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Da Purple Orc is flattend [PK]


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There Sharog laid in a pool of her own blood, headless.


A few minutes before she was ready to strike her spear into an enemy as another came at her from behind.

She could not see her fate as blade sliced her throat and took her head clean off while distracted.


Atemu-ta claimed victory over the orcess

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"To hear of anudda sistah fallen... If only I was there to witness the battle in its fury" Mused a fisherman, who seemingly has been gone fishing a few months

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"I didn't wish to claim the life of an orc." Atemu said as he polished his Khopesh, the same one which fell the purple Orcess, wiping it clean with a golden cloth. "But if you defend a regime that threatens to mutiliate my people, commits brutality against their Pharaoh - me - and abuses us with impunity, the time for mercy has passed. Ka'tau's justice must be rendered permanently, for all to see." Atemu then looked towards the wall, noticing a picture of his dear sister Meret, who fell moments before he defeated the orcess. "The Ra'tuhmet showed his wrath to the barbaric, primitive urkium, and Hesthor has made her judgments declarative. My people will rise from the ashes of this defeat and we shall prevail over all the sowers of Isfet. Our empire shall return."


[!] Atemu then turned towards his prayer room and walked towards it, readying for a ritual to take him to the Heavens of Ka, where the Gods awaited his presence.

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