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Order: Call to Search

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Call to Search




Penned by


Naf zwy 22nd hag i Vzmey ag Hynk i 502 E.S.


Krusae zwy Kongzem


A first priority among our affairs remains the plight of Ve Bej Nikirala: the storm which has plagued Valdev for a number of years, freezing homes, businesses, and stealing away lives. It is apparent that the end to this storm has not yet been seen, and therefore our work continues. Each of us has lost something to this continuing threat on our lives, and though We Persist, as ever we have, we cannot languish in these most bitter of frosts forever.


The cultists thought to be connected to Ve Bej Nikirala are currently being sought and though they have yet laid low in our region for some time they ought remain the forefront of our efforts. They have been seen across the continent, from our own dear city of Valdev, to Numendil, to Aaun and to Lurin with the list of sightings having grown over time. It remains Our Duty to aid in this scouring and to coordinate our efforts where reasonable with other protectors of Hanseti-Ruska.

It is thus ordered that The Order are to search Aevos from its heights to its depths to find these fiends and their 'heart'; leave no crevice unseen and any oddities ought be relayed without delay. 


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