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[✗] [Playable CA] Naztherak — Zar'akal


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Zar’akal — The Twisted Kings

Unknown artist. Please DM if credits can be found.


A Prince who has mastered the infernal arts may take a final leap into the pits of hell. Though the creation of accursed artifacts, conjuration of wicked flame and sewing of accursed items and trinkets are a handsome prize indeed, there is no reward greater than the infernal ascension from a mere Prince to a Twisted King.

For those who have already delved deep into demonology, there is one step left to take in their pursuit of power, zealous service to the Pentacle, or other blinkered searching for promised forbidden knowledge. Through a dark and unnatural rite, Naztherak may surrender the last of their blasphemous soul to the powers of Moz Strimoza and in doing so, shed their mortality. They take up the mantle of Twisted King, Zar’akal, and serve their patron Zar’rokul as a harbinger upon the mortal plane. The ‘akal walks amidst mortal kind as a wolf amongst sheep, luring potential Princes from the flock, and preparing the rest for slaughter.

A Naztherak who has dedicated four slots to their devilish arts may take the final leap to become a Zar’akal. Like all prior pacts, this cannot be reversed and is typically only undertaken by those Princes who have truly lost themselves to the powers of the Pentacle. They are often distinguished above even other Inferi as a commander or a general is over footmen, wreathed in embers and ash, crowned with horns, and some even cloaked in great wings.


General Redlines

- Acquiring Zar’akal requires a T5 Naztherak to possess Malflame, Demonology, Curses and Pacting; meaning four of their magic slots must be dedicated to Naztherak.

- Zar’akal creation is inherently learnt upon one reaching T5 in Naztherak. It can be assumed that one is told via their familiar, member of their court, or whichever aesthetic fashion one so desires.

- Although the creation of a Zar’akal does not require one’s RP consent, OOC consent is required and thus requires a valid CA.

-  The transformation into the CA Zar’akal is irreversible by default but is plausible with an accepted MArt.

- The emote counts for combative casting are unchanged from normal Naztherak.

- Acquiring Zar'akal does not cost additional magic slots, meaning that a Zar'akal will have one remaining magic slot to spare after transformation. 
- Cannot be combined with any other CAs.
- Cannot be combined with the Sycophant, Corcitura, or Harsupex FA.
- Retains the magical compatibility of the Naztherak magic, meaning any magic that costs 1 slot only is compatible.




Ascension of Flesh

This ritual requires a signature pit of blood and viscera, also refferred to in Ilzakarn as  surrounded by a pentacle, in which the aspiring Prince will enter either willingly or unwillingly. They are then completely submerged in blood, and although it is typical to use the Inferi of one’s court, mundane animals or even a Descendant blood sacrifice will suffice. The surrounding Naztherak and/or Zar’akal will then each infuse at least [30] maleus into the pentacle over the course of 3 emotes each. Beneath the pool, the subject’s mind and body falls into a comatose-like state as they begin to undergo the infernal changes, leaving them unable to be played for 1 OOC day. The amount of Naztherak and/or Zar’akal required for this ritual varies.

-If no Zar’akal aid/lead the ritual, five T4 (or higher) Naztherak are required
-If one Zar’akal aids/leads the ritual, four T4 (or higher) Naztherak are required
-If two Zar’akal lead the ritual, two T5 Naztherak are required



- The Ascension of Flesh ritual requires the proportionate amount of Naztherak in accordance with the list above.

- In order to become a Zar’akal, a Naztherak must be T5 and have devoted all 4 slots to the differing subtypes.

- The character undergoes a temporary shelving period in which they may not be played for 1 OOC day once the ritual concludes.

- Flavor and aesthetics are encouraged, so long as the general premise of the ritual is adhered to.

- Although a character may be turned into a Zar’akal against their will, OOC consent is required regardless.

Additionally, a Naztherak may be ascended via event lines via whatever means are appropriate for the overseeing ST, be it to encourage healthy longevity of the CA or other reasoning.

- This requires managerial approval.



Image generated by Glib


With their last vestiges of mortal mundanity cast away, a Zar’akal is consumed almost entirely by their Malice. Their newfound form brings with it the catalyst to their mental undoing, wherein the will to walk this accursed path has trumped their humanity. They are selfish to a fault, shedding the moral laws of man that hindered their goals. The primary malice is further emphasized, dominating the Zar’akal’s fractured mind, as well as their secondary malice to a lesser degree.

