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The Lord's Choir of Numendil


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"i Aerlinndath"
The Lord's Choir



HARK! Ye faithful of Aevos, The Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius and his Disciples of Laughter and Joy is pleased to announce the formation of the Numendil Children’s Choir, hereby dubbed the Lord’s Choir and the Aran Aerlinndath. This is an open opportunity for all faithful youths of Aevos to intertwine your future as a layman with spreading beauty and song to the world, irrelevant of race, culture, or political affiliation. We seek to create a safe space where the future of the faith may grow their talents among like minded compatriots.

Our Vision:

The Lord’s Choir aspires to be a beacon of musical excellence, enriching the cultural fabric of our communities and beyond. Through the power of music, we seek to inspire hearts young and old with the fervor of the Lord God while likewise instilling a love for the arts in our children. 




Try-outs will begin in the The Bastion Temple of Saint King Caius and his Disciples of Laughter and Joy three Saints Days from today, (SUNDAY, 4pm CST), where sheet music will be provided. 


Edited by Onnensr
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Eredain Glennmaer's eyes widen as he sees Lugash writing "Númendil, Númendil, Númendil. Lugash. The apostrophe is missing!" the young squire grumbled, slightly hitting Lugash on the back of his head "Very important! Númendil. Númendil. Númendil."

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