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A Scion Sprouting


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A Scion Spouting,

A sharpened dagger thrown down swiftly upon the tree branch, severing it completely and quickly. The Mali'Ame then places the branch to the side, going to take a few more cutting from the tree. She kneels down, picking up a shoot that she had dissected from the mother plant. The dagger is then used to begin shaving the bark off of the branch that she had picked. Not too large, though not a small branch either - Perfect for her purpose in mind. As all bark had been removed from a few inches from the bottom, the Puerokar then begins to pick off almost every leaf upon the branch except those near the top.


Once finished with the task, she moves onto dipping the branch into raw honey as to promote their roots to grow, placing the branch then into a pot of soil and adding slightly more as to cover the area it was planted. Leaning down to pick up another branch, she repeats the process ad nauseum for the few cuttings that she had taken from the tree, taking a rather long time to do so. Yet, as she finishes, she stands to stretch her barely aged back and walk to the side to retrieve her ferrous watering can already filled with water.


Returning to the scene, she tips it slightly with an inclination of her wrist and aims for the potted soil, the water pouring quickly into each pot as she moves along them, keeping the soil moist for the sprigs to begin growing into trees - At the least, one of them to begin growing.


And so, the process began of watering each scion of the plant each day, hoping that one would begin to grow roots which could then be planted into the soil, allowing a full tree to grow in some years, perhaps decades if watered and allowed to grow in a spot of apt sunlight. 

After a month of planting the sprigs into the pot, the 'Ame returns as she had each day, but this time not to water the plants. Kneeling down, gently tugging on each cutting and seeing whether or not roots had began forming near the base - For some, no. For others, slight callouses can surely be seen upon the stems that have been submerged in soil. And for one, roots are truly beginning to form, faster than the rest of the bath, the scion's 'brethren'. 


Placing it back into the soil, she strains then to pick the pot up and begin walking further away from any other plant to give this sprig the best chance of survival, away from much competition from the roots of other plants. Kardem, placing the pot down, hurriedly rushes back to her home as to retrieve a spade for digging, finding one rather quickly and returning to the area which she had left the scion plant. Baring the spade into the ground next to the pot, beginning to dig down into the earth as for planting it and to begin the true sprouting of a tree.


Once again pours water upon the plant, having to repeat the process for watering the plant again for the next few months.. Though, she now had to walk further from her home to do so. An opportune place for sunlight, though more strenuous upon herself. She goes back to the potted sprigs, taking a few more that had promising results and planting them, too, around the area, spread out enough as not to cause too much competition once again. Watering them, and then moving on, back to the comforts of her own home. Doing so again, and again, and again, over the next few months.

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