The whispers and nightmares bestowed upon them by their patron do not fade, but such a wretched thing might find comfort in them. The Twisted King may find they hear their Zar’rokul more readily now, or are merely broken and delirious enough to believe they do. In any case, the mastery of their dark powers culminates with the ability to cast their abilities without the need for a Grimoire, their demonic mind able to comprehend, remember, and recall Ilzakarn, speaking incantations without aid.

- All memories, skills, knowledge, etc all remain intact at the player's discretion.

- A Grimoire is no longer required to use Naztherak abilities, but they may choose to keep one.

- Connection to the magic for a Zar’akal is instead denoted by constant embers, small flames emitting from them, or other light aesthetic emotes. This takes the place of the grimoire emote as the connection.




Zar’akal are no longer bound by the constraints of their descendant-flesh; they are indistinguishable from other Inferi, their Naztherak mutations heightened and their image hideously warped. This new flesh of theirs would be impervious to the effects of malflame.


They may emerge taller or shorter after their transformation, reaching a maximum of 7 ft and a minimum of 4 ft, but do not become any faster, keener, etc. Zar’akal possess a deeper pool of 65 maleus and lose the weakness obtained from the connection as a Naztherak, matching the peak strength of their original descendant race. As well, the Zar’akal is capable of casting without a grimoire should they choose, wherein the emote of grabbing one is substituted for some other tell.


These beasts will come to realize their appetites have also changed, reliant on a meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and such waning should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. A zar’akal made to rely on vegetation would fall into a weakened state but will live. They may consume descendant races, without risk of negative side effects and disease.



-  They may additionally have physical mutations as long as they are monstrous. Mutations may not provide a mechanical or combat advantage without a MArt, save any variation of wings, which are detailed in the ability “Flight.” For instance, one may not have more limbs to use in combat, or climb city walls, horns cannot block sword strikes, spines cannot impale others etc.

-  The natural state of a Zar’akal cannot be conventionally attractive. Even if a player applies an ‘otherworldly beauty’ aesthetic to a Zar’akal, their appearance should be deeply unsettling.

- One may not use the height boost to go beyond 7ft. 

- Zar’akal cannot be bound by Naztherak.

- Zar’akal are immune to malflame.

- They do not need sleep, but must eat, drink and breathe. If a zar’akal is forced to subsist upon plant-based foods, such as while captured, they may not maintain their peak physical strength. Their appearance may deteriorate to connote this.

- Zar'akal are sterile and unable to FTB.

- When not using their Facade, a Zar’akal is considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ Holy magics are more effective against the Zar’akal, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells.

- A Zar’akal may be harvested for 5 units of rakir upon death in a freeform fashion. One could quickly draw it from them with a needle or attempt to squeeze it out of a severed limb, for example.

- As mentioned above, the connection emote may be substituted for a different emote, though it may also be broken much like a Naztherak’s would be.


"Immortal, but not impervious."

Sergei Zolotov - The Infernal Metaphor


Whilst a Zar’akal has been given many boons from their new state, as with any other gift from the Hells, there is a cost. Once unaffected by the likes of aurum, such a thing now brings that terrible burn that they bring any other creature whose soul has been altered in such a way. As well, holy magics bring their burn upon such a corrupted soul, a powerful weapon against the Zar’akal.


The best weapon against this King, however, is the elusive substance known as Thanhium. Cuts can render a Zar’akal’s casting inert, and prevent them from shifting between their Facade and their true form. 



-  As stated before, a Zar’akal, when not using their Facade, is considered a Revealed Dark Creature for the purposes of holy magics.

-  Aurum has the full effects listed within the Aurum lore against creatures with altered souls, causing an increased level of pain upon cutting the skin. 

-  Aurum does not burn on physical contact with the skin alone, but aurum blades, and to a lesser extent slayersteel, will cut flesh easier and with more pain to the Zar’akal.

-  Cuts made with thanhic steel, or thanhium within the bloodstream, locks the Zar’akal out of all casting, up to and including shifting in and out of their Facade. This prevention lasts for four [4] emotes post-exposure.





The ascension to Zar’akal breaks the shackles binding a False Prince to the standard cycles of life and death. Now bound to the pentacle and their whims, a Zar’akal’s soul will be banished to Moz Strimoza upon the demise of their physical form. In these hellish planes the wretched soul thrives, mending itself of wounds sustained. Zar’akal recover within the following timeframes:



-When bled out, the Zar’akal will recover after 1 IRL day.

