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Issued at Year 168 of the Second Age





As my letters personally sent and delivered to you fall unread,

My people seek nothing but peace and to be left alone.

The agents of Iblees despise our very existence as our own inquisition has rid them from our state as effectively as we could.

I suspect a plot.


I was not present that wretched day where a basic security check would have prevented this attack on your life, however, I can assure you that the assailant is not of Lurinite origin. Their armour foreign to our cerulean blue donned by every Guard and soldier within our state, and if recognized that this individual was not within your holy envoy then they would have been removed in an instant. As was clear when even our own men attacked the assailant as this lich attempted to take your life.

Think about reason and probable cause.

In your early days as cardinal you have considered Eshtaelites to be potential brothers in faith and even offered us our own branch within canonism as both are similar in nature, recognizing the saints and that God has created all. With the only differences being that Eshtael and Tahariae are much like patrons to guide us forward and that we do not structure ourselves like the church does.

I still consider canonists like brothers and sisters in faith.

The only reason why this proposal was denied is because we had little to no positive interactions before that very moment.


I have had to strip my very own daughter of titles and holdings and sieged my vassal for consorting with darkspawn to keep these lands in an acceptable state of affairs. However, due to our unorthodox methods, we had also requested the help of paladins to clear out any hideouts we could find.


To assassinate the pontiff is to declare war upon canondom.

Nobody, no realm, is stupid enough to do so. Even if a realm has a distaste for canonism, they would rather find compromise than war. Lurin not joining Canondom as their Eshtaelite sect was compromised with giving the church the ability to test with proper documents to ensure that Lurin stays clear of darkspawn while we ourselves continued to test suspicious individuals as well.

Your holy knights have been brutal on the Lurinite population, always expecting the worst of us and using violence while what I suggested was to simply write down the names of those who have refused and send them my way so that I may have tested them myself with a member of the church overseeing this.


Lurin has always sought amicable relations with the church.


Back when Bishop Odo frequented Lurin during the inquisition, it was agreed that a chapel could be constructed in the future with canonist cooperation in mind. We have yet to receive any news on that. However, negotiations with the canonist kingdoms we consider our friends have proven us more willing to allow the construction of a chapel for canondom to preach to make our allies feel more at home within our borders.

I understand your anger,

Having an attempt on one’s life can make one bitter towards where such happened.
However, the lich is dead and their origin remains unclear.
Their sect is yet to be found and exterminated if you truly wish for justice.


You may test any and all members of our government, yet will find no darkspawn as we simply have none. Your holy orders and the Lurinite government have made sure of that. I trust in the competency of both institutions to have rid darkspawn from Lurin.


May your recovery be swift and darkspawn be purged in God's name





The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion,
Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin


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"Salvation is within reach - you know where to find us," Sir Daris Verethi scribbled upon one of the public missives, pinning a familiar poster beside it.






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The High Pontiff scoffed when he read the letter from the former Silver Lubba "Too bad Mika Anarion with his silver tongue and half-decent manners no longer represents Lurin... They're led by a different 'Silver Lubba' now, one who sings a different song from his', one of hatred and mockery; animosity." He remarked to his medic as his necrotic wound received the daily treatment "He trusts in the competency of both institutions to fight darkspawn... We wouldn't trust that Lumia for but a second, judging  by the conduct she's shown thusfar. Damned Lurinites, digging their own grave... Pitiful, in a way."

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"The poor citizens of Lurin, how much they have to endure for a bit of peace." Scarlet Kagura sympathize for the citizens that just wanted to live their life normally without constantly being accused. 

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Bishop Odo sat about, rather dead. Turns out he couldn't fly. He does think somebody should see about making that little Church place somewhere in Lurin though. Hint hint.

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