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"Peace..." Rang like a hollow promise from the Dame's mouth. Once she'd assured her children that they shall know it well, they should bathe in the glory of men-united in peace. "We tried peace." Her voice echoed once more, addressing no one in particular - for she stood quite alone in ancient halls, lined with stony eyes that gazed upon her being. "Yet they spat it back in our faces! They laughed..." Metal met the wooden floorboards as her pacing quickened, each clank reminiscent of the battles that haunted her soul. Once, this metal frame had hosted a woman of virtue and behind her chest-plate had been a heart of gold, ever intent on mending the products of conflict. Yet now, as the candlelight flickered across the room, illuminating her arcane blade, a new notion settled in the flesh of the war-bound lady - a tarnish upon her heart. "Let them laugh." She proclaimed, her voice laced with venom as she lit the parchment upon the dwindling candle providing the flame with fuel enough to satisfy its relentless hunger. "Let them laugh from their graves."

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"...I can't even tell whose side this is on. Well- I never really fully learned which sides there were, but.." Moth sighed, rubbing the bridge of their nose. "Nobody's ever truly happy with war.. Always wanting more. Bigguns." 

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"What have the Sons of Men forgot?" Laments Offa. "It beeth not so much about whether the Duke b'th sincere or not, or it beth that but in part. For if this war beeth feoht to its last drop, many innocents schael perish, as wars do occasion. Can the persecutors of war in troth say that, once the Duke hath reconciled with the Church, that there b'th a cause weighty enough to outweigh the evils that war must needs occasion? Can any say thus?"

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