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Issued by the


On this 10th day of Grona ag Droba of 476 E.S. 





Long have I reigned over the Royal Courts and tended to them with every fiber of effort in my being, instating within this institution many reforms, means of cultural expansion, and a space for the denizens of Haense to freely express themselves by way of the arts and many other creative liberties. It has been seventeen years since I was appointed Grand Lady by their Majesties, Georg I and Esfir of Jerovitz, and although many of these years found me laden with the stress of shouldering the weight of the Royal Courts, the end of my tenure has allowed me to reflect and fully relish in the pride of what I have managed to achieve alongside my councilors and various advisors. 


However, the cogs of this well-oiled machine must keep turning, and so the cycle begins again as the arrival of new talent graces the Royal Courts. Thus, it is with a somber heart that I must announce my departure from the Royal Courts and in turn, His Majesty’s Aulic Council. It has been a privilege to serve the Kingdom, and it is something that I will pride myself on for the rest of my days on this plane. Nevertheless, I should note that none of this would have been possible without the aid of my family and friends, and thus I must formally extend my thanks to them - especially my brother, the Duke Ruthern.


To those who are unaware, I am of common birth - formerly deemed a bastard, and were it not for the efforts of my brother to legitimize me, I would not have achieved what I have. Even still, the circumstances of one’s birth should not bar one from pursuing the vast amount of possibilities present in the Kingdom of Haense, and so I implore you all to think and reflect on this: We are all equal in the eyes of GOD, and thus we are all capable of achieving great things. Do not doubt your capabilities. You are all deeply and greatly cherished, regardless of your origin.


And so, I tender my resignation. From the depths of my heart, I thank you Haense, for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your Grand Lady. With duty, comes honor. Krusae zwy Kongzem.





Her Excellency, Viorica Irena Kortrevich, Grand Lady of Hanseti-Ruska


Edited by The Morrivi Court
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Go Sarah go!

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Fabian Kortrevich prays his mother may, at last, find some rest; staring at a picture drawn many years ago in her office - his office, now, he supposes. 


"I will not," he vows, peering to her portrait with a soft, solemn gaze, "let vy down."

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Ileana Kortrevich would read the missive with a proud look as she then spoke to her mother


"Vy have done well mamej, vy brought the court back to life. Vy should be so proud of vyrself!"

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The Queen Sofia took in the missive far after the celebrations of her wedding took place, having been fully aware of it beforehand. Her gaze slipped over the words penned, and she knew by the next Saints day, she must have a gift basket sent to the Lady Viorica and a missive announce just who the new Grand Lord is.

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Elia Eryka readied the mimosas. "Let's party like we stand before GUD!" She shrieked aloud, gathering as many glasses as possible. She went to bid her good friend Viorica a most joyous happy retirement!

Edited by DahStalker
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