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A Son of Hyspia


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[!] Artist depiction of the merchant ship Ravisar pulling into harbor


The Emergence of the Son

As the morning sun came over the horizon of the East, every sailor off the coast of Braevos took warning. Cooks tied down everything they could, fishermen quickly made the catches required for their livelihood and no more, Warships quickly sailed into port as dark clouds came in. A red dawn heeded trouble brewing, and trouble there was to come. By the time the noon bells rang in the city of Portoregne, the wind had kicked up and the gates were shut, with no one in the streets or merry. The rain followed, with no one daring to weather the storm, not even a rat. 


Ding… dong… ding… dong… the bell tolled as a ship came near. A lighthouse’s bright lamp shone upon the vessel, which lit a lantern in response. Dockworkers streamed out of their quarters, standing in the freezing rain to receive the brave ship. As the ship drew near, only one thing stood out about it, its standard. Being drawn left right and center by the near hurricane conditions, the tattered blue and white flag stood high and proud. 


Immediately as it was secured, cargo was offloaded. Wines, spices, and goods from lands far away were carried by the crate to a warehouse. After all was done, there were only personal effects to be offloaded, except for one. The most precious cargo aboard, saved for last, was transported by the Captain himself. A boy, no older than seven years, was quickly escorted off the ship and to the crew’s quarters in the city. Nothing but the clothes on his back and a necklace were all he had. 


His name was all of the value he had left. The silver on his necklace could barely fetch a minas in the rich markets of the South. Though the cross onto it symbolized the hope he had that he could stake his claim. His father had always told him of the greatness to their people, and how Lorraine had always been the center of them. The captain stared at the boy before going to the postmaster and ordering some letters to be delivered on behalf of Jose Angelo Fuentes Hernandez


[!] Letters would be personally delivered and known to only the following.


To Erland Maor ( @TheRedAssassin)


I am aware you do not know of my existence, so consider this an introduction. I am Pedro Sebastian Fuentes Rosario, a merchant of great renown in parts likely unknown to most on Braevos. My son, Jose, has great potential and has been surrounded by scholars and philosophers all his life. I want you to take care of him until the time comes for him to take positions of great honor within the homeland, Hyspia. You will be rewarded handsomely, I swear to it. He currently should be in Portoregne, but will be making his way north to reunite with our people.



To Asbjorn Foremothers ( @DeusVult)


I am Pedro Seabstion Fuentes Rosario. I write on behalf of my eldest son, Jose, who has just landed on the continent. I know of your great renown in the art of Swordsmanship and wish for you to teach my son your ways. In exchange, you will be rewarded when the time comes for him to take his place. I trust in your abilities, and your mental capacity for seeing opportunity. You can find him making his way north from Portoregne. 



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Asbjorn Foremothers recieves this letter while playing dice with some of the Numendil guard, next to his bed in the barracks. The courier's face shows shock, but nonetheless, hands him the letter with a courteous bow. The young ranger, or, ex-ranger, takes his anorum bowie knife from his pouch, and tears into it uncaringly, unfolding it and reading it. With each passing line, his eyes would widen, before a smile appears on his face. He sheathes the bowie knife, and begins to pack his things. He gives a solemn nods to his fellow gamblers, tossing his coin-pouch down onto the floor with a smile. "This is for the pot. For all you've done for me."


Making his way over to the stables, he heaves the pack onto his mare, the horse that has been with him for many his travelling days in Aevos, from his visits to the Vale, his time spent in Lurin, and his many more days spent amongst nature. He walks the horse out of the city gates, offering a wave to the guard on gate-duty. He then stops, and turns around to look up at Numendil, in all of it's glory. How badly had he wanted Adunians to finally have a home, a nation for Adunians, by Adunians. He found instead those who's blood runs thin. Those who forgot where they came from, and worship the very devil that drove them out so many years ago. 


However, this is not the thought the young Ranger leaves with. He instead is filled with hope, with optimism, a place to sate his desire for a home. A place to where he can finally be happy, where he run away from what the past had wrought unto him.


Though one can only run so far.





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Receives the letter as he looks towards his fellow comrades a smile would begin to grow upon his face. "seems we have a job to do." he would state to his comrades.

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