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The Aratir - Protectors of the Crown


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The Aratir

Protectors of the Crown



The Oath of Feanor by BellaBergolts


 - Purpose -


In the realm of elves, where ancient wisdom intertwines with the whispers of nature, there exists an exclusive order known as the Aratir. Clad in armor of green and bronze hues, their hearts beat in unison with the pulse of the land they have sworn to protect. Tasked with safeguarding the Elven Sovereign and their council, they stand as the unwavering sentinels to the Crown of Amathine.


Detached from the traditional military, the Aratir embodies the noble spirit of chivalry and devotion, akin to Knightly orders among the humans. Their bronze rings, embellished with a motif of leaf and branch and are adorned with a singular gleaming emerald, symbolize not only their membership within this esteemed order but also their unwavering allegiance to the crown.

As they tread upon the sacred grounds of elven realms and traverse the hallowed paths of ancestral forests, the Aratir carry with them the weight of responsibility. They are the guardians of the High Prince or Princess’s safety, the protectors of the council members who serve as the pillars of wisdom and governance within the elven realm.


Guided by a code steeped in honor and tradition, the Aratir embodies loyalty and sacrifice. Their sworn purpose is to ensure that no harm befalls the leadership of Amathine, shielding them from any threat that may seek to disrupt the harmony and prosperity of the elven Realm.



 - Taking the Oath -


The path to becoming an Aratir unfolds like a tapestry woven with selflessness and unwavering devotion. To join their ranks, an aspiring soul must embark on a quest of both inner and outer trials, seeking the sponsorship of a current Aratir.


Finding such a sponsor is no easy task, for they demand not only skill and valor, but also a spirit untainted by the lure of personal gain.The aspiring candidate must demonstrate a selflessness that burns as brightly as the ancient stars that illuminate the elven realms. It is through the discerning gaze of an Aratir that their worthiness shall be judged, as the sponsor delves into the depths of their character, seeking the purest essence of loyalty and dedication.


Once a worthy sponsor has been found, the aspiring soul's name is presented to the Aratiran Lord. The Aratiran Lord, in turn, offers the candidate to the Council, a distinguished assembly comprising wise and venerable elven lords and ladies. Within the grandeur of the council chamber, presided over by the High Prince or Princess, the fate of the candidate is meticulously weighed upon the scales of collective wisdom. Each council member individually casts their vote, taking into account the potential Aratir's virtues, merits, and the promise they hold for the realm.



-  Oathing Ceremony -


The induction of a new member into the esteemed ranks of the Aratir unfolds as a ceremonious affair. The Aratir to be will begin by approaching the base of Amathine’s Throne only to kneel before it out of respect and fealty for their newly found purpose.


With grace and purpose the Sovereign or a member of their esteemed family will step forth, bearing a ceremonial blade within their hands. The blade, a symbol of strength and valor, is laid upon the shoulders of the aspiring Aratir, the weight a tangible reminder of the solemn oath that lies ahead. In their voice resonate with ancestral wisdom, the presiding member will call the aspiring soul to rise anew.


The newly anointed rises to meet the unwavering gaze of their Princely figure. In a moment brimming with profound significance, the presiding member of the current Royal House extends to their hand, bearing upon it the gleaming Aratiran Signet. The Crownguard is to then reach forth and have this ring placed upon their dominant hand, encircling their index finger.



- Distinguishing Marks -


Upon completion of their oaths, all Aratir are presented with a ring as a reminder of the duties expected of them. These rings are forged from bronze shaped to form branches and leaves meeting a bright green emerald as their centerpiece. The Aratir all wear these rings on the index finger of their dominant hands and are to always be present when out of armor.

The armor of the Aratir is similar to the Glaiveguard of Amathine, covered by bronze platings. Unlike their military counterparts, the Aratir cover their helms with a hood of green cloth. This color is also present as accents throughout the rest of the bronze. Whenever an Aratir is on any form of guard duty, they are not to remove their helmets unless commanded by one of higher authority.

The final piece of the Aratir’s arsenal is their weapon. This weapon is to be of personal preference for the oathed, however it is to be forged of Ikurn’amon by either themselves or with the guidance of a fellow oathed. This weapon is to be carried by the Aratir at all times however, if they wish to use another weapon they may.


Skin by Amayonnaise





Uell ito Maruthiran,

HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Idril Sylvaeri, The V High Princess of Elvendom, High Princess of Amathine, The Heart of The Sea, Warden of the Wild, The Crowned

HIS LORDSHIP, Kaito Norväyn, Lord Commander of Elvendom

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