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Història en Cendres


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Història en Cendres

History in Ashes

19th of Owyn's Flame, 86 B.A.




Let it be known, that some time over the previous Saint’s Night, we found that the Veletzian Anathema, likely individuals tied to those who burnt down a Church of GOD in the lands of Petra within a similar timeframe, also entered the Kingdom of Balian, and intentionally razed a museum on the history of the old Empire curated by one of our private citizens. Let it be known that acts by the Anathema to destroy Humanity’s ties to its GOD and its History - two of the things that most define us as Human - shall not be tolerated. 


For our Faith in our GOD and his natural Law guide us towards what we should aspire to be, and his Exalted warn us of our deficiencies and against iniquity; likewise, our History shows us what we have done - both good and ill - in the past, without knowledge of which we would be left unable to learn and improve into the future. 


Let it be known that this act of Arson in the First Degree - a felony under our laws - shall be investigated, and if we may find the cowards who would rather incinerate and destroy buildings of Learning and Faith in the night rather than face the League of GOD’s Chosen in fair combat, thus depriving Humanity of the lessons provided in such, shall be punished under the full extent of the law, and only prove their cowardice and stupidity.




His Excellency, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, 

Baron of Enderoca, Cavalier of the Order of the Silver Comet, Royal Magister of the Kingdom of Balian


Edited by SmartScout
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