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THE WILD GODS: The Aspects and Mani


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The Aspects of Nature

The Mani of Beasts


Irrespective of their clan, nation, or specific Creed of worship, all followers of elnarnsae'ame, unite in their reverence for the same Pantheon of Gods. These deities are bound by a singular theme—the embodiment of the wild spirit and the essence of nature, which inherently reflects the spirit of the elves themselves. As a whole, they are collectively referred to as the Wild Gods, a divine representation of the enduring connection between the forest dwellers and the natural world they hold in such high regard.


The Glade of Hileia’s Ancient Archives

Scribed by Sonna Vulnrith, Keeper of the Glade and Fox Druid


The Aspects of Nature


The Aspects are regarded as eternal and hold various interpretations within different sects of elnarnsae'ame. Some consider them the highest Gods of Nature, while others perceive them as the very essence of Nature itself—the unspoken, intangible primal energy that courses through all living things. The most prevalent representation of the Aspects takes the form of a symbolic duality, seen as two complementary halves of a single entity responsible for the creation of all life and their earthly emissaries, the Mani.



The Mother

Aspect of Life




Also known as the Green Lady or Cerridwen, the Mother represents the matriarchal aspect of the divine Balance. She is often depicted as a woman adorned with leaves and vines, her ethereal form shimmering in the diverse manifestations of nature. Cerridwen embodies the Aspect of birth, growth, life, and the nurturing essence of the world.


According to the beliefs of the wood elves, all lush flora and fauna owe their existence and flourishing to Cerridwen's tender care. They thrive under her nurturing touch until the time comes for Cernunnos to claim them. The Green Lady is invoked in prayers, particularly when seeking bountiful harvests and when tending to the wounds of others. Her divine influence is sought to ensure the prosperity and vitality of the natural world.



The Father

Aspect of the Hunt




Also known as the Horned Lord or Cernunnos, the Father represents the patriarchal aspect of the natural balance. He is commonly depicted as a robust figure with the majestic horns of a stag adorning his head and a longbow firmly in his grasp. Cernunnos embodies the Aspect of the hunt, the realm of predators, and the natural instincts of survival.


Within the beliefs of wood elves, all animals are believed to share a profound connection with Cernunnos. Prayers are often directed to the Horned Lord to invoke luck and success in hunting, whether the quarry be non-sentient creatures or those with sentience. While Cernunnos symbolizes predators, this Aspect is not viewed as sinister. In the natural order, all living things must consume to survive, and this is simply regarded as an integral part of the enduring cycle of Nature.


The Mani of Beasts


The Mani, revered as the animal gods of the plains, mesas, and forests spanning the natural world, hold a distinct place in the Wild Faith. Within this sacred order, each species of beast is presided over by its own immortal Prince, serving as the ruler and guardian of its kind. The Mani were created with the purpose of maintaining harmony and balance among the diverse creatures of the land, while also acting as dutiful servants to the Aspects. Over time, the wood elven tribes adopted a deep reverence for the Mani, with some of these animal deities even receiving names from the elves themselves. These named Mani became the focus of widespread prayers and devotion, while others remained less known or unrecognized. The Mani play a vital role in the spiritual connection between forest dwellers and the natural world, embodying the diversity and vitality of the creatures that inhabit it.





The Stag

Justice and Compassion


Amaethon, the Prince of all Cervidae, stands as the silent guardian of the grassy plains and woodlands. His dominion is vast and abundant, and his subjects, the great horned beasts of the world, provide a bountiful source of sustenance for the descendant races. Yet, it is of paramount importance never to take his benevolence for granted, as the mighty stags and their kin can swiftly turn the tables on any descendant predator.


Amaethon embodies several aspects in the pantheon of gods. He represents Regality, symbolized by his role as the Stag, the ruler of the herd who exudes dignity within his realm. He personifies Compassion, as he must tend to the health and well-being of his herd to ensure their survival through the harsh winter months. Amaethon represents Justice, for those who wrong the herd must face their sovereign and make amends. Lastly, he embodies Fatherhood, serving as a guiding example for the young bucks within the herd, preparing them to lead their own in the future.



The Bear

Protection and Guardianship


The Princess of Bears, Bolomormaa, possesses both formidable ferocity and genuine tenderness within her nature. Above all else, she is a spirit characterized by her profound value for protection and guardianship. Bolomormaa does not harbor a predisposition for warfare or aggression; rather, her fierceness is reserved for those who pose a threat to her cubs or tribe.


