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No one had seen Haelera Scrivener for the past several weeks, but that would change come the 24th of the Amber Cold. As the sun rose over the fields of Haense, a horrifying sight was revealed to passersby.

The ground was marred by scorch marks and ashen patches of grain. In the fields lay the body parts of the once intact women. She is drenched in blood, more blood than what would suitably belong to a human of her stature, and her form is mangled almost beyond recognition. The killer acted with surgical precision, contorting the poor woman’s corpse into a sickly symbol of an ouroboros. The skin and cloth around her wrists were burned and melted. Just above the cut of her neck were two puncture marks. Upon her lifeless eyes a severed bat's wing has been placed.  Aside from her blackened wrists, her skin was unusually pale. The body parts were cold and stiff. It seemed that where she lay now was not the place she took her final breath.




Aside her body tattered and burned pieces of cloth rest; a massacre of green and orange.


Edited by ShinyB
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