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Saulite Scroll of Creation


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[!] Thousands of copies of an austere scroll begin to populate the realm [!]

Scroll of Alduun



At that time when life originated and the Wine of Sacrament was streaming from the Creator, He cast down pomace and as He spoke all forms came to originate. He assembled His flock and transmitted His will directly saying,


“I am the Creator, the Spring Flower. There is not an eve, a time, or a season from whence the Spring Flower blossomed. Neither shall there be an eve, a time, or a season for the Spring Flower to wither. I am the brilliant Spring Flower, rooted to the infinite depth that shall never be plucked. The Spring Flower emanates sweet perfume, a potent nectar, a Wine of Love which has been pressed for your animation. Attend, My Love, for I pour out this Wine so this Spring Flower stays in perpetual bloom. Receive this Spring Flower within you, and you shall partake of the gift of life through Me.”


Creation rejoiced, singing the praises of He that brought them out from nonexistence into being. The Creator directed them to the forms about saying,


“Behold Creation, My wine is neither made from the fruit of the vineyard, the onyx and alabaster below, the grove which brings fruit, incense and sap, even any substance on the back of beasts or within them. My gift of Wine is a sacred tether, which drips from petals in two directions and embalms you, not that any bit of it be made dry but that all shall share in My love.”


An impervious veil formed to partition the assembly, and a stream of Wine flowed in each direction into them. The Creator addressed them both saying, 


“On my right, your ranks shall be called Spirit Servants as you are entrusted with realms of your own, control of powers, and jurisdiction over forces. Blessed are my Servants for this honor, for you shall be numbered and shall not multiply. On my left, your ranks shall be called Sons of Flesh, for you shall be stewards of the forms of my creation, living off a Wine which continues to flow through your sacred vessel, giving birth to new life. Blessed are My Sons for this honor, for you shall expire. Those of right or left are never to be overseers of one another, but cohabitants in My Creation. You are to vow to Me that you shall never defile My Creation, usurp its Order, nor seek more than you were granted.  For a time will soon come to pass wherein I will return to you of your own accord. For these commandments three are for this eve, time, and season and a multitude of eves, times, and seasons shall pass but I shall remain whole and hallowed. All arise for the Spring Flower is whole and hallowed, alive in you.”


When the Creator spoke this, and the Wine of Sacrament was poured out, seven sevenths of Creation made vows. The Creator departed into them and was seen no more.  It is the folly of those who have broken their vows that we now suffer, for they have been made drunk on the Waters of Gamesh: defiling Creation, usurping its Order, and seeking their own supremacy. They shall shed all tears, for the eve, time, and season will soon come to pass wherein the Creator shall resurge and His stalk shall imbibe those who have partook with a thirst unquenched by river or rain. 


Edited by Saulite
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