Unsurprisingly, she holds a revered status as the patron of mothers and motherhood, as few things are as inherently natural as the nurturing and safeguarding of one's offspring. Bolomormaa's blessings are fervently sought by expectant mothers and those already in the role of motherhood, invoking her gentleness and protective qualities. For mothers whose children have grown older or individuals who assume protective roles within their communities, they may pray to her for strength and fortitude.


Like a caring mother, the Sovereign of Bears is always attentive and receptive, even if her responses may not always be readily apparent. Her presence embodies the essence of motherhood and the deep, instinctual drive to nurture and safeguard the young and vulnerable.



The Owl

Wisdom and Knowledge


To encounter the Princess of Owls is to experience tranquility, for her prey remains oblivious to her silent approach. Her swiftness, elegance, and mastery as the nocturnal hunter have given rise to stories that intermingle both death and solace. This Mani embodies not only the qualities of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Patience but also the essence of the night itself.


Many individuals seek out Ohowaki to glean from her a treasure trove of stories and tales. Legend says she assumes the guise of an ordinary messenger owl when visiting scholars or librarians. For those who display a genuine thirst for knowledge, who are dedicated teachers, or who keep vigil during the night hours, there exists the possibility of encountering an owl perched nearby, quietly observing their work. The Sovereign, with her association with wisdom and patience, serves as a silent guardian and a repository of knowledge hidden within the dark realm of the night.


Morea and Moccus

The Wolf and The Boar

Ferocity and Loyalty, Strength and Fortitude


The Savage Wolf, Morea, and the Stalwart Boar, Moccus, stand as distinct Mani, yet they are often spoken of together, regarded as dual patrons of war. Morea embodies wisdom and cunning, resembling the stalker in the night. He leads his extensive pack with ruthless calculation, discerning the vulnerabilities of his adversaries and striking with the swiftness of lightning. In contrast, Moccus exudes an indomitable and steadfast nature. His hordes charge directly at their foes, unyielding and relentless, trampling over all who dare to oppose them. Together, Morea and Moccus represent the two facets of warfare—strategic ferocity and unyielding strength. They are revered by those who prepare for battle, offering guidance and protection in times of conflict.


Beyond their roles in war, Morea and Moccus embody a deeper sense of loyalty-to the tribe and to the clan. Like boars that may lock tusks in disputes and wolves that occasionally quarrel within the pack, communities may experience internal conflicts, but they always prioritize the survival and well-being of their collective unit over personal disputes. The values exemplified by the Princes of Wolves and Boars serve as a foundation for clan values, reinforcing the importance of unity, mutual support, and unwavering loyalty among the tribe members.



The Eagle

Freedom and Independence


Nemglan, known as the Lady of the Sky and Chieftainess of the Birds of Prey, holds a unique position among the Mani. It is believed that Nemglan is a Mani capable of perpetual flight, never requiring a moment of rest or landing. Nemglan is revered as the deity of Eagles, Hawks, Kestrels, and Falcons. Within elven culture, she embodies the principle of free will, serving as a patron of the innate freedom that is as intrinsic to elfkind as the boundless expanse of the sky is to a bird. Her presence symbolizes the untethered spirit and the unrestricted potential that can be found in the pursuit of individual and collective freedom.


Thunder is regarded as a significant omen associated with Nemglan. It is believed that the powerful flapping of her majestic wings is the cause of this natural phenomenon, and thunderstorms are seen as expressions of her divine wrath. Hence, she is often referred to by worshipers as the Thunderbird. Nemglan also holds the role of being the patron of journeys and travelers. Those embarking on long-distance voyages and expeditions frequently invoke her blessings for a safe and secure arrival at their destination. Conversely, individuals who have fallen out of favor with the Thunderbird may find themselves plagued by storms and misfortune during their travels, emphasizing the importance of maintaining her goodwill and protection throughout their journeys.



The Dolphin

Healing and Mercy


Among the old wood elven communities that thrived near rivers and coastlines, the worship of aquatic Mani naturally took root. Among these, Hamatsa, the Prince of Dolphins, emerged as one of the most prominent. Hamatsa was believed to possess the extraordinary ability to guide vast schools of fish into the nets of thankful fishermen. As a result, he earned the esteemed title of patron for Sea-Dwellers, Fishermen, and Sailors.


