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A Brief Note On God


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Can mortals trapped within a cycle of life and death ever truly understand or comprehend beings outside that cycle?

I think not. Men who live trapped within a cave their whole life, for example, cannot truly know how men live outside the cave. If we presume GOD to be beyond life and death (a fair assumption, I would think) and accept the above statement then we therefore know that anything man preaches or tells of GOD is surely a falsehood; true knowledge of the divine can only come from sources that are not bound to the earth. In other words, not from us.

So, we look to the AengulDaemonicks. But they, too, those tapeworms - they can die! Many of them already have, struck down by our own blades. We therefore know that the AengulDaemonicks, in all circumstances involving worship, preach falsehoods; that all deific cults (Paladins, Templars, Azdrazi, Druids, Ibleesians) are false and crass, and all who worship them misguided because they cannot know the truth of GOD. How could anything that does not know the nature of GOD be worth any form of worship?

We therefore know that short of knowing GOD, we don't even know anything that can even begin to. All things that live and exist can die. GOD, therefore, must exist in a third state; in a place that we cannot know, in an 'Absolute' of sorts. The physical world deceives - who hasn't heard a local preacher, assuring us that subscribing to their faith will assure us a spot in a very nice sounding afterilfe? Who hasn't seen the blasphemous Darkspawn spout rubbish, claiming that GOD is 'dead'? They are the physical world. Their lying beliefs, their false promises - and, yes, Canonists too are also misguided - they represent the reason for a desire to escape, to become part of the more; to escape the cycle of life and death, and to become part of GOD. To become GOD is plain folly - all we can hope for is to simply become a part of his purer form, unsullied by lies and AengulDaemonicks and existing. The true aim of all mortals should not be to escape mortality and become immortal, but to move beyond the definition of either; to become something unknowable, something impossible to understand..

In other words, a piece of the puzzle of the GOD. The Absolute.

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"Just because God be'th beyond human reason, it doth not follow that all religious claims are automatically erroneous; nor doth it follow that Man cannot receive Divine Revelation. For whilst all religious language ultimately falleth short of the Godhead, it really doth still pertain to Him; since God is the Author of both reason and visible and invisible creation. The Creator may be known from creation; the painter may be known by his painting. Not comprehended, but known in a certain limited way. And so it be an imperfect knowledge, through a glass, darkly..." Responds Offa.


"Hence from the knowledge of sensible things the whole power of God cannot be known; nor therefore can His essence be seen. But because they are His effects and depend on their cause, we can be led from them so far as to know of God whether He exists, and on to know of Him what must necessarily belong to Him, as the first cause of all things, exceeding all things caused by Him."

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"What's a man to reckon what God may be when he may instead busy himself with God's highest intentions - Creation? It is idle work to discern the outerworldly abstractions of His design; a being ultimately inperceivable by us, just how some sketch of a man on paper cannot perceive his own artist. And if one is so compelled to understand something they cannot see, perhaps it is better to understand how the Creator may have felt in His acts, for all one must do to gain that understanding is to participate in creation itself. Ye shall peer upon your newborn child's eyes with God's gaze, and ye shall hold them with God's hands, and God shall be within you for as long as they are guided by Creatorial virtue."

Edited by Omen Prince
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"Following the wisdom put to you already by those before me, which have granted a greater insight into the matter than I will be able to provide, I put to you that the aim of a 'Canonist', in as much as he wishes to become 'a part of God' is more in line with the conclusion that you have come to ultimately, which is that it had ought to be the aspiration of the 'mortal' to be a 'piece in the puzzle of God'. Except, for Man, this shall never be 'the Absolute' that you speak of. I believe we may already see the place in the puzzle of Creation that man is intended to fit, and does already in some way fit, and that his own existence is not in any way at odds with his mortality, or his place in Creation. If not for this, your thinking would be very much in line with Creationist thinking, which for good reason seeks to urge man to escape his unfortunate circumstances. 


And escape he should, and that he must escape even you are able to recognize. It is not that that there is an inherent flaw to the world that he lives in, but evidently, there is something uncanny, a brokenness, which is further evidenced by the deceitful nature of the creatures of God, the creed of the angle, which does most certainly not only lie of God, but do also grave evil in the world and in the heavens. The source of this trouble ultimately is a terror very alien to creation, that has invaded it, infested it, and pervades throughout the whole of it. Pursuit of Paradise comes naturally to the creature that is able to understand the foul perversion of the ruins of the perfect world he was born into. Just as Man may see how all those things around him speak to that perfect master and maker, he sees also how they have been wronged.


This would be a great source of despair for him, if he did not know that there was a hope for the world, and a chance that he might once again know the true and full beauty of not only his own design, but the design of all the things in and upon the earth, and into the heavens, where no-thing lies, all things work, and the alien is no more, when the discord has gone away. But this great hope is the gift of revelation, it has come to us by the word of the prophets, fore in as much as we are able to discern that there was once paradise by reason, we may not know that it shall ever be again. This is why there is such a thing as a Canon at all, wherein Horen was brought up to gaze upon the true Throne of God untarnished, that he might know that it is fully intact, even while the world around him insists it is not so, that the throne is shattered, that the Angels have seen it broken and bickered and kvetched over the remains of it.


Were it not for this infusion of hope that makes up the True Faith, the Creator would be simply Truth, and we should see no Church nor Canon, but simply see it as it is. Perhaps in Paradise it shall be that way again, one day, when all the war is ended. Evidently, this is also why man ought never to take it upon himself to pervert the scriptures in accordance with the politics of the Raevir, lest he say by mistake 'and the Earth shall become Paradise', and forget of that-all, our faithful hope, and damn himself unwittingly to distraction, but I digress."




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