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170 of the second age

To the various members of the Movement and dwarves of all backgrounds, and even those “races”  from beyond our borders,

In the rich tapestry of our history, our organization has stood as a beacon, a force that has reshaped the destiny of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan. We've triumphed over the shadows of the old guard and their puppets, we’ve taken back control from those losers who wanted to choke the life out of our grand kingdom !

We slashed those crazy taxes from Agnar's reign. We put more gold back in your pockets, where it belongs, not in some forgotten vault. We’re a grand organization without any bounds ! 

We’ve taken back Da Kirka Dverga under government control, under Alaric's terrible, terrible leadership, it was going down the drain. But not on our watch, we brought it back from the dead, like Azdromoth rising from the ashes.

And don't let anyone tell you otherwise – we are the champions of the common dwarves! We're the glue holding dwarven society together, always striving for the best for our Grand Kingdom, and we're going to keep doing that in the days to come. By using all the means necessary, we will make this Grand Kingdom better.

I extend my invitation to each and every one of you, irrespective of your origins. Whether you hail from the deep caverns of Urguan or the distant lands beyond, your voice matters in the next dwarven election.

Join us in shaping the future of our beloved kingdom by casting your vote in the dwarven election for Grelu Irgard. Regardless of your race, seize the opportunity now !  

Dispatch your aviary with your vote to Norli Starbreaker, and let your choice resonate through the stones of Urguan. Together, we will forge a future that honors our shared heritage and strengthens the foundation of Grelu Irgard as one of the greatest dwarves to have ever joined our ranks.

The Movement


(this post was by paid for by the campaign of Grelu Irgard


Edited by Charles The Bald
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“Like Azdromoth rising from the ashes. . .” Narvi’s eyes bulged comically.



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