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[✓] [Creature] Giant Ground Sloth

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Creature - Giant Ground Sloth



The Giant Ground Sloth is a variation on the normal sized sloths which inhabit the jungles of Aevos. Giant Ground Sloths have opted for massive body size as a defense mechanism against predators in order to exploit the ground-cover grazing resources of the jungle. While more rare and elusive than the sloth, the Giant Ground Sloth is a possible source for myths surrounding large, furred bipeds that live in dense forests.


Creature Summary

Giant ground sloths are obligate herbivores and possess body sizes comparable to an elephant. When on all four limbs, they stand at roughly 7 feet tall at the shoulder, and extend up to 15 feet tall when on their hind legs. These lumbering giants tend to walk on all fours, similar to an anteater, except when grazing or defending themselves. The Giant Ground Sloth fulfills the ground level grazing and browsing niche within the jungle environment, similar to an elephant in a savannah or a cow in a grassland. Their sheer size requires them to constantly be eating plant matter, and they can eat several hundred pounds of vegetation in a day. They are too massive to effectively climb, and instead use their long clawed limbs to rip branches and rake leaves off of trees and ferns.


Behaviorally, they are extremely solitary creatures. The sole exception to this is a female giant ground sloth with her infants. The infants cling to the underbelly of the giant sloth until they become large enough to walk on their own. Once able to walk, they grow rapidly and leave their mother once reaching around 5’ in height at the shoulder.


The extremely solitary and elusive nature of sloths makes them too anti-social to be tamed.



  • Cannot be tamed under any circumstances.
  • May only be used outside of ST run events as the target for hunts or similar player run events. May not be used in CRP conflict between players.


Purpose (OOC)

This lore serves as the first of several lore pieces I intend to write to introduce more megafauna to the server. I think that giving players interesting non-magical creatures to interact with in environments and as the target of hunts can help the world to feel more grounded. We have had a lot of really cool and wacky animals in our own world that have gone extinct prior to our lifetimes and I think it would be fun to interact with them.


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