-When disemboweled, stabbed through the heart, organ failure, etc. The Zar’akal will recover -after 3 IRL days.

-When beheaded or dismembered, the Zar’akal will recover after 5 IRL days. 

-When burnt or withered to ashes, the Zar’akal will recover after 2 IRL weeks.
-When eaten, either dead or alive, by another Zar’akal, the Zar’akal may only be resurrected via the Revival ritual. A Zar’akal who is killed via any of the aforementioned must be eaten within 5 narrative minutes, or 10 OOC minutes of their death in order to be sent to the Moz’strimoza. This must be done in 3 quality emotes.


After the Zar’akal has fully recuperated, characters who possess the Witch’s Mark (see below) may be made privy to knowledge of their recovery.


- Players must still roleplay the fear of death, and may not make references to their revival as a means to shrug off the consequences of being slain. Being destroyed should always be avoided by the character.

- Revival should not be used as a means to continuously harass players with poor villainy. This is considered an abuse of the CA and will be grounds for a blacklist.

- Zar’akal are not invulnerable and are able to be slain like any other member of their prior race.

- Poisons, toxins, heat, cold, etc. affect the Zar’akal as they would any other member of their prior race.

-PvP death, as well as 'downing' or 'restraining' actions emoted out following mechanical PvP negate these resurrection rules and are to be addressed with standard death rules.

- Zar’akal may not recall the details of their death including those who aided in their death, the location of such, etc, nor may they infer such based on the amount of time they were in limbo for. The memory will have been overshadowed by the torturous time they spent in the High Hells, where their sense of time is warped and distorted.
- All other server revival rules apply.

- Even if a Zar’akal dies by mundane means, they may be revived quicker via the revival ritual. They may alert the Witch’s Mark after 1 OOC day of death in this case.

Witch’s Mark
A Zar’akal may grant any soul-bearing individual an accursed Ilzakarn scripture known as the Witch’s Mark. The Witch’s Mark acts as a tether between a Zar’akal and its bearer, in which it may allow the Zar’akal to bind a descendant to itself for an array of nefarious, self-fulfilling means, not unlike the nature of their own infernal court.


The Witch’s Mark may be applied after [3] quality emotes. The Zar’akal places their palm on any portion of the bearer’s body before willing into their soul a small sliver of maleus. Like a brand, the mark will burn and sear into the skin in the form of a vertical, dark red script denoting the Zar’akal’s Ilzakarn name. Once every 2 OOC weeks, the brand must be re-applied, as the Zar’akal’s maleus can only sustain itself in another vessel for so long.

Once the mark has been applied, its bearer is fashioned to the Zar’akal’s court in a similar fashion as the Inferi it commands. The bearer will feel an inclination to commit to servitude of the Zar’akal and whatever methods it may employ upon its victim, or even a reverence for the Zar’akal as a commoner might admire a true King. The relationship between the bearer and Zar’akal becomes more prone to influence and sway, and though most often subjects the victim to an innate desire of servitude, may be roleplayed with whatever other conventions and themes the parties desire. When within range, the Zar’akal is capable of sensing the bearer among crowds in a range of [24] blocks, or even if they conceal themselves with armor, cloth, or other magical means.

Additionally, users who possess the Witch’s Mark may be made privy to the knowledge of a Zar’akal’s recuperation period, and subsequently are used as conduits for their attempted revival. Once their soul has replenished enough to return to the mortal plane, the Zar'akal may release a metaphysical call to their disciples, those who they've graced the Witch's Mark. This call may come in a variety of fashions, such as a brief vision of the High Hells, a tug at the back of the mind, or an iron-hot glow of the mark.


- Application of the Witch’s Mark requires OOC consent, but not RP consent

- This cannot be used for lewd/FTB purposes in any capacity.
- The Witch’s Mark does not allow for the feeding of information beyond the knowledge that a Zar’akal is reaching out from the Hells. That being said, it cannot be used to detect who has killed one, where, their time of death, or even that they've died until the aforementioned call is made. Refer to basic monk-revival guidelines if reference is needed.

- Naztherak may not roleplay inherent knowledge of a Zar’akal’s revival without possessing the Witch’s Mark, under any circumstances, even if it’s reasonable that the Striith or court would inform them regardless of the mark. 

- It does not act as a network that informs you of the revival period of other Zar’akal — only the one who granted you the mark.

