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[Guide] Hou-zi Skins

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[Guide] Hou-zi Skins 

Brought to you by the Hou-zi Community Discord [Click this for an invite!]


Hou-zi are fairly un-complex, most akin to how elf/human faces are shaped in skins, but with fur. There are a plethora of FTU clothing submissions, but very few FTU hou-zi skins. Here’s how you can make your own!




For this tutorial, I’ll be making a Fei-zhu (colorful baboon-like Hou); this is also applicable to Laobai-zhu (the brown-furred monkeys) and somewhat to Hei-zhu (gorillas).


1. Go to your preferred skin editor! Mine is Planet Minecraft.



2. Select a base color. For Fei-zhu, they can be many different colors (like orcs) in fur and skin color. Typically, their skin contrasts their fur color or is a color beside them on the color wheel (like red & yellow, blue & green, or blue & yellow). For Hei-zhu, though they are typically gray & black, have historically also been the most sub-species with albino variants (seen in a clan before in Tongyi-Hu of Arcas). They are also sometimes are brown-hued. For Laobai-zhu, their colors have ranged from dark blondes, to browns, to red-browns, and sometimes dark (almost black) browns with lighter skin.



3. Face Shapes & Eyes. Face shapes are pretty consistent with all Hou-zi, differing in how fur is shaped and what haircut you give your monkey. The only subrace that sometimes differs are Hei-zhu. As you can see, Hou-zi tend to have inverted eyes (lighter pupils, darker sclera), though in lore don’t actually have pupils or irises at all. 


[Third skin by Jihnyny!]


4. Shading. Shading the front face is fairly simple. I lower the opacity (typically 8-14%) and use a red color to layer on darker shadows on one side, and a highlight of white on the lightly shadowed side as you can see above. Purple and blue work, too (especially if your character has gray, black, or brown skin).


What’s trickier is shading the fur. There are various ways of shading it, but most opt to shade it the same as you would hair, OR, shade it sort of like a cube & layer over it on the Hat Layer to add depth.


As you can see below, I did the cube-shading method, alongside adding shading behind and around the ear.

epvmQUTz9lh5h_yh9aXwgxb1Hn5WslEMhQHPPOZqBCDe__OwVTYriEaAiIx2mzzrz1PVhDQGzLtBxxqUO6A2FfjuqUfQ7N0IHcvjQtxslLH95YWyr31K7AbpP3zcsrdv97f_vb8fm5wrU5IVdoQLyBmZDxhz_NG84sCkk7ES8ieU1w1FVlxinrA7omATeg-> xjp5T1VsDfJ0kWhBjoeozIwJABsdSLyxUtNrVLxfYaQ97NEzMhSWZv2jy63s4fmuRgLpIhPVh1P2uLwQZ5VOv0FYLutIN6w0iMRCs4VPxOwGgM-Pu6DhfgA0nijHnJ3b_m4Ok8JXlOZt65YYmKUuj38I96Ifgn1ZE7viwW0fdE1Keg1u4q-LViOG-3Jz8w->9URbH8B1rpXMZj3uF4y76hrX1jcBuIoC5YMabB2ygLWwshsWH6jPuGf2wk7Er-acMZeJpvBRDw9xItBr6uPXTwPsfYR6UgEldT2afLncFqM8Gup65CjEX5MskDObtyVw1pc3i1s9ybSm24gsAHh3CnSV97EIKz4MZ-cntJ3m3BBkK_0JvBmUaVpzrGDrKg


And there you go! A fabulous Hou-zi head. I’ll likely be giving this away in the community disc.




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