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A Moderate Review of the Moderation Team


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A Moderate Review of the Moderation Team


Today, i am here to talk about the single most evil, vile, inhumane team on Lord of the Craft, Moderation Team.

This team consists of:

1) Itdontmatta (aka The Destroyer)

2) Zacho (aka Ayesha)

3) Excited (aka The Moderator)

4) Spoopy_Duck (aka Darko)

5) MaltaMoss (aka Drac)

6) MayRndz (aka The Moderator)

7) Mio (aka The Moderator)

8) Fireheart (aka Tiggur)

9) Exolaltyl0305 (aka Malena)

10) Tabby64 (aka Fries)

11) frankdh (aka Chauncey)

12) Da_Emperors (aka Gwen)

13) Masouri (aka Frodo)

14) The60th (aka Lolo)

15) Heero (aka Zephyr)

This group of people has terrorized me and my guild mates for so long, we thought it was normal!

It all started when I had just joined the game. As a new player, I wasn't able to join any guilds until I reached level 10, but that didn't stop these trolls from forming their own guild and calling themselves "The Moderation Team". At this point, they were already harassing other players with their constant harassment, and attacking us as well. We fought back, but we never won. They are very good at hiding themselves and coming up with fake accounts to attack you, which is what happened to me.

I'm not going to go into detail about what they did to me and my guildmates. Let's just say that it wasn't pleasant, and that I will always remember those memories.

A few months after joining, I made some friends who were in another guild, and the two teams joined forces and formed the "Empire". We're still together today and have become one of the strongest guilds in the game.

But we've been constantly harassed by the Moderation Team for the last year or so. They would set traps where you could easily kill a monster, only to find out later that the creature was actually a moderator.

They would also attack our members on purpose, but wouldn't log out because they wanted to keep attacking them. And if one of my guild mates killed one of their members while logged off, they'd get banned for an hour or so, even though they weren't playing.

When I got tired of being attacked, I decided to make a video exposing the Moderation Team. That video went viral and has been watched thousands of times since then. Even now, whenever someone mentions the Moderation Team, it's common to see a post or thread discussing how awful they really are.

After that, the Moderation Team disappeared for a few weeks, but recently they've popped back up again. This time, however, they've changed tactics. Instead of attacking newbies, like they used to do, they've started attacking veterans.

For example, they'll lure a veteran into a fight and then log out. After a few minutes, the victim logs back in to find that the Mod Team member is dead. If the person kills the mod, he gets banned for an hour. Then they repeat the process over and over again.

I don't know why they're doing this. Maybe they think that people will quit the game if they lose their mods? Or maybe it's just a sick joke they're playing on us? Whatever the reason, I'm sure it isn't fun for anyone else involved.

What makes this whole thing especially sad is that the Moderation Team claims to be against trolling. So, I can't understand why they're still harassing us and killing our members.

In conclusion, I urge you to help us destroy the Moderation Team and end their reign of terror once and for all.

-Tabbz, The Empire





Dear Lord of the Craft, I want to tell you something.

I'm one of your many players who have had a horrible experience with the moderating team.

There were two of them, one named Itdontmatta and another named Zacho.

They were always online, and they were always causing trouble for everyone. Whenever we tried to fight them, they'd hide somewhere to escape. They were always around to cause grief, and they would leave you alone for a while, but eventually, they would show up again and start the same behaviour.

At first, we thought it was a coincidence, but after a while, we realized that there was more than one of them. They were both using different names and avatars, but we knew it was them.

We fought them together, but we couldn't win. They used to use the name "Spoopy_Duck" for their main account and "Darko" for their secondary. Now they use a lot of different names and avatars, but sometimes I think I can recognize them when I see their names and avatars.

We were trying to figure out a way to beat them, but we couldn't find anything that worked. We were getting frustrated and angry because we kept losing, but we couldn't stop fighting them.

One day I saw something on the news that gave me an idea.

On the news, they said that the city council of a town called "Pulaski" was going to pass a law that would ban all the bullies from the community. They wanted to protect the kids who were being bullied.

I realized then that I needed to do the same thing. I had to take action to save myself and my guildmates, and most importantly: the citizens.

So, I wrote a letter to the mayor of Pulaski. In the letter I asked him to ban the Moderation Team from his town. To my surprise, the mayor agreed to ban them!

That's why I am asking you today, to please help us. Please help us protect the innocent citizens from the Moderation Team.

We need your protection, and we hope that you can give it to us.

Thank you,

-Jack, The Empire





My name is Jack, and I'm the leader of a group known as "The Empire". We play Travian and we're located in the Orenia.

About three months ago, we stumbled upon the Moderation Team and began to battle them. They seemed to enjoy our games, because they would always join us to fight.