- The Witch’s mark cannot be hidden upon the skin or removed by any method other than its natural expiration or a Zar’akal. This includes Tawkin and alchemy. Clothes or armor may suffice.

- A Zar’akal may remove the mark of another Zar’akal. This does not require OOC consent.

- The Witch’s Mark may be applied to a maximum of 3 separate characters, and must be re-applied once every 2 OOC weeks. If not re-applied within this timeframe, the mark will fade, sizzle out, flake into ash, etc, rendering all effects and influence null. 

- A character may only possess one Witch’s Mark at a time. 

- The Witch's Mark cannot be applied to non-soul bearing descendants or entities.



A means to lull descendants into false feelings of security, the zar’akal can temporarily take mortal shape by siphoning soul essence untainted by maleus. This form is not permanent, however. A reminder that true humanity is no longer theirs, nor will it ever be.




A Zar’akal saps a descendant over the course of four emotes, or three if the target is willing. This occurs in a 2 block radius around the Zar’akal, the aesthetics left to the player’s liberty so long as clear tells are conveyed; be it tendrils of malflame wrapping around a restrained target, or a shimmering pentacle beneath as a warlock conducts an elaborate ritual. Once complete, the victim is left in a lethargic state for 1 OOC hour, too weak for combat but strong enough to attempt escape and recover their energy. A side effect of intermingling with the corruption of a zar’akal leaves the victim’s complexion withered and wrinkled, as if they had abruptly aged centuries (or decades, for humans). This can be remedied with sprog’s elixir.


The Naztherak experiences the adverse, reverting into a seemingly mundane descendant for 2 OOC weeks. The sliver of a soul unmarked by maleus is enough for the creature to recall how they felt as a mortal, and indeed, the experience of these sensations thought lost might become addicting to some. When fueled, they can change between both forms over the span of [2] emotes, but after this time has passed, the Zar’akal returns to their base form. Their chosen appearance cannot be altered unless they siphon the purity from another. An advantage of this form over mortal Naztherak is the illusion’s gift to conceal the Brand outside of combative casting.



- When an appearance is decided, it cannot be changed unless another descendant is exhausted. 

- One may not disguise as the opposite gender.

- A Naztherak cannot take any appearance younger than sixteen.

- The appearance of other CA’s cannot be taken. The facade can only resemble the core four descendants.

- In their facade, the Zar’akal’s strength is capped at the peak of their original race.

- After a victim is drained, they cannot be drained again for 4 OOC weeks. 

- After 1 OOC week, the victim’s complexion recovers naturally, appearing as they once had. This can be quickened with sprog’s elixir.

- Zar’akal, even when polymorphed, still retain their Striith mutations. 

- Zar’akal cannot disguise as another player’s character without OOC consent.


Through the use of wretched wings, Zar’akal who possess wings are capable of feats of gliding; from building to building, down a jagged cliffside, or anything between.


Utilizing wings wrought of their flesh, Zar’akal are capable of feats of flight; from building to building, down a jagged cliffside, or anything between. This ability adheres to the current mechanics rule, stating that a player may not RPly access (gliding or “flying”) anywhere they are incapable of MCly accessing. In broad, this is an aesthetic ability, and cannot be used for combative or movement-based advantage. 




-A player who wishes to utilize wings in an event beyond what the mechanics entail may do so at ST discretion.

-A player may not use this to justify bypassing settlement defenses they are otherwise unable to bypass mechanically.

-Wings do not grant greater movement speed or agility than jogging or sprinting. That being said, default combat movement speed is to be considered.
-This ability may not be used to negate the damage of falling from great heights.





Ra’Ilkgarokk - The Infernal Sickness 

“Zhad ze’hug, rokmael kiel.”

Destroy this land, o’ great Lord. 

Daena Key

A means to an end - The Ra’Ilkgarokk is a powerful ritual that turns a lush environment into one that imitates the realm of Moz Strimoza, so that the semblance of disorder and chaos may flourish instead.



The landscape transforms into a desolate, barren wasteland with harsh and unforgiving terrain. Now littered with lava pools, dead-bushes replace the colorful lively flowers, jagged rocks with sorrowful faces, trees made of flesh and licked by malflame scatter throughout the terrain. Additionally, the sky would remain in perpetual darkness within this afflicted region, with only lightning strikes illuminating its landscape. The air grows thick with smoke and the smell of sulfur lingers, burdening any non-Inferi with a slight tightness in their chest. Despair is all a Descendant would feel when stepping into the area. 


