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A Regretful Thing

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Grimhildr walked into Haense with her typical dour look. First she went to her home to gather up her clothing in a bag then she went to the square. It was her first place of refuge after losing the Scneckenkriegers, the first people she befriended in Almaris lived here, but it slowly became a place she was disgusted with. She closed her eyes for a few moments and considered her actions while thinking about all the friends she had who would likely try to kill her. She could not find a good reason not to do it, it was either that or she loses her temper and become a criminal, so she walked to gates and left the note there before walking away. The family she sought; she ended up finding elsewhere.


"I am Grimhildr Falkenrath. I am an armsman of the BSK. I am a virtuous Canonist, and seek before all else the Glory of God. The Glory of God is not in this war. The Duchy of Adria has not acted unreasonably given the course of War, and having submitted itself to penance of the Church of Canon.


The Kingdom of Haense has no business interfering in the matters of the Heartland. The Free Duchy of Adria has earned its independence through victory in combat against a weaker King, and has since offered reasonable peace terms. The Kingdom of Haense should encourage a settlement in the Heartlands, not pursue bloodshed in the south, and furthermore especially not punish its own people for their friendships in Adria.


I came to Haense as an orphan, seeking a family to replace the one that I had lost, and at first I found the brotherhood of Saint Karl to be fitting. My first fight in a battlefield proper was with the BSK and one that left positive thoughts in my mind for those I fought along with. My opinion would change in a cascade of events beginning with my investigation of the Redclyff kidnappers. I was told by one higher in your ranks that nothing would be done despite the obvious danger, but I thought I could make my superiors understand. I was proven wrong. Case after case I was proven wrong. Each report I handed in earned perhaps a thanks and maybe a pat on the back, but nothing was done about the problems within them. It disgusted and horrified me that my superiors would be so uncaring, so slothful. Still I had some thinking that perhaps I could be one to rise through the ranks.


An unfortunate incident involving Sergeant Skaul is what forever embittered the BSK in my mind. I had captured a man who had threatened two noble women in the palace and was ordered to take the man into captivity. Due to some confusion the man was made a pin cushion by what I now know to be a squire and eventually it was agreed to bring the criminal to the clinic of Haense. There Doctor Haus tended to the man with the understanding the criminal had to be kept alive for further questioning since he was accompanied by two others in the crime. While keeping the clinic guarded from the usual curious onlookers I heard the bell ring and the Dame Alexandra call to rally for Minitz. Perhaps ten men including myself gathered, but the call was dismissed by Sergeant Skaul due to claims of Haense needing to keep their men in the city. I will confess I myself walked away and had to be provoked to action by another. When I arrived it was only myself and Dame Alexandra, a blind and sick woman, who showed up to assist Minitz. I was ashamed and I was shamed by the men of Minitz for the lack of honor they showed. Later on I found out Sergeant Skaul’s concerns of safety involved harassing Doctor Haus and calling him a traitor for tending to a criminal who was in such a condition that he would have died without care. Still I had some patience for the behavior of those in the brotherhood. That patience was culled when Haense was called to rescue one of their own and not one man answered.


I am tired of sitting by while good people get hurt. I am tired of nothing happening to people who openly abuse others in the city. I can no longer serve a brotherhood who seems to only exist and do nothing else. I can no longer serve a king who demands war and would even seek his own daughter's head while refusing to make any real move against his supposed enemy. Haus, Via, Anastasia, Amaya, you all have been kind to me and I will always be thankful for that. I hope you understand why I do this and I hope we never have to cross blades for I will not draw mine."



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Sofya von Draco gently pat the Falkenrath girl's shoulder. "I enjoyed our chat, lass. Stay safe out there, ja?"

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"Sometimes ah wonder if people are born with spines nowadays. Because clearleh this one wasn'." Malcolm Gant said to no one in particular

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"What a shame." The eldest of the Weiss sighed, moving the missive aside as he continued his paperwork.

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Lady Amaya Colborn sat in the clinic, terse and silent as she crumpled the letter in her hands whilst her tears dripped onto the parchment. 

"Why would you write such things, Grim? How many others will betray us?"


Exhaling a quivering breath, she held the crumpled edge of that missive to the flickering flame of a candle lit beside her, and there she sat, wrapping her arms about herself once the words of her friend were reduced to naught but blackened ash.

". . Surely this wasn't her doing, it can't be."

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Fabian recalls the tall, blonde woman who jested with him over a broken wrist. 


He recalls another missive -- both brought to him in the tavern of Karosgrad where they once met -- which he places beside a copy of her note.


He recalls, now many years ago, putting a quill to parchment in an Adrian barricade. Lies, or death.


He wonders. 

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