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The Costa Rubinissma Boil


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The Costa Rubinissma Boil







In celebration of the city’s opening the Kingdom of Balian will be organizing the experience of creating a cultural dish from scratch for all participants to join in with and subsequently enjoy.. 


The boil will have participants choose from either aiding with the creation of the broth for this massive dish or scouring the coastlines and foraging for delicious herbs, vegetables, meat or fish to put with the meal. 


The person who managed to reel in the most impressive catch or bring back the most foraged goods will earn a wreath forged of aurum, made to appear as though it were made of golden grape vines, known as the ‘Wreath of the Great Beachcomber



OOC portion:


The event will take place at the Balian docks on Wednesday at 5 PM EST



First 30 minutes


Prep team: those who want to help can rp chopping up onions, celery, sausage, and peppers while chatting it up


Foraging team: Based on the chart below teams can rp foraging in different areas and see what they get based on rolls. They can decide upon quantity. 


Once the 30 minutes is up everyone will return to throw their goodies into the boil.


Beach/rocky beach:

1-5: Edible seaweed! Probably best not to eat it raw

6-10: limpets! Sea snails found in crevices and debris that make an excellent broth

11-15: mussels! A shell fish that attaches to rocks

16-20: oysters! You will need something hard to pry them loose


Shallow waters:

1-5: clam! Can be found just beneath the sand

6-10: crabs! Watch your toes these guys are everywhere

11-15: conch! Just laying around, probably not best to listen to the sea before this is cooked

16-20: lobster! Loves hiding between rocks



1-5: anchovies! They swim in schools

6-10: small fish! Big enough to feed one

11-15: large fish! Better strike a pose and take a picture

16-20: predatory water creature of choice


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Rhys can't wait to scavenge on the beach! 

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