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[✗] Draziman addition


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Forging allows a neat aesthetic ability to allow Azdrazi to melt down various mundane metals with ease, such as armor and swords without taking the use of their inner flame, this is an ability has no requirement for a certain amount of emotes


-can not be used in combat.


-does not use the usage of the inner-flame


-Emotes are freeform


-Can not be used on ST materials or the alike


-If used on Dracanium it will take [3] emotes and [2] inner flame (changing nothing.)


-This simply clarifies some things and allows more of a freeform and fun experience for self-rp etc. 




“I am you, you are me. We are him. We mirror the Titan, as so does he mirror us. We are the pieces, the world is the puzzle. 


This allows a way for Nephilim to share emotional and physical pain and joys both literally and figuratively with each other, this is a freeform ability that cannot be used in/during combat. The emotional pain or joy may vary for whatever the Nephilim may be experiencing, depressed, anxious thoughts will be momentarily offered so they may have a better grasp to view upon the other's own possessive thought, yet physical pain as well can be traded for example if a Nephilim was cut, bruised or even missing a limb the other can trade this, so the first Nephilim (who is missing a limb) will approach the second, whereas the second will don the missing limb and the first will be regenerated 


-Cannot be used during combat or as a way to influence combat.


-This is freeform requiring no exact count for emotes. 


-This allows Nephilim to explore the minds of their own past experiences, latent memories, or whatever the player may desire it is solely up to them.





Trading similar to sharing yet not so much physically or emotionally allows Azdrazi to trade inner-flame with another, taking [1] entire uninterrupted emote to donate [1] single unit of inner-flame unto another, yet in turn the Nephilim granting [1] inner-flame will lose it, [2] uninterrupted emotes will count for [2] inner-flame [3] emotes being [3] inner-flame and so forth. 


-This may be used in combat or non-combat scenarios.


-To perform trading will take [1] entire uninterrupted emote to do so. 


-When a Nephilim grants however much inner flame, they will lose the according amount they bestowed upon the other, for however much is given is lost. 


-If disrupted whilst doing this the inner flame does not transfer whatsoever. 


-Will cost [1] inner flame, yet the amount of inner flame will and can be depending on how much they wish to donate. 


-To use Trading a Nephilim must have a free hand, or their maw must be revealed, so they are able to gift their inner-flame unto another. 


- They may be able to do [3] emotes in total to give [3] inner-flame or more.


-The Nephilim must have a close distance of a minimum of [3] blocks. 



(spell name)



Those who attain inner-flame and are reborn into Azdraziship, gain that of being able to forge a single weapon, permanently attaching it to their very being. As they take forth mundane steel and imbue upon it their inner flame, they can bestow upon it richly runes and fire allowing it to harness the same properties of dracanium. 


-Any Azdrazi is able to do this once their CA is accepted.


-They can only do this for [1] Weapon ever, no more or no takebacks once they have chosen their desired weapon. 


-The weapon will follow the same properties of dracanium and will follow all lore from that lore piece.


-Once the spell Daar’kraz has been used, it will be listed upon a Nephilims CA, stating. “Single use spell Daar’kraz in use” 


-These Weapons cannot become mArts.  


-The desired weapon cannot be made out of other ST metals or items, the weapon can only be purely that of dracanium forge. 


-When this is used a single draan-bind slot will be used up automatically. 


-These weapons are automatically Draan-Bound taking up [1] slot when they decide to enchant the item of choice. 


-These weapons solely belong to an Azdrazi it cannot be ‘given’ to other players to use, due to the connection with its owner. 


-They cannot smelt down the dracanium or ‘reforge’ it once they have decided their desired weapon, it cannot be reverted. 


-Once a Nephilim is PK’D, the weapon will turn to ash and no longer be usable.  - Or simply lose the sacred enchantment, losing its property of dracanium and rather returning to its regular mundane state. (so a once dracanium sword would turn into a just a regular mundane sword) 


-They are able to disenchant their item returning it to normal, yet they are not given the chance to use the enchant again. 


-(doesn’t have to be a weapon, it may be something as useless as a pendant.) 


This goes for the Sharing ability 


Nephilim and the way they interact with other dragonkin can be indifferent yet their souls of fire share so much similarity - like a cousin's undeniable connection is shown between draconic souls. 


