in the lore above.




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that last redline made me laugh out loud, so for that reason and that reason alone, +1

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Why everyone making creature lore all of a sudden.. regardless cool lore, would be happy to see this implemented

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This lore has been denied.


While an interesting and unique piece, some aspects were viewed by ET as poor traits to use in events. 

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