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el'matir lauriran'leh - The Law of Nobles


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el’matir lauriran’leh




13th of the Sun's Smile SA 170


PAR’INDOR (Preamble)


For much of our recorded history, the nobility of the Crown of Amathine have been governed by an assortment of laws and regulations layered over one another as the passage of time proceeded onwards. As part of our path of renewal, the circumstances have demanded that these inconsistencies be consolidated into a single law, delineating the status, privileges and responsibilities of nobility within the realm.


It is for this reason that I, Sul Amirsan aen Sov, Medin’sair of Amathine, pursuant to powers held in trust to the Crown of Amathine by Indorii I of the Edict of Aianear of 166, proclaim the following decree, to be enacted with immediate effect across the realm. 


INDORII’OEM (Article I). On the titles, addresses, and styles of the lauriran 


“In the forest of the ceaseless verdant, there was a vole, uncontented with his burrow, who desired a great tree like the birds in the sky. Knowing that only those with powerful wings and sharp beaks could be allowed to inhabit the tops of the trees, replete with servants and warm nests, he fashioned himself wings from the branches of shrubs and adorned them and himself with leaves as feathers. For a beak, he cracked an acorn in two and with a thread of spider's silk wrapped it around his nose. He then traveled to the highest tree of them all, home of the proud hawk who ruled as uthir of the forest, and made his appeal. 


"Oh great and mighty hawk, king of all horizons until the end meets at the sea of ocean or of grass or of snow, I come to you as a falcon, of the ranks of the fiercest warriors in the sky. My wings are strong and my beak is sharp, and neither storm nor twister may disrupt my path when my feathers scratch the heavens. I ask of you, for my station, a tree of my own, with servants to attend to me, and a place of honor at your table."


The Matahorran (Great Hawk), enraged at this deception, spoke back with such an awe that the thunders of the clouds roared greater than any lion, dragon, or bear.


"You fool! Know thy uthir - I am king - he of sky and forest. Do you not think I know my falcons, my most prized warriors, and love them all so dearly to see through this trickery? To you, there on the ground, every pair of wings, every tree, every hill and ridge and cave and seed, of which seem to be a monotonous sore to the eyes of those who do not concern themselves with all of this realm, are accounted for in my mind. You are no falcon, you are a vole, and while you could have served me well, and been provided for from my bounty for such, you chose the path of the thief, though his cunning you lack."


And the hawk flew from his perch and slew the vole.”


By this decree it is enacted that the Crown of Amathine shall recognize only the titles, addresses and styles of nobility, or lauriran, described in this document, which shall serve to establish consistency regarding rank, precedence, status, privileges, and organization of nobility within the realm. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that no titles, addresses, and styles of nobility other than those enumerated by this document shall be recognized by the Crown of Amathine, except in those instances where they may relate to the non-resident subjects of foreign powers. 


INDORII’NIUT (Article II). On the sovereign 


“It was then that the Tahorranii (Younger Hawk), daughter and heir of the Great Hawk, spoke to her father, for she had seen what had occurred. 


"Oh loving maln, why must you have slain the vole? Your talons are now stained with blood and you stand with a limp. What is the necessity of your action here? 


"My loyal daughter, heir of my kingdom," spoke the Great Hawk, "I am uthir of these lands and the order must be kept. All must know that they are my subjects and that my law must not be crossed. The Matahorran is they who see to the safety and good health of this land, and so they who bestow the name, as you will one day, must be recognized as the one who will keep the law, else they are a mere pawn and no uthir at all, unbefitting of such a distinction.”


By this decree it is enacted that the sovereign of the Crown of Amathine, defined as the High Prince(ss) of Amathine, shall be of the First Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’malaurir preceding reference to their name.


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the sovereign, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’malaurir, or thereafter as malaurir


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[Her/His/Your] Highness’. 


