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Should magics have verbal requirements for spells?


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A good mage rper will always showcase adequate tells to signify they are casting. If it is not obvious and they are not casting illusion, make a story team request because they're abusing. That being said, with adequate tells showcased, glowing, flashes etc, verbal incantations as a concept are made totally redundant.


As mentioned in other comments, its entirely down to player discretion beyond mandatory tells, though I personally would die of cringe factor if I had to use verbal casting as it just doesn't sit well with me.


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Incantation or saying spell words/mantras could be a mental exercise for the mage to help them maintain communion with and direct the source of their power, just like how some of you might talk to yourself to stay focused. It would depend on a character's personality whether it would help them at all or not. In combat with a mage who is using these sorts of incantations, you could drown out their voice or speak/play something discordant and distracting, just like you could disconnect a very inwardly focused mage by throwing a rock at them.

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