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Anger in Grief - Part 1

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Anger in Grief
The first part - Evelyn and Immeral


Taking a nap
The bard entered his garden, and took a seat by the wall. He looked at the bottle again, and taking a swig of it he smiled

"Now that... that's some good shit." He laughed, and placed the bottle down. His face started to feel a little too hot, the red beret on his head now a little too uncomfortable, and his eyelids a little too heavy. He grabbed his beret, and placing it over his face, he felt a little better. He decided to take a nap...


In the room

He stood in the white room, surrounded by... well, a lot of people. The bard looked around, recognizing each and every one of them. With each glance, his face contorted. Sometimes with anger, sometimes with grief, but all of them made him have a powerful reaction.

"You." He looked to the woman in blue and white. "I'll start with you."
His face contorted with anger, and he walked up to the woman. It looked as if he was going to hit her, but someone- something stopped him. "Evelyn." His demeanor changed, calming down some
"Evelyn, you know who I am. Or at least, you know about who I am. You must remember me, I was with you on your deathbed. I remember it," he laughed "oh how much I remember that day! I re-live that moment every day. I hear your words every time I see a white bed. I see your face every time I walk past a clinic." He placed his right hand on her shoulder. "Even after all that, Evelyn, after all your abuse, all the sleepless nights I had because of you, I wanted to save you. Quite obviously, I failed. Yes, I blame myself every day. Yes, there are still nights when I can't sleep because of you. But don't you ever- ever think it's because I miss you. No," He laughed once more "no, I never missed you. Not for one moment..." He backed away
After a short pause, he began again. "You know, I trusted you. Quite clear now, that was a mistake, but I did. For many years, I trusted you with my life." He took a deep breath, and after a long pause, he continued "And not just my life. No, I trusted you with another person's life. You remember my sister, don't you?"
The woman began to talk "Of course I remember Aria-" She was cut short
"No," The bard laughed, better than he has in a while "not everything is about her. I'm not talking about her." He squinted "What's her name?" He got in her face again "What's my sister's name?"
The woman, clearly intimidated, stayed silent.
"Well? What's her name? The girl who was there for me every time you weren't. The girl who killed. My biggest regret, still think about her every day. What-" He backed off just a little "is her name?"
After a long silence from the both of them, he chuckled "Of course. What did I expect from you, a woman who was so maddened by a little sadness that she'd try to kill her own son. Excuse me for using that word, I know you never looked at me as that."
"Evelyn. I-" he sighed "- forgive you. But don't misunderstand me. I'm still mad at you. I will never not be. But in my eyes, you've suffered enough. So go now, and be at peace." He gently placed a hand on her head, and her eyes glowed. A white light glowed from her eyes and mouth, and she was lifted up by something. She then floated out of the room, and disappeared.


"Now onto you." He walked to the next person, a well-dressed, armored man with a long, blonde hair "Immeral. I've too much to tell you, but I'll keep it short." He walked closer to him "I've a simple question for you. A really simple one, I doubt you'll have to think about it for long." The bard smirked "What did I always want to become?" The bard backed away. "Like I said, not a hard question."
The man squinted, inspecting the bard for any clues. "A-... bard?" He said, raising a brow
The bard smiled wide, and broke out into laughter. A maniacal, almost hysterical laugh. "Is that your final answer, Immeral?"
The man gave a solemn nod "Is it not right?"
The bard walked closer to him once more, and placed a hand on his shoulder "No. Not even close, father." He laughed when he said that word "It never was. You know, I'll tell you. I wanted to become a paladin. Elend, your father, helped me in that, and even though I failed, he was proud." After a short pause, he continued "I didn't expect you to know that. We spent so much time together, you and me. You got to know me real well." He said in a sarcastic tone "Wait, no. That's not right."
After another, longer pause, he sighed, and took his hand off of his shoulder "Immeral, like I told Evelyn, I forgive you. I'm mad, yes, and I will never not be, but I forgive you. You've suffered enough as well. So go now, and be at peace." He touched the man's head, and he too started glowing and floating away. In a couple seconds, he too disappeared into the skies.

The bard now walked to the next person...

To be continued...



OOC stuff now!

This is the first of 6 posts I will be making in a series about anger and acceptance in grief. It's split into 2 parts, each containing 3 stories like this. Thanks for reading, and be on the lookout for more!


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8 hours ago, Markisstreaming said:


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OOC stuff now!

This is the first of 6 posts I will be making in a series about anger and acceptance in grief. It's split into 2 parts, each containing 3 stories like this. Thanks for reading, and be on the lookout for more!





Great work! Looking forward to the future installments.


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