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A Grotesque Greeting

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A Grotesque Greeting

The contents of these letters would be spread about the realm of Haensetti-Ruska, dropped off by various undead crows. Upon each letter, the sigil of a golden hydra could be seen, one differing to the common Xionist or Fifithist sigils. 





Greetings to you foolish nobles, wretched whelplings, and wounded knights. 


We of the Order of the Stygian Hydra graciously would like to extend our warmest welcomes to the citizens of the north. What would we be without the foolish flocks of mortals like yourselves? Like a wolf without sheep, we would starve, we would deteriorate, and our hunger would consume us. Yet it has not, for the weaklings such as yourself offer such gracious sustenance, offer such grand enjoyments of show and theater. After all, one cannot call that display of gore and cruelty last saints day to be anything but a show—a theater, a play, and most importantly, an introduction. 


Our creation still lingers in your woods, free from our shackles, for what fun would a bound beast be? Whether it attacks flesh or bone, friend or foe, such matters little, for we merely seek to start this play right; we’ve not even begun to reach the climax of this first act. So prepare, host your small forces, sharpen your blades, and focus on whatever foe you deem more pressing. Whether the skeletons amongst the hills or the undead amalgam lurking in your woods. We will be waiting and watching with a vested interest.


As for those of the Fifth Lord, the Fifthists, if you will, let this declaration of battle also act as an olive branch. A hand of ivory offered to the fellow practitioners of our craft for any future endeavors involved with our most glorious art.


Prepare, Ponder, and Plead 

For the Play has just Begun


Gimilzor, Golden Fist of the Divine Tricksters, Ruler of the Black Sands, Arbiter of the Unholiness, The Primeval Serpent, Lord Commander of the Mistguard, Right Hand to Aurelion the Black.

 Icarian, The Crows Craftsman, Onyx Eye of the Divine Tricksters, Warlord of the Yen’Droch Rodi, Chief Architect of the Temple 

Daezmun,The Doctor, Ivory Blade of the Divine Tricksters, The Cursed Child of Malin, Bandit Lord of Almaris 

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A certain dark-clad figure cackles in response to the missive, as it was released. "Let the stage show begin!" He exclaims before going back to what he was doing. Crafting and scheming, he continued on.

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A darkly clad vampiric woman would let out a cackle as she grinned widely displaying fangs with glee at this missive. "Oh now this is fun!"

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A blinded man, upon having the letter read to him, laughed out. "A chance to hurt Haense AND my brother?! Excellent!"

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An unnaturally aged adunian sits upon his sandstone throne, his colorless hues fixated on his newest creations "For years we have waited for this moment. With such forces, we are now capable of real change... to stand against that which is the False Light"  a smirk etches itself onto his usual monotone "The age of reckoning is now"

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[!] Moirai perked her head at the missive, though her business throughout Haense had been done. Perhaps there was a few things she might've forgotten and left behind.

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*Onon genually laughed at the signature just shaking his head softly in a rather amused tome saying* "Dame- Them mocking nobles with those long ass tiltles is amazing! I wonder if they just sat down and decided to see what they can come up with! Or maybe its just what people called them over the years put together..." *Musing over it for a few moments before heading off with a shrug, in a rather good mood even with the tone of the letter*

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A young spider sat in her temple with her hands collecting the various letters and papers alike; she took a glimpse of the missive, but only a concern grew upon her mind, for challenging a grand nation may bring little to no profit. Nevertheless, she ought to express delight for a beast of undeath had been unleashed upon the land. Something far better and greater than an undead dragon. "This is only our first step."

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