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[✗] [Fjarriagua Amendment] Of Cursed Tricks and Tormented Treats


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- VOLUME ONE: The Dreamer's Reawakening -
Fjarriagua Amendment: Of Cursed Tricks and Tormented Treats


I couldn't find an OST that would fit cursing a bunch of dudes...
...So uh here have this Critical Role Animatic!

It's a good reminder of what these abilities are meant to accomplish.






Frost Cursing

(Combative / Non-Combative)


A sinister and devious practice of the Fjarriagua in order to toy with and torment the mortals beneath them, cursing them with various ailments which may hinder their day to day lives. These curses are applied in the span of three turns, embedding a chunk of ice within the descendant’s flesh which causes the mark or ’shape’ of the particular curse to form around the ice like a sort of tattoo, though from what appears as frostbitten flesh as opposed to ink. This chunk, and thereby the curse, may only be alleviated from painfully cutting it out of the individual’s flesh or through means of holy magic purging. Over the course of time, the curse’s potency will fade until it is completely alleviated, being intensely strong upon the first day, whilst becoming much more mild and melting away painlessly once the third day has ended. There are six curses which a Witch may be used to afflict mortals, each having a unique symbol which differentiates them from other curses, a telltale sign of the Witch’s doing. 


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- A Frost Witch may placed a curse upon a descendant in the form of a chunk of ice embedded within their flesh over the course of three emotes with direct touch upon the skin.


Applicable Curses

Curse of Shuddering - This curse will cause the individual to tremble as if they were intensely cold, their teeth chattering rather uncontrollably, making conversation and eating relatively difficult over its duration, though never impossible. It’s symbol is a thin swirl upon the skin around the ice chunk which lies in the center.

Curse of Tenderness - This curse will cause the flesh in the area applied to become rather tender as if only mildly frostbitten and cause the area to feel ‘pins and needles’, making any pain within the region twice as agonizing, often making this the most difficult curse to remove by means of cutting it out due to the pain. It’s symbol is a jagged snowflake depicted around the ice chunk.

Curse of Gelid Breath - This curse will cause the individual’s breathing to consist of very brisk and dry air, as well as making their breath like that of a gentle mist, causing great pain within the throat and lungs, making breathing difficult and uncomfortable, though not fatal. Its symbol is a face blowing a cloud of wind around the ice chunk.

Curse of Rabidity - This curse will cause the individual to experience an intense hunger for meat and flesh, more often than not raw. The more they consume, the more ravenous they become, though the effect still will fade in strength over its duration, the hunger unable to be satiated until the curse is removed or runs its course. Its symbol is a drop of ‘blood’ formed in frostbitten skin around the chunk of ice. 

Curse of Ice-Grip - This curse will cause the grip of the individual’s fingertips and hands to become like that of slippery ice, making the ability for one to grip or hold things slightly compromised as their grasp is much weaker. Of course, they might still be able to pick things up, though it would make wielding something as a sword more difficult. Its symbol is a hand at which the ice chunk rests in the center of its palm.

Curse of Bleak Sight - The curse will cause the individual’s perception of color to fade slightly, colors becoming dull and bleak much like a cloudy winter day. This of course will never make the victim blind and they will be able to perceive shape and depth as normal, simply seeing colors as more faded and grey. Its symbol is an eye at which the ice chunk rests in the pupil. 


- The chunk of ice will remain for up to three OOC days, unless removed otherwise, the effects of the curse alleviated once it has completely run its course and melted. 

- The curse can only be removed by cutting it out painfully with a knife, leaving a noticeable mark in the skin which would heal regularly over the course of an OOC day. Alternatively, the magic of a tier three holy mage can melt the ice and alleviate the curse. 

- Curses can only be distributed by means of direct touch to flesh.

- The effects of these curses are never fatal or detrimental to basic functions, only making the performance of such rather uncomfortable and difficult, requiring extra effort. 

-A person can only be cursed with ONE curse at any given time. If the victim is in the middle of being cursed, but is already under the influence of a curse, the witch's third emote will instead fail and give her a telling mental note that this mortal is already marked with a live curse.




Frost Cursing

(Combative / Non-Combative)


A sinister and devious practice of the Fjarriagua in order to toy with and torment those beneath them in sadistic and creative ways, being able to curse any individuals, by letting their corruptive magic seep into their victim's very souls, marking them with various ailments which may hinder their day to day lives or perhaps give them the edge in combat. These curses are applied in a variety of methods, all depending on the severity of the curse itself, for Frost Cursing falls into two different categories; Lesser and Greater Hexes, each with their own various sinister effects.


