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A Topic for Debate; The Levels of Purity

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A Topic for Debate;

Are there various levels of Purity?







We are all agreed that there are, at the least, three levels of purity; those that cannot be pure, the Valah, Uruk, Bortu, our cousins in the 'ame and 'ker and all their mixed oem'ii; those that can be pure, but are not, as is the case of the mali'ata and maliata'fenn; and our general populace, the mali'thill.


Yet, at the same time, we acknowledge the existence of a Most Blessed even among the 'aheralan; the Maheral, who at any given time exists on a rung of this ladder above the common 'thill of elcihi. We acknowledge too the existence of our Malauriran, those that were Maheral in the past and have since given the role to the more active youth - and by their ability to elect a Maheral where it is not passed down by sole decision, we acknowledge their still-elevated position on this 'ladder of purity'.


My question, then, lliran, is this - Are there other levels to this ladder among the general mali'thill of elcihi? Would we, for example, consider the Okariran for their dedication to our motherland, to our progress and our health, as more pure than the rest? Would those of elcihi that have left the sanctity of our walls, and are instead cloistered in research alone in the wilds, be more or less pure than a current resident? Would the Okarir'hiylun, when one exists, be above even the others? And would then the Sohaer, who toils diligently even beyond that, not be more pure than them all by this same metric of acknowledgement of value and work, of dedication to our mutual progression? If so, what might we consider each 'rung' of this more specific ladder, each level of this pyramid?


It is my personal opinion that there are these varying levels, and that in fact by being Sohaer, or Okariran, they are at the very least temporarily "more pure" than the average citizen, for their mind is active in the general affairs of our State and thusly more in tune with the ideals of progress and health; however, it has been a century since I have been Okarir'maehr, and of course opinions on these matters tend to change with time. Should any like to respond, please do leave a note attached to this; I will reply in kind.


maehr'sae hiylun'ehya,

Tiuthwyn Visaj





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