Hamatsa is recognized as one of the more amiable Mani, often traveling in groups with his fellow dolphins across the waters. He is known to come to the aid of travelers who have lost their way, offering his guidance and protection to ensure their safe journey. His benevolence and affinity for assisting those on the water have made him a beloved figure among those who rely on the sea for their livelihoods and travels.


Water has long been associated with the element of gentleness and healing, and as Hamatsa is a deity of the water realm, particularly revered as the Prince of Dolphins, he naturally embodies these qualities.As a result, Hamatsa is recognized as the patron of elven healers, herbalists, and doctors across the land. His connection to water's soothing and restorative properties aligns with the values held dear by those dedicated to the arts of healing and medicine. Those who undertake the noble task of tending to the well-being of others find inspiration and guidance in Hamatsa's gentle and compassionate nature, as they seek to bring solace and restoration to those in need.



The Fox

Cleverness and Cunning


Sonnos, the master strategist among the Mani, personifies the essence of cunning. Those who seek to cultivate cleverness, agile thinking, and strategic acumen often turn to him in prayer and reverence. His influence extends to those who aspire to sharpen their wits and navigate the complexities of life with shrewdness and intelligence.


The Prince of Foxes, in contrast to the trickster nature of the Prince of Ravens, holds the esteemed role of patron for calculated thinking and strategic wisdom. He embodies cunning and is often revered by a diverse range of individuals, including trackers, politicians, and merchants—those who stand to gain from his gift of quick thinking and insightful strategy.


In the woodlands where many elves make their homes, foxes are common inhabitants. As such, the sight of a fox's tail vanishing into the underbrush is often considered an auspicious sign. Many believe that following the path of a departing fox leads to hidden treasures, symbolizing the connection between Sonnos and the pursuit of valuable knowledge and strategic advantage.



The Raven

Trickery and Artistry


Kwakwani stands as one of the most enigmatic among the Mani, a Prince whose persona has often taken on the role of a benevolent trickster with a heart of gold when interacting with the descendant peoples. He has garnered a devoted following among wood elves, particularly as a patron of nomads, artists, and spiritual seekers. The Prince of Ravens is a source of inspiration and insight for those who immerse themselves in the world of artistry and self-expression, offering them a unique connection to the spiritual realm.



The Wildcat

Secrets and Mischief


The Princess of Wildcats, known for its enigmatic nature, is believed to possess a unique connection to secrets and hidden knowledge. Many individuals turn to Felixii in their quest for Truth, desiring her wisdom to keep secrets safe and to gain a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.To be granted an audience with her is to embrace the virtue of patience, for she imparts her knowledge in her own time and according to her own rhythms. Felixii's influence encourages individuals to consider all sides of a matter and to approach life's complexities with a sense of reverence and contemplation.


It is said that when Felixii deems a secret to be exceptionally valuable or worthy, the individual who whispers their offering may catch a fleeting glimpse of one such cat lurking in the shadows or concealed within the brush. This mysterious apparition is often regarded as an omen, signifying the significance of the secret and the Wildcat's acknowledgment of its importance. Once seen, the Wildcat swiftly vanishes from sight, leaving the individual with a profound sense of the secret's significance and the knowledge that it has been recognized by a creature so closely aligned with the mysteries of the wild.



The Beaver

Creation and Labor


Merecahe, in contrast to the great hunters and mightier Mani, does not seek to boast or bask in glory. He found contentment in the knowledge that he had a vital role to fulfill. His labor was of the utmost importance, and he approached it with dedication and humility. His significant task involves damming powerful rivers and forging the lands upon which various species would come to settle. It is under his watchful care that creatures, from predators to prey, and from mighty beasts to tiny insects, find a shared home upon the lands he painstakingly creates. He understands that his purpose in the world is not to seek acknowledgment or praise, but to fulfill his vital duty in ensuring the balance and harmony of the natural world.


Given his role in shaping the physical landscape and creating environments for various species to thrive, the Prince of Beavers serves as a patron for those who engage in acts of creation. Craftsmen, skilled artisans, blacksmiths, builders, and all who contribute to the act of crafting and constructing find themselves symbolically represented by this hardworking and industrious Mani. His influence inspires individuals to take pride in their craft, just as he took pride in his role as the guardian of the natural world, emphasizing the importance of dedication and diligence in the act of creation.



