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Daemonology is a subject that has often been forgotten within our world. How can we possibly know what sort of Daemon is troubling our being? How can we know why? What is it that makes the Daemon what it is? Why does the Daemon obey its lord the Deceiver? Why do they send ghosts to bother us?


As we do have our own expulsion methods within our Church, it is important for oneself to know what acts might be relating to the daemon. Is it able to express its powers through the body of the possessed one, or is it merely communicating through the body of the possessed person in question? There are many questions and frustrations that one has once they are encountering something as brutal as the possession of a daemon; but often one does not know what to do.


Daemons come in many forms; sometimes as personal temptation but also in the physical way. They either show themselves or they do not. In some cases, they adopt the form of someone dearest to you who is deceased or they take on the form of someone who you love and is still alive but wants to trick you into worshipping the Deceiver. The Daemon intends to make one struggle, suffer and perhaps even want to kill the person in question whom they are bothering with their evil intent.


It is in this codex that one can find ways to prevent the daemon from entering homes and entering the bodies of the laity. Take this lightly or harshly; but one who is possessed has often played with the daemonic way of life and is found guilty of interaction with their lord Iblees, the first Fallen Daemon. For example, this codex will explain how Canonist symbols such as the Lorraine and Hussariya play a vital role in the expulsion of daemons and their works; and possible prayers that defend the believers against the works of the daemons. 



Benedict of Veletz




It is important to know the first daemon of all, Iblees, and why he is the way that he is. It is said in our Holy Scrolls that he was an Aengul at first, much like Aeriel. He is the reason for sin and continues to tempt those in the mortal world with his tricks by the use of his servants; the daemons. Let it be known here that the Deceiver is the reason why daemons continue to make us sin and are the only reason why possessions and the dark arts have been made possible to be inflicted upon mankind. 


Daemons are vile creatures and fear the One GOD; they refuse to enter Churches due to the immense power that it brings with and the protection that the altar and all the symbology that comes with it. Especially when there is a Saint buried underneath the place of worship, they fear the protection of that too. 


Daemons played a great role within the Holy Scrolls as those who misguide the people through pride and greed of the mortal being and take great advantage of the sensitivity of the person. The reason why so much is happening in the world can often be pointed towards the Daemon and not the individual human. They are the purest source of evil alongside their lord the Deceiver and are the murderers of the human soul. 


The daemons are also those who pretend to be gods or god in other nations outside of our Canonist realms. They deceive the natural habit of man to believe in one GOD and His Exalted. They pose as false idols before the pagan altars of those who have been misled into the hatred against the One True GOD. As we all know, is that GOD is OUR only superior and no daemon is capable of taking His place.


The Daemons fear the following things:


1. Prayer

When you call upon GOD and the blessings of His Exalted, and ask a Saint to pray for you, the Daemon shall fear the one who calls upon Him for help. They can not tolerate that there is a superior above them for they have after all been casted out due to the extreme sense of pride that they had.


2. The Canonist Crosses

The crosses stand in definition of our faith and apply to our GOD. The cross broadcasts a sense of power to the daemon that it can not handle due to its inferiority and is weak against His power. 


3. Holy Water of Gamesh

When one has the Holy Water of Gamesh, the surroundings of one will be cleansed through the blessing of GOD. It is a purifying method to purify one’s area where they think a daemon might be and the daemon WILL retreat in fear of the One True GOD. 




The Hierarchy of Daemons is often unclear but there is a good explanation as to how they go to work when one is confronted with the works of daemons. The hierarchy of daemons has clearly a leader, which is the deceiver, the arch-daemon and following the deceiver are the normal daemons and the lesser daemons. 




Arch-Daemon: Leader of the Daemons.


Daemons: Capable of possession and are the murderers of the human soul.


Lesser Daemons: These are lesser demons with specific roles and functions, often associated with tempting humans or causing mischief.


As written above, the daemons are divided into various groups. Ghosts are however not part of the Daemons but are considered daemon spawn due to the rituals that involve dark magic in bringing a soul back to life but in the physical appearance of a ghost. However, ghosts are also able to be deceived by the daemon. 


It is important to note that depending on which rank within the hierarchy the daemon is, that a Daemon is stronger then a lesser daemon and that the Arch-Daemon is stronger than all. So when a person is possessed by a Daemon-Regular, it requires more prayer and methods than the Lesser-Daemon. 


One might as well go back to Chapter I of the Libri Daemonis to apply all the three on the possessed person in question and exercise it as much as possible until the possessed one is released from the lords of darkness.




When a person is confronted with a daemon, prayer is absolutely vital to endure this confrontation against the evil that the daemon brings. It is important during prayer to make your intention clear and to ask for protection against the daemon that is trying to attack or possess you, or anyone else. 


Firstly, Before you pray, it is important to absolve yourself of sin through confession so the daemon may not use your sin against you again.


Secondly, it is important for one to take hold of a rosary cross and repeatedly say prayers to GOD and ask him for an Aengul to protect you against the daemons.


Thirdly, one ought to find a place of sanctuary or ask a clergyman to help pray, or find a third party who is able to pray so the prayer is effective against the attack.


If there is no church, make sure to make an altar and pray consistently. Every day; when you wake up, before you eat food, and before you sleep. Due to the Holy mentions of GOD and His Exalted, the daemon will immediately fear you and therefore refuse to bother you further. Prayers are the sword of GOD and will decapitate the daemon through words and through the power that GOD sends in return. 



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The lesser Demon, Daal chewed on an old boot he found while occasionally peering over at a grand church of canon. The devious infernal spawn plotting even more devious things like putting a banana peel outside the doorway, snickering at the idea and then promptly getting his teeth stuck in the boot with a bite too deep in 

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I want to say that this is a wonderful and well-thought post. It's not the classic "Out the spook" or "This is how you kill x"-- it actually gives some depth to one's culture. Look forward to see where it brings! 


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