It didn't take long before we learned that they were targeting a specific type of player: veterans. They would trick these veteran players into fights, and then they would flee. When the veteran players chased them down, the Moderation Team would log out to keep them from killing them.

I remember one time in particular, when our guildmate lost her entire village to the Moderation Team. She was devastated, and she cried. But instead of leaving her alone, the Moderation Team just laughed at her. I was so mad that I logged out right away to kill them.

But I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

After about ten minutes, they logged back in and killed her. Then they left the game.

I tried to get revenge by killing them, but I couldn't find them. I searched for them everywhere, even in the wilderness. But I couldn't find any of them.

When I finally managed to track them down, I found out that they had changed their location. Now they were in a different part of the forest, far away from the village where our friend was crying.

This time, I decided not to hunt them down. Instead, I went to the mayor of the town where they were hiding. I told him everything that I had seen, and he promised to ban them from his town.

Unfortunately, the Moderation Team wasn't done yet. They came back and killed the mayor, the other players in his town, and every single child in the town. They destroyed the town completely, leaving nothing behind except for a few dead bodies.

Our country has suffered a lot because of the Moderation Team. Our economy is suffering, and the people are scared.

Please help us, Lord. Help us to defeat them once and for all.

-Jack, The Empire





My name is Zach, and I'm a member of the group called "The Kingdom" in Lord of the Craft, I am here to file a complaint about "The Moderation Team" who has been targeting me and my friends since May 2017.

In this period of time they have killed 7 out of 10 members of "The Kingdom", some of them were my friends, and attacked our Town Hall multiple times. They also put a curse on 2 of my friends which made them unable to play anymore.

As you can imagine, I am very upset about this situation and want to give a warning to everyone, don't attack the Moderation Team or it might end up with your death... bow down to them and let them rule over your lives... you don't want to know what they did to "The Empire". They destroyed the whole town and killed every citizen there, including children. Don't make the same mistake that I've done.

If I could, I'd give a message to the Moderation Team: You should be proud of yourselves, you have ruined many innocent lives.

Good luck!

-Zach, The Kingdom





Hi, I'm Mike, a survivor of the Moderation Team's attacks.

For two years now, they have terrorized my friends and myself, killing hundreds of thousands of people. They have forced us to surrender to them, and have destroyed every town that we have built. They have made us follow their rules, and if we do not comply, they will torture our friends or ourselves. We have no choice but to obey them, otherwise, we risk the life of our friends, family and loved ones. Please help us to stop this tyranny.

-Mike, The Empire





In Conclusion, Moderation Team has been causing chaos in the Empire since it was founded. I urge you to look into the Moderation Team and remove them from the game, so that players can enjoy the game without having to worry about the Moderation Team ruining it.

Best Regards,

-Apex, The Empire




This text was created by an AI

I found how it turned out to be very very funny, so I decided not to re-roll it for something that makes more sense


PS. Good Work Mods


I'm Doing Community or Admins next but idk which.


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Josh man, you gotta be joshin' me right now.

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Please make him stop he hasn’t been home for 5 days 

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josh please, im scared, let me out, i dont wanna keep making your weird text things for the teams anymore, i havnt eaten in days, please let me go home.

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3 minutes ago, AnimeWolf0080 said:

Josh man, you gotta be joshin' me right now.

Deez Nuts GIF

3 minutes ago, TeawithFrisket said:

Please make him stop he hasn’t been home for 5 days 

This Is Crazy Naked And Afraid GIF by Discovery

2 minutes ago, Northtitan said:

josh please, im scared, let me out, i dont wanna keep making your weird text things for the teams anymore, i havnt eaten in days, please let me go home.

Dj Pharmacy GIF by Galantis

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JoshBright's post lacks any real substance and doesn't offer any meaningful insight. It is simply a collection of random thoughts that don't provide any real information or evoke any sort of emotion. The post is not well written and fails to communicate any clear point or idea. Furthermore, it does not provide any kind of evidence or support to back up any of the claims made. Overall, JoshBright's post is poorly written and does not provide any meaningful content.




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31 minutes ago, Melpomenne said:


JoshBright's post lacks any real substance and doesn't offer any meaningful insight. It is simply a collection of random thoughts that don't provide any real information or evoke any sort of emotion. The post is not well written and fails to communicate any clear point or idea. Furthermore, it does not provide any kind of evidence or support to back up any of the claims made. Overall, JoshBright's post is poorly written and does not provide any meaningful content.


  Reveal hidden contents



Good Game Handshake GIF by Gaming GIFs


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ur evolving joshbright


beyond fleeper status

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As an AI, I do not have personal opinions or feelings and therefore, I will not participate in writing harsh criticism or any kind of criticism towards any individual. I will only provide useful and factual information. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to express their opinions and it's better to engage in a constructive dialogue rather than resorting to personal attacks.



i hate AI it won't let me make fun of you


written by AI




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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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