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The Fjarriagua are capable of afflicting individuals with vile curses, coming into two categories of 'Greater' and 'Lesser' Hexes, providing all manner of disadvantageous effects and traits to the recipient.  Lesser hexes may be used while the witch is disguised, either by coalescing her power within her throat and verbally speaking the curse out loud to her intended victim, requiring them to be in hearing range for its effects to take place. With Greater hexes being to potent in nature to be able of being conjured while the witch is disguised, being able to only make use of them within her banshee form, conjuring forth a vessel for the curse to inhabit as it is transferred upon the witch's chosen victim.


Lesser Hexes may be afflicted by witches from within the comfort of their disguises - done so by coalescing their wicked magic into their own throat, muttering chants or uttering hateful shoutings over the course of [3] emotes upon their chosen victim. Alternatively, the disguised Fjarriagua may instead decide to lay a Hex upon their victim through physical touch, being required to spend [2] consecutive emotes with direct physical contact with their victim. Lesser Hexes due to their less intense nature are capable of festering within the body of its victim for up to [7] OOC days before fully dissipating away along with all of their effects.


- To avoid overuse and abuse, a witch may only curse a single individual per OOC day with a Lesser hex, any more than that will require OOC consent. This applies only to Lesser hexes.
- The vocal uttering of the curse must be in a voice range that can be heard by the individual in question, as such, if they are close enough one can simply whisper the curse to them. This is done with the exception of Shouting range.
- The disguised Fjarriagua requires to have uninterrupted direct line of sight to the individual, if its broken by any manner of walls or doors then the witch will need to start again. This does not include momentary obstructions, such as passing individuals or creatures.
- The uttering of the curse MUST relate to the individual about to receive the curse and the uttering MUST relate to the curse about to be given (For example; if doing the Curse of Stiffness then the witch would shout at the individual in question, wishing that their very body shrivels up or that they are robbed of their youth/good health.)
- The voice of the Fjarriagua will not gain any manner of traits or characteristics when attempting to curse someone vocally, sounding entirely mundane in nature.
- Although, if the Witch wishes so, she may strengthen the gathering of magic within her throat, allowing it to take a variety of traits, such as sounding ethereal or otherworldly in nature. These effects are purely for the sake of aesthetics and do not impart any actual effects on the curse itself and may not be used in any way to gain a combative advantage.
- A witch may opt to make the effects of the curse be delayed for upwards of 1 OOC day, although this 'incubation' period still adds to the 7 OOC day duration of Lesser Hexes. During this period the mark is hidden from view, surfacing only when the curse comes into effect.


Greater Hexes on the other hand are too intense to be capable of being afflicted within the constraints of a Fjarriagua's disguise, requiring the Witch to be within her banshee form as she coalesces her magic within a shard of ice the size of a baseball, sending it forth to her chosen victim at the speed of an arrow over the course of [3] Emotes (1 Conjure Vessel + 1 Imbue Curse + 1 Cast). Should the imbued vessel make contact with the form of any suitable victim, the shard will harmlessly shatter on the victim, the curse beginning to seep within their form and bringing a chill to their very soul, enacting the effects of the curse instantaneously. Alternatively, a Fjarriagua may instead lay a Hex upon their victim through physical touch, being required to spend [2] consecutive emotes with direct physical contact with their victim's skin. Unfortunately for the witch and fortunately for her victim, the intensity of Greater Hexes means that their effects begin to die out a lot quicker than a Lesser Hex, lasting for a total of [30] OOC minutes outside of combat, or for the entirety of a combat scenario and their effects dying out as soon combat concludes.


- A Vessel can be created and allowed to float in the air near the witch akin to a standard Ice Projectile, although the imbued curse within it will naturally fade out over the course of 4 emotes, requiring the witch to re-imbue it once more.
- A witch can only have a total of one vessels idly floating by her side at any given moment.
- Total creative freedom is given to vessel's appearance, requiring only that it is within the constraints of the Fjarriagua's ice manipulation capabilities, that It is the size of a baseball and that it offers no manner of combative advantage or effects.
- The Curse's Vessel can never ever cause any degree of harm, at best having the force of a rather weakly thrown snowball behind it, with the vessel harmlessly collapsing on impact into a small pile of snow, which cannot be used to momentarily blind anyone should it be thrown on their eyes.
- The Vessel does not need to make contact with flesh for the curse to seep within the victim, being able to bypass any kind of armoured or physical protection with the exclusion of shields and similar barriers that are not worn or part of one's body.
- If an individual is cursed outside of combat and then enters combat before the 30 minute timer elapses, then they will have the curse for the rest of the encounter until its conclusion.

