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The Day of Confessors


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A day of public confession and charity within the Kingdom of Balian


Crusader Kings 2: Hymns of Revelation- Deus Misere


Painting: "The Charity of Eggs" inspired by the events of St. Noah of Petrus.


Teodosio Cardinal Tyria hereby invites those faithful of Balian and across Almaris to join in a day of public piety in honour of St. Noah of Petrus. The day will serve as an understanding of the life of St. Noah as well performing virtuous acts of charity and penance. 


The divulges of the confessors


The day will begin with the faithful gathering with the Basilica la Sorella in a moment of prayer before venturing into the streets of Atrus as a congregation to publicly confess their sins to themselves, each other and before GOD for all to see. The aim is not to embarrass each other but to foster the sense of community as the faithful of GOD that everyone sins in one form or another and though you should not feel ashamed when asking for forgiveness from GOD. 


The charity of eggs


It is told that a starving family’s father prayed to St. Noah whilst confessing his sins and the next day he found his hens had produced dozens of eggs. In homage to this miracle performed, it is encouraged that those attending the festivities bring eggs, egg based products, egg based treats to provide for the poor. The Cardinal will hold a collection point for those to donate their goods once the divulges of the confessors has concluded.


In honour of the Syndic


The Syndic holds power much like a traditional Mayor within the city of Atrus. St. Noah was elected Mayor of Petrus and served in that role virtuously and proudly to his people. In appreciation for the work that the Syndic and Vice-Syndic does for the city, a drink will be held in the local tavern. Toasts by the people in appreciation for their work will be shouted aloud for all to hear. 


This day of festivities will occur on the 14th Godfrey's Triumph, 1907.

Teodosio Cardinal Tyria

Bishop of Tyria

Interim Auditor of the Tribunal



13th January 6PM EST


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Ledicort offers a weak smile as he even through the troubles facing Balian with the approaching dragon, Balian’s piety shines through.

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The Countess of Aquilae takes note that all of the eggs for sale within her bazaar are sold out, bewildered before seeing the most recent missive. Soon enough, more eggs are stocked and she spoke with some people on getting egg-based goods made.

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