INDORII’HAEL (Article III). On the family of the sovereign


“Oh powerful maln, he who shakes the ground with rage yet also bestows his family and people with tender love, what of me and my sisters? Why do the people of this land call us princess and bless us with gift and prayer?" Asked the Tahorranii


"My good daughter of clear-eyes,” spoke the Matahorran, gesturing for her to take to the skies with him. "You and your sisters are of my line, and you must be known as such. You are not common birds, nor animals of the ground, you are hawks like I. The acaelan (skies) are our domain, as are the taliamean (trees) and the noran (lands) below. While you do not have my throne yet, it is important that all subjects know that one day you shall, and you must be due the according respect."


By this decree it is enacted that the family of the sovereign of the Crown of Amathine, defined as the maliian (children) or mamaliian (grandchildren) of the High Prince(ss) of Amathine, shall be of the Second Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’laurir preceding reference to their name. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the family of the sovereign, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’laurir, or thereafter as laurir


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[His/Her/Your] Grace’. 


INDORII’VAILU (Article IV). On the Medin’sair


"Oh wise maln, whose reign we pray goes to eternity," began the Tahorranii as she and her father soared across the skies, "You consult with the barn owl, though he is not kin. At times he claims to act in your name, and when all the animals of the forest have gathered at the foot of your throne, he stands off to your side. The subjects of sky and earth bow in respect when he is present, but he is no uthir. Why is the barn owl, old and knowledgeable as he is, due such respect?”


The Great Hawk chuckled, pleased that his daughter was now curious of the realm and its ways. "My young daughter, who I the father hope never to see grow old, the barn owl is my most esteemed and trusted councilor. For many moons and more he has served me, and I trust him with more than I do any else. Should I become ill, or be away, or fall in battle, I would hope that all turn to his sage and sound advice, especially you, as you are still a child. My subjects must know who it is that commands a near authority to my own, so that he may act where I am unable and take charge should I not be present.”


By this decree it is enacted that the Medin’sair, defined as the sovereign’s chief councilor pursuant to the Edict of Aianear of 166, shall be of the Second Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’laurir preceding reference to their name. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the Medin’sair, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’laurir, or thereafter as laurir


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[His/Her/Your] Grace’.


INDORII’KULIN (Article V). On the Marevariran


"The pair swooped through the close branches of the tall trees, whose leaves obscured the heavens in the springs, as they surveyed the every-bounty kingdom of the Great Hawk. After a time of flying, they perched upon a simple birch tree to rest. 


"And it is a similar thing of my second councilor, the goshawk, who is second in my favor only to the barn owl," explained the Matahorran. "And all too must revere him, for he acts with great authority, and by his labors and mind we may be able to rule all of the forest and the sky and the lands below. 


After a meal of fish fetched from a spotless stream that ran beside the birch tree, the father and daughter again took to the skies.”


By this decree it is enacted that those Mali subjects of the Crown of Amathine appointed to the office of Marevarir pursuant to el’matir noran’leh shall be of the Second Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’laurir preceding reference to their name. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that a Marevarir, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’laurir, or thereafter as laurir


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[His/Her/Your] Grace’.


INDORII’BANIH (Article VI). On the Council of Amathine 


"And you will see by their side many others," said the Great Hawk as the sun rose directly above them, its rays warming the snug feathers on their backs. "They are my heial (council), and each given a name so that it may be known that they are of great importance to this realm and are duly honored and respected for it. My closest councilors must be distinguished from the rest, so none fall for deceptions like that of the vole."


By this decree it is enacted that those Mali subjects of the Crown of Amathine appointed to the Council of Amathine, other than the Medin’sair, shall be of the Third Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’siramal preceding reference to their name. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that a councilor of the Council of Amathine, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’siramal, or thereafter as siramal


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[His/Her/Your] Excellency’.


INDORII’LAIER (Article VII). On the Talonniian


"I know in your kingdom, my loving maln, there are those who are given high trees, though none so high as ours, and many servants. Among them are the falcons, and the ospreys, and the swans, and they are given places of honor at your table and have many servants. Why is it that they enjoy the skies, though not so high as we, while not being on the ground, or in the low trees like the magpies and crows?" 


