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Tears Upon a Rose's Petal | The poetry of the late Dame Emelya Eloise Kortrevich


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Tears Upon a Rose’s Petal



A collection of poetry by Dame Emelya Eloise “The Temperate” Kortrevich


Edited and published posthumously by Laurissa Eliza



A portrait of Dame Emelya Eloise Kortrevich kneeling before an unknown lover, artist unknown




Her Amber Locks


Blooming like marigolds atop her head

I run my hand against each amber thread

Your eyes a storm striking my heart alight

O’ to my tempered restraint, I must fight


Passion burning within my very soul

To deny would take too great of a toll

A love forbidden by those way on high

But as my oath demands, I shall not lie


O’ goddess of love you twist my heart so

That eternal dreaded curse: lovesick woe
Binding my soul with her fire-red hair

The only pain which I cannot just bear


Beauty, elegance, strength, heart, and kindness

She bears each of these in greater excess

Than even you, holy goddess of love

Grant me to be with my amber haired dove




You bring me to my knees you villainess

With unadulterated blissfulness

No armor, no shield, can whether your blows

Upon sight of you, with terror I froze


I knew before your might I could not stand

I have witnessed your greater strength firsthand

A woman like me, she should be immune

But this dame, with fright she can’t help but swoon


With all foes have faced, I should know better

But a look in your eyes, souls you fetter

Women and men, they all fall in great droves

Fields full of soldiers, you could raze those groves


Upon my knees, upwards to you I face

Your smile strikes me greater than a mace

Your hand in my hair, your kiss never tart

I know your target, a blow to my heart




I question why this is called sacrilege

A hate which I must defy with courage

A love so pure which I know to be true

I cannot fathom the hate which they spew


Against such a pure thing as my amour

Why those like me you decide to immure

A crime you created to persecute

In attempt to render our people mute


Why oh why sanction this grand deception

Crusade on evil yet this exception

No, this evil must be propagated

By your bigoted hands its dictated


And everyone remains in compliance

Ignoring any who spark defiance

You share that burden upon your vile hands

Clean thyself of evil and make demands


This wide web of bigotry must be stopped

And a culture of love we must adopt

Break out of acceptance towards evil

And bring about a kindly upheaval


Tears Upon a Rose’s Petal


By your bedside I kneel, like times before

But this time sorrow has crept to my core

I see it now, the black beneath your skin

A dark rot, destroying you it had been


My pouring tears, they stain your soft bed sheets

Our pure happiness, this sorrow defeats

We speak of the times we had together

As I watch her life fade into aether


True love, between women, have I felt it

To her, life I decided to commit

In her fleeting love, the sole reveler

To lose you is great pain, my Jennifer



Just some Sapphic poetry for my late gay knight woman, rest in peace. I kinda wish I had her be a little more rebellious and push for change during her life but eh, regrets are regrets and they don't really do anything. Hopefully someone else will take up the torch. Happy Pride Month to my fellow ***** folk here, and happy Stonewall Day!


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The Archivist has many, many questions as the copy of poems crosses his desk and a young girl enters the tavern. Perhaps the most pressing, though; was he not quite so alone?

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