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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [Tiocfaidh_ar_la (I forget the other one)] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):


Tiocfaidh_ar_la (I forget the other one)






Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Major Toxicity [Targeted Discrimintation, Transphobia]


What circumstances led to this ban?


I had posted a Transphobic meme in the Haelun'or discord targeted at a certain member of said community. A few days later, I was banned from the Server. This can easily be avoided in the future by simply not engaging in that kind of behavior.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I agree entirely with the ban, I did something that went against the server rules and so my ban was warranted. Fundamentally, the server rules exist to protect players, when that line is crossed and players are harassed, the rules should be enforced, and in this case, the staff did their duty to the playerbase and removed someone who had intentionally broken the rules.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I'd like to be unbanned as it has been close to 7 months since I was banned and I have apologized for the wrong that I have done. I want to return to LOTC as I enjoy playing on the server and have done since shorty after its launch. I have definitely learned my lesson and am truly sorry for my actions.


Attach other relevant information.


I want to extend a sincere apology to not only the individual whom I targeted with the transphobic meme, but also to the Haelun'or community and wider server community in general. It is never morally acceptable to harass another individual, whether provoked or not. I apologize for any harm caused and would very much like to move forward from this incident. The individual whom I harassed, I reached out to shortly after I was banned, before I had appealed to apologize for my actions.

Edited by Gavin_
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