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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [inshadowofyou] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


"My account has been temporarily banned on 1-Oct-2023 for inappropriate language.


What circumstances led to this ban?


I am writing this appeal to bring to your attention that the inappropriate language leading to the temporary ban was not my doing but that of my nephew who had unauthorized access to my account. I take responsibility for not securing my account adequately and for the actions carried out by my nephew.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I acknowledge the temporary ban as it resulted from my nephew's use of inappropriate language. I accept responsibility for not preventing unauthorized access to my account.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


I'm eager to return to LOTC because I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of great people there, and the roleplay experiences have always been enjoyable. I understand the need to improve account security, and I apologize for any disruption caused by my nephew's actions. I am committed to strictly following the server rules moving forward. 


Attach other relevant information.


I'd like to emphasize that my nephew is responsible for the inappropriate language that led to the temporary ban on my account. I kindly request the lifting of the temporary ban. I assure you that I will take the necessary steps to secure my account better in the future.I want to mention that I am unable to attach images directly, but I have provided a link to a screenshot of my ban: https://ibb.co/YWkGNPx. Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Edited by inshadowofyou
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Appeal Denied.


Your ban will automatically expire on 23 Oct 2023, appeals are not accepted for temporary bans. You are ultimately responsible for anything that occurs on your account. Further use of inappropriate language on the server may result in a 3 month ban. Please take all necessary precautions to ensure this does not happen again. Contact moderation with further questions.

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