The Serpent

Redemption and Sin


Contrary to common perceptions in other cultures where snakes are often associated with sneakiness or deceit, the Serpent holds a distinct symbolism among the followers of the Aspects. In their tradition, the Serpent represents qualities such as cunning, power, and immense fortitude. Siss’siru, the Prince of Serpents, is often depicted as a patron figure for those who have committed wrongdoing, sinned, or strayed from the path of the Aspects. However, it is crucial to understand that Siss’siru does not condone these actions.


Siss’siru wields the toxins within his fangs as a means to punish the wicked and those who break their oaths. Simultaneously, he serves as a guide for those who seek a path of redemption. The Serpent Mani becomes a symbol of hope and transformation for individuals who wish to atone for their past actions. They pray to Siss’siru, seeking his guidance and assistance in navigating the challenging journey towards redemption, emphasizing the profound belief in the possibility of personal growth and renewal.



The Vulture

Death and Survival


Kar’nath, known as the Lord of Scavengers and the Prince of Vultures, has garnered a reputation in folktales as a figure associated with evil. However, in reality, Kar’nath is a neutral Mani, driven primarily by self-preservation and the survival of his own species. He cares little for the moral judgments of others and is simply focused on the well-being of himself and his kind. Thus, the Prince of Vultures has become a patron for survivalists and scavengers.


Kar’nath's role in the natural world involves scavenging, which may include feasting on the remains of the sick and weak or consuming corpses to sustain himself. While this behavior may seem unpleasant or unsettling to some, it is an essential aspect of the ecosystem, as scavengers like the Prince of Vultures help maintain the balance by cleaning up the remains of deceased creatures and preventing the spread of disease. In this sense, Kar’nath plays a vital role in the circle of life and death within the natural order.



The Steed

Gentleness and Passiveness


Machana, a Mani with a distinctive role in the world of Descendants, wields significant influence through her kin, who serve as elven mounts. In contrast to many other Mani, Machana possesses a more passive and peaceful nature, typically avoiding engagement in conflicts. However, she is not to be underestimated, for her gentle disposition conceals a powerful sense of justice.


Machana, like her fellow Mani, diligently watches over her domain within the natural world. All herds of wild horses fall under her guardianship, and she guides them to the lushest pastures and most suitable environments for their well-being. Yet, her influence extends beyond the wild herds, touching the lives of both humans and elves.


Those who seek to tame a wild horse often find themselves blessed by the Princess of Steeds with a steadfast and loyal steed, provided they approach the task with the appropriate offerings and a deep respect for the natural order. This divine connection between Machana and those who seek to form a bond with her kin underscores the importance of reverence and humility in the presence of the Mani and the wild creatures they protect.



The Hummingbird

Vibrancy and Hope


Kholibrii, when spotted, stands out with her immense beauty, vibrant colors, and graceful movements that accentuate her every action. Compared to many other Mani, The Princess of Hummingbirds is one of the more frequently seen, although she typically does not engage directly with the descendants. If encountered, she peacefully carries on with her duties, radiating an aura of joy and positivity.


One of Kholibrii's most prominent ideals is hope. Her very presence brings forth a sense of optimism and a positive outlook. She spreads hope throughout the natural world by ushering in spring each year, infusing it with color, vibrancy, and facilitating the pollination of flowers and blossoms with the assistance of her tribe of hummingbirds. As the harbinger of spring, she embodies nature's greatest hope during the long winter months, inspiring faith in the renewal of life and encouraging those around her to maintain a positive perspective on the future.


Kholibrii does not dwell on past mistakes, worries, or fears; instead, she presses forward with unwavering faith in her ability to persevere and achieve a brighter outcome. She serves as the patron of various creative professions, including dancers, painters, singers, florists, and tiva-weavers. The Princess holds in high regard individuals marked with talent, whose artistic creations are inspired by her own beauty and vibrancy, infusing the world with creativity and hope.



The Panther

Silence and Elusiveness


Norra, the Princess of Panthers, stands as a Mani surrounded by mystery. Her essence is defined by the attributes of a skilled huntress, marked by her keen primal skills. She moves with an elusive and silent grace, blending seamlessly into the cover of night as she stalks her prey.