Yet the flames of Nephilim are brother and sister and are bonded tightly; they share a unique relationship, their mind of consciousness above just regular concepts, like a divine concept or even a drug- or further. The works shown in the mind/soul of the Nephilim is a bewildering mystery to even ancient Azdrazi it can be greatly misunderstood- this further awareness and state of mind lead to what is believed the greatest interpretation of ideas’ - Asioth - thus the Nephilim look inwards, they stare deeply at themselves, by this standard they look at eachother,

the Nephilim's way of mind works differently than the ordinary man.



For a long time dracanium (dragon bones) has been incredibly scarce within even the azdrazi community and even outside of the community though it doesn’t hold much value other than its aesthetic and its mArt capabilities, this allows every azdrazi equally to possess their own special weapon but are unable to make it a mArt.  


I wrote this up a while ago without too much thought, I will consider any changes and ideas and this will probably need to be fixed up a ton, I am not the best at writing lore. . .  




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teach me?

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Some of these are very strangely formatted and worded, could have possibly benefited from being read by some other folks before posting. Some stuff that stuck out to me (take with a grain of salt, I haven't read the draziman lore for a few months)


- why, in the sharing ability, is there a random tidbit about an adrazi being able to regenerate a limb?

- Sharing emotions in general seems out of place for drazi, and sparsely outlined for what it is (+ unfortunately some people do use it to be weird)

- As far as I can understand, inner-flame is incredibly important to drazi; if they lose enough they can be PKed or corrupted (essentially a PK). Being able to give someone a refill in just one emote is very overpowered (and, especially since it seems there's a limit to how much one can have, might be impossible irp).

- Dragon bones (and thus dracanium) is superduper rare. Being able to completely replicate it and bind it completely negates the reason Dracanium is rare


I def understand the reason for some of these and they'd be great additions otherwise, but seem to lack proper balancing


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Kindemperor made a post, so naturally I upvoted. That's my style, sir! +1

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24 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

Some of these are very strangely formatted and worded, could have possibly benefited from being read by some other folks before posting. Some stuff that stuck out to me (take with a grain of salt, I haven't read the draziman lore for a few months)


- why, in the sharing ability, is there a random tidbit about an adrazi being able to regenerate a limb?

- Sharing emotions in general seems out of place for drazi, and sparsely outlined for what it is (+ unfortunately some people do use it to be weird)

- As far as I can understand, inner-flame is incredibly important to drazi; if they lose enough they can be PKed or corrupted (essentially a PK). Being able to give someone a refill in just one emote is very overpowered (and, especially since it seems there's a limit to how much one can have, might be impossible irp).

- Dragon bones (and thus dracanium) is superduper rare. Being able to completely replicate it and bind it completely negates the reason Dracanium is rare





- The sharing ability allows azdrazi to 'share' their emotions, their thoughts and so on I may have worded it weirdly thats entirely mb. But it doesn't just mean 'sharing emotions' they can share say the physical pain they possess so another azdrazi may take part in the pain migitating it by allowing the pain to transfer over to them. The same goes for wounds, missing limbs etc. I.e if my azdrazi had lost a limb, another azdrazi may be able to tranfer the damage on themselves.
IF ANYONE USES THE SHARING ABILITY FOR ANYTHING WEIRD INSTA PK/INSTA BAN, but in all honestly I think thats the last think ppl would would use it for, I only Imagine it being used as a cool way for azdrazi to express their emotes more. (but it is something that can be heavily adapted on, I didn't want to try and make it rly complicated)

- Azdrazi no longer PK if they lose their inner-flame, I feel like its pretty reasonable as its only [1] singular inner-flame which they must have to be in a [3] block range and cannot be interrupted imo this is something that should have always existed but if there's anyway Im able to make it more reasonable more then happy to know

- Its not like its allowing every single player on the server to have dracanium, and even if they did not like they could use it.  Dracaniums literal only purpose for being on the server is because azdrazi exist and as I remember hardly any azdrazi have any access to dracanium it would still be super rare, I tried to make it as least op as possible even allowing the weapon to be pretty much destroyed after a Nephilim is dead.


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Instead of doing school you decided to drop out and write lord of the craft dragon lore. . .

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Can you redline on Trading that it has to be done via one azdrazi spitting inner-flame into the others mouth.

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