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Elegy For a lost Dove. (PK POST)


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"God can't save us from the hands of mortal pride; Dios no puede salvarnos de las manos del orgullo mortal."


In the desolate embrace of a world torn by war, where the very air whispered tales of anguish and chaos, Apollonina traversed the unforgiving battlegrounds. News of her beloved brother's tragic fate clawed at her heart, a somber reminder that in the dance of war, no one emerged unscathed. With an age-worn visage and the remnants of lost nobility, she embarked on a journey, leaving behind the familiarity of her cottage.


The morning, painted with the hues of sorrow, bore witness to her frail steps, each one laden with the weight of grief. Her grandchild's laughter, a distant melody within her mind, echoed in the background, a cruel sound to the impending doom. With the wisdom of years etched on her face, Apollonina should have known that war yields only destruction, as the cold wind whispered tales of the new war's relentless rampage.  She was mistaken for a relic of nobility and became a casualty in a war that did not care about titles or lineage.


Quizás ella debía dejar un mensaje. ¿O fue otra víctima más?


Bloodstained fingers traced the wrinkles of a life lived fully, slowly giving way to the certainty of death as the body collapsed on the merciless ground. Her eyes settled on a single flower, a bloom among the pebbles.


¿Acaso fue una hierba olvidada?


Her heart began to ache with every reminder of her losses as grief wrapped its painful talons around it. She was burdened by her memories, which ranged from the fleeting grins of her father, Ioannes, who used to work at the lecturers and give her dolls and warmth, to the joyful moments she shared with her grandfather, who allowed her to hold the name de Rivera. The cold winds of betrayal smothered the warmth of familial ties, and Petra's stoic walls bore witness to her metamorphosis into a jaded soul. Once an inspiration, her niece Renilde was destroyed by a queen's disdainful hand for family, leaving Apollonina to manage the broken pieces of her own family. Her life was intricately woven by the elusive and unpredictable dance of love. She heard of Paco-No Toni's calling to become a priest in the blossoming lanes of Acre, but she declined the invitation.


Quizás debería haberlo intentado. ¿Seguiría desangrándose en la hierba del camino?


In the twilight of her years, Apollonina found herself tethered to Sancho in a marriage born of necessity. While love blossomed and offspring were cherished, the scars of a love lost in time lingered, casting shadows over the warmth of her present.For years, she longed for Sebastion, a star-crossed lover lost in the ruins of Oren. Their laughter once echoed in tandem, and they faced the world together. They fought together and gathered a makeshift family. He was the wild, uncharted waters she struggled to navigate—a love forever unfulfilled.


As Apollonina's eyes fluttered shut, the final notes of her life's memories played. Loneliness gripped her, and in the throes of her demise, the metallic taste of mortality filled her lungs. The question lingered: who would come to find her, the once vibrant girl with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes, now a relic of a bygone era, aged beyond her years?


¿Me reconocerán siquiera?

Alba puede heredar las cuchillas.

Perhaps she can finish what I started.




Goodnight, time to close the chapter on -Apollonia Selene Catherine Gulia de Rivera, las Palmas

Oh gosh, I dont even know how much history I have witnessed with Apollonia; she sure has seen a lot from running around duloc, oren, acre, perta, aaun, and minitz. And a whole bunch of other places. I have to thank Joanofarc and Raindrop for allowing me to play one of their many children. And everyone she encountered. She was my first hyspian-esque child, and she met many people, which, I think, dazzled the hearts of many. From getting into fights about ballroom dancing to teaching people how to dance or sing, running around du loc like a weirdo. Bumps in the roads and life taking me by the reigns and shaking me violently had me stop and slowly stop playing her but she is up there with my top favourite impactful characters, 


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Gregorius Roa sighed lightly as yet once more of his friends left this earth, making him think what he should be doing… if he should go with them or stay within this lands, amongst his family, he signed the Lorraine "Blessed be" he said, hoping for Apollonia to hear him from the Seven Skies

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