"From the lowest mouse that scurries through the grass, to us, the greatest birds in the sky, there is a place for all. The falcons are my strongest warriors, the ospreys are my swiftest messengers, and the swans possess the beauty of song. Each provides something great to my kingdom, and for it they are accorded places of honor and given the titles and homes to befit them and their service."


By this decree it is enacted that a noble family within the Crown of Amathine shall be known as a Talonnii, pursuant to el’matir Mali’leh, which may alternately be translated into Common in the secondary instance as a ‘clan’, and that a Talonnii shall serve as the primary unit of organization for families of nobility within the realm. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the head of a Talonnii shall bear the title of chieftain, and that all Talonniian shall be domiciled within either the Hiernoran or a marevarn, pursuant to Indoriian I and IV of el’matir noran’leh respectively, and shall be bound either directly to the sovereign or to the corresponding Marevarir as their overlord. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the role of chieftain of a Talonnii shall accord its holder certain privileges and obligations, as declared in trust to the Crown of Amathine. They are as follows:


- The Privilege to lead their Talonnii, to settle disputes amongst its members, to make decisions on their behalf, to represent them to their overlord, and to direct them towards productive enterprise in the service of the Crown of Amathine. 

- The Duty to uphold and enforce the laws of the realm, with specific regard to the members of their Talonnii, and to obey the commands of the sovereign and their council. 

- The Privilege to establish and display the banner of their Talonnii, consistent with the standards of the realm, and to represent their role as chieftain by keeping their Talonnii’s ihnsil, defined as a ceremonial spear embodying their family’s status. 

- The Duty to raise their Lyetalonnii (clansfolk) to arms as irregular troops on the order of their overlord, maintaining and providing them with armaments. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that where the chieftain of a Talonnii receives an illern, pursuant to Indoriian V-VI of el’matir noran’leh, that Talonnii becomes a Talonnii il’nor (landed clan), and shall be domiciled in the jurisdiction encompassing that illern and bound to its grantor as its overlord. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that where an untitled subject of the Crown of Amathine receives an illern, pursuant to Indoriian V-VI of el’matir noran’leh, that subject’s family shall be extended automatic recognition by the Crown of Amathine as a Talonnii, and that subject shall bear the title of chieftain of the new Talonnii, domiciled in the jurisdiction encompassing that illern and bound to its grantor as overlord. 


INDORII’ESUN (Article VIII). On recognition as a Talonnii


"And why is what the vole did wrong? Could he not have been the most precise burrower, or the finest fisher, why was his deception such a great evil?" Asked the curious Younger Hawk, learning more of the realm with each inquiry. 


"There is no dishonor in what he was, yet he tried to be something he was not. It is I who administer and steward this realm, it is by my tir (law) that the trees are given and the servants are granted and the titles and names of all that is proud and good are assembled," said the Matahorran, "If I had allowed his lies to be spoken into truth, then each rat and crow would decorate themselves with the trappings of the falcon and call themselves such. The grasses of the earth would be uneaten and grow so high that the trees would be deprived of sunlight and wither and die. The bugs of this earth, gone uneaten, would ravage the meadows and the flowers they grow, stripped these lands of their beauty. Each subject has their place in my kingdom, and it is by my will that their station is decided.”


By this decree it is enacted that the Crown of Amathine shall recognize a Talonnii in the following circumstances:


- Through the order of the sovereign or a Marevarir, in the case of a Talonnii without landed property. 

- Through automatic recognition consequent to the granting of an illern by the sovereign or a Marevarir, pursuant to Indoriian V-VI of el’matir noran’leh


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that when so recognized, the domicile of a Talonnii and its chieftain, and therefore their overlord, shall be determined with regard to the order or grant of the illern


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that any Talonniian and their chieftains who are not compliant with Indoriian II-IV and VI of el’matir Mali’leh shall be denied any official recognition, and if already granted such shall have this recognition rendered null and void, until they become compliant. 


