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Written by Priestess Milena Carrion-Tuvyic

Dedicated to my husband, Demetrius



King Petyr 'the Founder' of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska depicted by Priestess Milena, 496 ES.


From the days of exile to the esteemed title of Duke,

Our noble Duke remained steadfast, unwavering and puke!

From the epoch of Vailor to the age of Axios,

Through trials and tribulations, he withstood all vexations!


A mighty people, us sons and daughters of Haense,

Journeyed across continents, braving hardship with their hands so intensely.


From loyal service to an Emperor, whose love encompassed all lands,

Our Duke reaped his rightful rewards, as fate and destiny expanded.

From devotion to his subjects, whose joyful cheers graced his name,

He found nourishment for his soul, kindling an eternal flame.


In the heart of the imposing Greyspine Mountains, nestled in Tahn's northern domain,

Our Duke claimed his ancestral land, where memories and legends sustain.

Oh, venerable St. Karlsburg, your name shall endure through the ages,

A hallowed bastion guarding all things divine, as history's timeless pages.


In the celestial realms above, our Prophet's gaze reached high,

Seeking divine favor, under the endless azure sky.

"O Petry the Founder," the Aenguls did proclaim,

"O Petry of Ruska," they chanted, honoring his virtuous name.


And lo, the heartless tyrant, King Sveneld of Ruska, did relent,

Relinquishing his realm from the Empire's relentless intent.

"Ruska, a title both fitting and dear,

May the people of Haense hold it forever," the wise Emperor did declare.


From that day forth, the Duke was granted all the lands of the south,

A reward for his valor, his honor, and his unwavering mouth,

As the people of Haense rejoiced and embraced their new route,

In the saga of their land, a promising chapter, free from doubt.


And thus, our Duke ascended to the throne as a noble King,

Hanseti and Ruska united under his humble and just ruling,

The coronation held at the very seat of his sovereign power.


Parades resounded through the land, proclaiming an eternal Kingdom's dower,

As long as we worshipped God and held His prophets and saints in reverence,

No mortal force could ever threaten our existence.


And these words held steadfast, through the passage of countless days,

The walls of Haense stood unyielding, a testament to our unwavering ways,

From then until now, and unto the end of all days.


Haense Vechnaya!

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