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Sextvs Praefectae


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Sextvs Praefectae


Amicae! Caelii! Civeae!


The Undead Hordes advance over this plane as our senators go missing,

I ask you to look at me the remaining Consul of Caelia,


I ask for unwavering support through adversity! For, not long ago; Illatii Barbarians stormed our walls and threatened our peace!

The South has become increasingly hostile to the efforts of purity. And it is by the strength of the Legio that we prevail!


As our children become soldiers and we allow the new generation into politics and warfare they will need guidance in a burgeoning world. The efforts of Caelia and her Legion to propel the efforts of the Wealthy one are met with resistance and strife, but it is an effort which has improved the stance of Purity within our world.


The Litches cower from our might,

 The Barbarians flee from our strength,

The Void quivers from our Virtvs



Per Deiae Habeo Virtvs est


It is from our struggles that we are allowed to draw strength from our ancestors;

And it is by our virtue that we draw victory through Sacra Aemilia.


And it is by Sacra Belldevm, Avrvm Clad high amongst the seven skies; that we await your Aqvila to guide us on righteous war to the Pvtridii


Ave Praefectvs Tvl. Vlastos Protevs!

Caelia Invicta!

Ave Praefectvs Tvl. Vlastos Protevs!

Caelia Invicta!

Ave Praefectvs Tvl. Vlastos Protevs!


We shall shout to the skies for our time is now amongst the descendants, it is time for all the Caelii who are Virtuous and based to defend the Pvre lands.

Ave Praefectvs Protevs!

The Sixth Praefectus





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As Caeso Ramnesius Dentatus raises his arm and shouts in forum with a group of soldiers "CAELIA INVICTA, CAELIA INVICTA, CAELIA INVICTA" 

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