INDORII’MOIEL (Article IX). On the chieftains of Talonniian 


“The Great Hawk and the Younger Hawk reached the edge of the forest and stared off across the sea that bordered it to the south. The tides gently swept against the sands below, and as far as the two could see, it was only the vast expanse of those unknown waters that spilled into some incalculable beyond. A flock of seagulls approached them and paid reverence by giving the uthir and the princess several of their new-caught fish. 


"There will come a day when, from these seas that smell of salts and the soft sounds of breaking waves, an army will emerge to threaten our kingdom. We will need all to assemble and defend our trees and the grounds below. Should I not live to see that day, daughter of mine, know that you must call upon the Great Falcon, the Great Osprey, and the Great Swan, for they will assemble all their kin and join you in battle, then they will join you in the rebuilding of your realm and the maintaining of what has been made." So spoke the Great Hawk before eating his share of the fine fish.”


By this decree it is enacted that those Mali subjects of the Crown of Amathine recognized as the chieftain of a Talonnii pursuant to Indorii VIII shall be of the Third Rank of the lauriran, and shall display the style of el’siramal preceding reference to their name. 


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that the chieftain of a Talonnii, when addressed directly, shall be addressed as el’siramal, or thereafter as siramal


Moreover, by this decree it is enacted that in those instances where it is necessary to translate this style and form of address into Common pursuant to Indorii V of el’matir Mali’leh, it shall be rendered as ‘[His/Her/Your] Excellency’.


INDORII’TELU (Article X). On the Tirasimulum


"Fine fish, a thing that can always be trusted from the seagulls of the southern ocean,” the Younger Hawk remarked as she, too, ate her share. 


"Yes indeed," her father agreed. "They are a talented people, even if they are not so powerful and noble as the others. Do not forget that, in times of need, their counsel too may be wise and worth listening to, even if you do not heed it. You will rule over a land that is vast. Do not forget to see what is beneath the heights of the trees, or far away from our home."


By this decree it is enacted that the Tirasimulum shall be defined as an assembly of the lauriran, summoned together from time to time by the Crown of Amathine to deliberate matters of national significance, after which it is dissolved. 


INDORII’TELUOEM (Article XI). On conflicts of titles, addresses, and styles


“As the sun began to set, and the skies shifted from the clear blues to the many hues of pinks, golds, and crimsons, the father and daughter began their flight back home. 


"The hummingbird was vain yesterday, father,” said the Tahorranii as the half-moon rose before her, basking her white face with the glow of the reflected sun, far cooler than before. "He called himself many good names - the Collector of Nectar, He Who Flies Backwards, The Racer of the Flowers, and many other honors." 


The Great Hawk laughed heartily, for such was the behavior of the tiny hummingbird, who was a loyal subject but one prone to make up for his stature with a long list of titles. "He is a hummingbird first and foremost, my daughter, let all other names be subsumed for that which is his greatest. To be a hummingbird is a good thing and ought to be brandished with pride before all else.”


By this decree it is enacted that where a subject of the Crown of Amathine bears several of the titles, addresses, and styles described in this document concurrently, those titles, addresses, and styles of higher rank take precedence and shall be employed in the primary instance. 


INDORII’TELUNIUT (Article XII). On precedence and inconsistencies 


“The father and daughter hawk returned to their tree which overlooked the darkening land, illuminated only by the small fires of the field animals below who often took to dancing and singing before their slumber. The deception of the vole now lay in the past, and the invasion of the future was far away. 


The Great Hawk took this evening to rejoice that the present was what mattered most, and these instances with his daughter ought to be treasured above the worries of things that were outside of his control, for even as king he could not control time and what it brought, even if he wished it.”


By this decree it is enacted that in the event of any inconsistencies between the provisions of this document and previously enacted laws or regulations, this decree shall take precedence to the extent of that inconsistency’s impact. 



Pursuant to Indorii I of the Edict of Aianear of 166


Proclaimed and enacted at Tahn’larueth on 13th of the Sun's Smile SA 170


el’laurir Sul Amirsan aen Sov

Medin’sair of Amathine



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