As a result of her mastery of stealth and hunting prowess, Norra has become a patron of the most skilled hunters. Those who possess the ability to remain undetected as they pursue their quarry are particularly favored by her. Her influence extends to those who navigate the wild with skill and finesse, embodying the qualities of a true huntress.



The Lion

Courage and Pride


Commonly recognized as the Great Lion Spirit, Mahae embodies the virtues of courage and pride. Lions are known for their regal and proud nature, and their Prince, holds his head high in keeping with their spirit. Those who follow Mahae exemplify the qualities of lions, fighting with the unwavering courage of these majestic creatures and never allowing fear or shame to shake their iron resolve.


As the Prince of the Pride, Mahae serves as a patron for individuals who exude confidence and bravery. He inspires those who choose to walk the path of unwavering determination, urging them to face challenges with a resolute spirit and unwavering pride, just as lions do in the wild.



The Bat

Retribution and Dread


Vesper, known as the Scourge of the Skies, made his presence known in recent times, descending upon the land and declaring his dominion to the druids who witnessed his arrival. The Prince of Bats is wholly devoted to the pursuit of vengeance, instilling dread and fear in the hearts of his enemies. Vesper's very essence revolves around the concept of retribution.


Individuals who are consumed by the desire for revenge and seek to settle scores find themselves under the patronage of Vesper. He represents the relentless pursuit of one's own retribution, serving as a source of strength and inspiration for those who crave justice or wish to repay wrongs committed against them. The Prince of Bats embodies the unyielding and unwavering spirit of vengeance, offering his support to those who share in his pursuit.



The Elephant

Leadership and Might


Sha'maiden, the great Princess of Elephantidae, embodies the principles of leadership and might. Throughout history, she has been celebrated as a spiritual guide, a messenger, an ambassador of the Fae, and a benevolent soul. Sha'maiden is a kind and gentle giant, known for her steadfast guidance of her people.


Leaders, in particular, find a patron in the Princess of Elephantidae. Her towering presence serves as a symbol of authority and strength, and her very steps are said to shape valleys and sunder mountains. Those who hold positions of leadership look to her as an inspiration, drawing from her wisdom and benevolence as they guide their communities and strive to make a positive impact on the world. Sha'maiden stands as a beacon of leadership and a source of guidance for those who seek to lead with compassion and strength.



The Moth

Dreams and Tranquility


Luna'illi, the Prince of Moths, is among the more gentle and tranquil Mani, personifying the quiet serenity of the night and the soothing release of the mind as it prepares for slumber. Individuals who struggle with restlessness and sleep-related issues often turn to Luna'illi in the hopes that he will bless them with a peaceful night's rest.


Luna'illi is a symbol of peaceful sleep and the calming influence of the night, offering solace to those in need of rest and reprieve from their sleep-related troubles. As a guardian of those who sleep, Luna'illi ensures that those who slumber are granted dreams and visions of the night, offering them guidance and enlightenment for when they awaken in the morning. His influence extends beyond the physical realm into the realm of dreams, providing a guiding light to those who seek insight and inspiration during their waking hours. Luna'illi's benevolence is reflected not only in the pollination of the natural world but also in the guidance and comfort he offers to those who rely on the gentle embrace of dreams.


The Moth Prince teaches those who seek his wisdom to embrace the night and the freedom it offers. He encourages them to take advantage of the quietude and to find inner peace in the tranquil lull that the night provides, away from the bustling noise of the day. Luna'illi has become a symbol for those who dwell in the quiet hours of darkness, staying vigilant and awake at the call of duty, becoming nightbound guardians while the rest of the world slumbers. His presence is a source of inspiration for those who find strength and purpose in the stillness and serenity of the night.



All art by LaeyrdaValna on Deviant Art. Thank you to @Drusus and @NightcastorKitty for proofreading! Information used from the following posts:

Aspectism: The Faith of the Alders and the Ame

Elnarnsae'ame: The Wild Faith of the Wood Elves

Mani: Demi-Gods of the Wilds Clarifications

Fox Mani: Sonnos, Prince of Foxes

Mani Submission: Kholibrii, The Hummingbird Mani
@marslol for the information on Luna’illi

This is not an exhaustive list of all the Mani known of irp, just the most well known and revered. If you'd like another Mani to be added to this list, simply reach out to me either oocly or irp!


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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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