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Discovery of the Necronomicon


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24th of the Amber Cold, 149 SA




Throm'ka brothers of the Horde, once again I write to you lot in a recent discovery I have made that will assist in our future battles. In my last journey up north into Norland, I have found a dangerous and powerful Necronomicon which has allowed me to cast some real hozh spells. Any uruks who wish to come learn my magiks, come meet me in the goi, you will find me casting many horrible and terrible spells in ancient Norlandic blah.  Mayhaps I shall be building a mojo tower, where I may cast spells all over the goi upon our enemies. 










Signed, Holder of the Necronomicon, Caster of Dangerous magiks, Targoth, Swampgoth, All around hozh urukim,

Grubnakh the elf


Edited by Eokamaster
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Obok Metaldrinks read over his peculiar mail in the morning. e' w'y not, w'ats t'e worst t'at could 'appen? he mused to himself before heading out to find a certain Olog.

Edited by Wulfric
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A LAK in the village hears the news as he sits by the murky swamp water, sharpening his spear.

"Wut have the new swamp Goth been doing, playing with hummans, while there is a swamp to build and a spirit to crush"

he mutters, shaking his head slightly but saying out loud to himself...

"Wut tha skah type of mojo is this..."

His curiosity is piqued.

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"Nani?! What is a Necromoncimcon-" Said, a necromancer Oyashiman as she completely butchered the name of the book.

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