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It is our hope to see the flourishing of all GOD's creations beneath our regnant grace. Since our Knights first kissed Petran ground 'pon Aevos, the powerful Wizards of Hohkmat have proved invaluable allies and trustworthy friends in the pursuit of liberty within the Commonwealth and all of Aevos. We have counted them amongst our ranks in conflict against the darkness that ever seeks to extinguish the light of the Petran people - and so we do with great zeal continue to stand with these learned scholars and find new hope in this age of Knights, Magi, and above all, LIBERTY.




ARTICLE I - On Allegiance and Titles

  1. The City-State of Hohkmat shall be a semi-autonomous protectorate that shall be recognized as a separate entity internally. It shall therefore be granted the ability to make foreign treaties, and have full autonomy to manage its own internal affairs within the Commonwealth. The selection of its leaders shall not be infringed upon in any way.


  1.  Military Alliances with nations and their vassals shall remain the right of the Commonwealth of Petra. However, Hohkmat shall retain the right of self defense and may enter into contracts with sellswords and mercenaries to augment the defense of their city. 


  1. Any titles held by the Grand Magister of Hohkmat prior to this treaty and honorifics gained outside of Petra post this agreement cannot be revoked by the sovereign nor any official of the Petran Commonwealth. They can neither give it to anyone who claims the titles of the Grand Magister. The Commonwealth neither has any claim to the titles currently held by the Grand Magister. The Grand Magister of Hohkmat shall likewise recognize the titles, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of the greater Commonwealth.


ARTICLE II - Release Clause

  1. The City-State of Hohkmat shall have the ability to leave the Commonwealth of the Petra. Should Article II, 1, be triggered the City-State shall be released from all oaths and duties, ceding all Petran titles and lands back to the Commonwealth and will no longer be considered a protectorate of the Commonwealth. 


  1. Likewise, the Commonwealth of the Petra shall also retain the right to release the City-State of Hohkmat from their oaths and duties should the terms of this agreement be violated and reclaim that which was given under them, but must first seek a diplomatic resolution under these circumstances.


ARTICLE III - Military and Defense

  1. The Grand Magister of Hohkmat shall be allowed to raise their own banners and troops for their own defense, though may not engage in any endeavors which might threaten the foreign policy nor sovereignty of the greater Commonwealth.


  1. The Commonwealth of the Petra is obligated to defend the City-State of Hohkmat, ensuring that its borders, laws, and citizens shall not be infringed or threatened. In return, Hohkmat shall provide strategic and tactical mages to support its Protector's Armies in times of war. 


ARTICLE IV - Governance

  1. The City-State of Hohkmat shall have the right to hold their own court and form their own local autonomous government separate from the national government of the Commonwealth.


  1. The Commonwealth of the Petra will not interfere in the succession of the City-State of Hohkmat. The duty of determining the succession of Hohkmat shall fall upon their own designation and laws.


  1. The City-State of Hohkmat will have the right to have their own laws which can and will only be altered by the City-State of Hohkmat. These laws are only applicable within the lands granted to the City-State of Hohkmat.


  1. The Grand Magister of Hohkmat reserves the right to demand a meeting with an official of the government of the Commonwealth chosen by the Queen within the City-State of Hohkmat to discuss any grievances that may arise.


  1. Mages of the City-State of Hohkmat accused of a crime within the Commonwealth of the Petra may request to have their trial held within and by the City-State of Hohkmat instead of the Petran Capital. If there is no record of the Mage being a citizen or resident of the City-State, their request might be automatically denied. Those accused of Treason with evidence may not request this.


ARTICLE V - Land and Taxes

  1. The Commonwealth of the Petra will grant land to the City-States to use, to divide or to grant as territory, as seen fit in accordance with this agreement. Their people shall accommodate this land, using it to pursue their magical interests and advancements.


  1. The City-State of Hohkmat agrees to pay a sum of tax yearly to the Government of the Commonwealth of the Petra for the land that they hold. The amount shall be agreed upon by both parties before taxation begins.


ARTICLE VI - Duration

  1. This Treaty shall be in place for as long as the Capital City of Hohkmat resides within the Commonwealth of Petra.


  1. If any of the two parties attempts to or breaks any of the articles then a meeting shall be held where a peaceful solution can be achieved.





HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Renilde I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


HIS EXCELLENCY, Konstantin von Theonus, Chancellor of the Commonwealth of the Petra


HER SERENE HIGHNESS, Princess Catherine of the Petra, Archduchess of Vallagne, Protector of Dogs


GRAND-MAGISTER, Razad the 'Fatebinder', Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat 

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The Grand Magister of Hohkmat looks forward, eagerly, as the magical ziggurat of Hohkmat begins to take shape upon the lands granted to the Sorcerers...

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The Amendment of 107  –








As signed between Queen Catherine I, and the Grand-Magister Razad ‘The Fatebinder’, the Petra-Hohkmat treaty has been amended to secure the protection of the state of the Petra from crimes against the government of the Commonwealth. The amendment shall be taken into effect immediately upon the signing and publishing.




ARTICLE IV - Governance

  1. The City-State of Hohkmat will have the right to have their own laws which can and will only be altered by the City-State of Hohkmat. These laws are only applicable within the lands granted to the City-State of Hohkmat.


a. This exists with the exception of Article III of the Lex Pettres, "OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PETRA", which details the crimes of Treason, Invasion, Corruption, and Obstruction. If Article III is shown to have been violated within Hohkmat, The Commonwealth of the Petra reserves the right to judge the violator as in any other Petran territory. 




Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty

GRAND-MAGISTER, Razad the 'Fatebinder', Hierophant of the Mysteries, Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat

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