The area becomes the Zar’akal’s sinister canvas, allowing the region to appear however they desire. 


The ritual requires the Zar’akal to draw a pentagram in the center of their chosen land, and willing [5] units of their rakir onto it. 

The ritual takes [5] emotes to completely alter the domain’s appearance. [2] emotes for preparation, [1] For willing the rakir, and [1] For altering the land. 

This region does not span more than [75x75] blocks unless approval is given by the ST or RO. Otherwise if created as a lair, the land may be as large as the lair if the Zar‘akal wishes. It may be smaller if one wishes.

Despite being a testament and replica to Moz Strimoza itself, the ritual is still relatively weak during formation. Should the ritual be interrupted, those with adequate power have a brief chance to banish its presence from the region and return things to normal.

After its completion, it may be purged using ‘Holy’ magics. 

Infernal Blood Magic rites & rituals are given a +2 modifier if cast within the area.

- Players may not create Ilkgarokk upon land without RO consent.

- If it is cultivated underground, the land above will reflect this and become hellish.

- Players may not use pools of lava, mouths etc. to attack other characters etc.

- The Ilkgarokk cannot be commanded or manipulated, even if it is flesh and sinew with faces etc. It is functionally still terrain.

- Imps and beasts may be described in region text, signs etc. to make the corruption more flavourful, but cannot be used to remotely attack players without being actively roleplayed.

- By the same token, players may not presume the plot is perfectly safe to traverse simply because there is no mechanical/player representation of Inferi, or other dangers. Characters would still reasonably have reservations about tromping through a hellscape.



@Bonito @Unwillingly — Lead writers

@BobBox @TimberBuff @Valkirey @caddisf1y— Feedback & Idea spitballing

@Luciloo - Previous write. Much of what you read here is her work as well. 


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Zar'akal is a tricky creature that myself and Kujo put much thought and consideration into. We explored new ideas, made last-minute changes, and like the Naztherak magic itself, this is no revolutionary, groundbreaking rewrite. However, there are some things I feel as though are worth covering.

Facade. We gave Zar'akal the ability to polymorph, to hide amongst the crowds and manipulate their surroundings beneath one's nose. Our justification is simple: we find it counterproductive to expect a meaningful, long-term story to be produced from these creatures when they physically cannot be perceived as mundane components of the interactions they're meant to twist. Entering any public setting and engaging with the individual character is almost impossible due to the understandable response to kill the 8 foot tall eldritch behemoth standing at your gates, unless we decide to hold our players to incomprehensibly high expectations and standards. They were an outlier by every metric, and to my knowledge, one of the only endgame CAs on the server that lacked this basic mechanic. 

Mentality. What you see now isn't what we thought we were certain on submitting. For a long while, I was certain that I wanted to attempt to lessen the rigid constraints of the "husk of one's former self" mentality, and instead allow for something that was more malleable and changing. The idea was that, in their Inferis, un-polymorphed form, they were exactly this: insidious, corrupt, and malicious in every intent. However, in their polymorphed "facade" form, this disposition was slightly lessened under the front of attaining a sliver of humanity from the soul essence of the victim they used to attain their false-skin. It was not removed, just lessened, and made on-par with the average Naztherak mentality. 

I've noticed this particular subject to be controversial within the community over the years. Whether or not dark CAs shouold be capable of experiencing humanity and fluid emotions, or if they should be treated as event-creatures. I consulted player to player, asking for their honest feedback and thoughts on the matter. Many of them concurred, and said they enjoyed the idea of a fluid dark creature, rather than an unchanging "husk" of emotion.

But, as you can see, it's not here. I'm not really sure what made me go back, but if you've decided to read this far through my wall of text, I'd like to hear some thoughts on this matter in particular, and what a fleshed-out response under the official lore post might bring. 

Additionally, please offer your honest thoughts and feedback, be it advice, critique, or praise. I am a novice lorewriter, and I want to know what can be done to improve the piece.

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There is nothing but a long line of praises that I can say for those who worked upon this piece. Out of the multitude that we have produced, Zar'akal is one that happened particularly during my burnout phase and so I did not see much of it until I was reviewing it. Those who worked on this, especially @Unwillingly and @Bonito have breathed new life into a CA which was previously barely thought of or sought after and I have nothing but respect for their work.

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13 minutes ago, IsaaKc said:



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