- Greater Hexes instantaneously take effect upon taking root within an individual, incapable of being postponed by the witch through methods such as incubation.


Regardless the type of Hex used, both will cause the mark or ’shape’  of the particular curse to form around a chosen area of the skin upon the victim's flesh like a sort of tattoo, though from what appears as frostbitten flesh as opposed to ink. This curse, may only be alleviated through means of holy magic purging or by asking any Fjarriagua to remove the curse herself. There are numerous curses with which a Witch may afflict mortals, each having a unique symbol which differentiates them from other curses, a telltale sign of the Fjarriagua’s doing.


Lesser Hexes

Curse of Cracks - [Combat | Non-Combat]
The afflicted individual’s skin will be rendered less malleable, and feel slightly more solid. Their skin cracking should it be stretched or creased, causing mild pain and itching. Should they be stabbed or struck, the affected area will crack akin to a thin frozen lake struck by such an attack. Its symbol is a perfect circle with cracks running through it, akin to a shattered mirror.


- This curse imparts no manner of combative advantages like weaker or more resistant skin, being merely a visual ailment upon one's skin
- Whenever the skin 'cracks', it only causes pain, leading only to open wounds in very extreme scenarios of over the top physical exertion or itching, although even in such scenarios the wounds are too tiny to ever pose any manner of danger.
- In cases of  being damaged while in combat, the 'cracks' of the skin can in no way make the wounds larger than they would be otherwise.
- The cracks affect the entirety of one's skin, this includes one's hands or face, resulting to things such as wide smiles or other similarly expressive facial expression leading to cracks forming into one's visage akin to wrinkles, tarnishing their visage and their appearance at large.
- Upon Curse's conclusion the cracks will begin to fade away, leaving no mark other than any potential wounds suffered by them, which will be healed away naturally.

Curse of Stiffness - [Combat | Non-Combat]  
Their joints and bones chilled within, the target will find their joints moving slightly slower, causing moderate pain. These very joints producing disturbing sounds such as pops as they go, inconveniencing them as they function in their day-to-day life.
Its symbol is Hourglass.


- The Stiffness and painful joint movement is merely an inconvenience and in no way actually reduces one's capabilities, whether in terms of power or flexibility to that of the elderly while in combat. Although it will be exceedingly uncomfortable while doing so and should be RPed as such, even if one can 'power through' the curse's effects without much difficulty if they have the mental fortitude.
- The Curse only affects joint movement and in no way has a visual characteristic to it, that is to say the afflicted individual, even if they have the stiffness of joints of someone at the end of their natural lifespan, they will still only look the exact same in terms of appearance.
- Should said character be suffering from naturally occurring stiffness of joints, then the curse will further enhance said stiffness, doubling it in severity. Although it may not pose any actual health risks or make individuals practically bedridden and incapable of proper movements. That is unless the accursed individual's player wishes to do exactly that.

Curse of the Hideous - [Combat | Non-Combat]  
The poor victim affected by such a curse will find their eyes and facial structure altered to resemble a botched, humanlike facial structure of a desired animal. For example, should a Fjarriagua hex their target into a toad-like form, their target will find their eyes grown larger, their mouth made broader and lips grown more bulbous, and their tongue elongated to an abnormal amount, as their saliva is turned colder and stickier, slime-like in substance.
Its symbol is akin to a spiral horn, much akin to that of a ram


- The chosen animal or appearance is to be agreed by both the Fjarriagua and the bearer of the curse OOCly for the sake of good faith.
- The effects of the curse can never ever give any sort of combative advantages, whether it be bigger teeth, stronger skin etc. Such traits are allowed, but they are to be purely treated for the sake of aesthetics, the individual still having the exact same combative capabilities and resistances as they did before they were cursed.
- One may not use this Curse to mimic pre-existing Beastman races such as Musins, Kha and Hou-Zi, although they can certainly make a clearly botched replica of these races.
- Beastman races such as Musins, Kha and Hou-zi may in turn attempt to look like descendant races, although they too will look like botched replicas of said races.
- Extreme changes such as horns, vastly different bone structure, fur, scales and maws are allowed as long as they are not used to gain a combative advantage, but one must RP the excruciating pain of  having their bones melt and reform in new and terrible ways as the Curse first takes effect and as it fades away.

Curse of Prey - [Combat | Non-Combat]  
The victim will be overcome with the sensation of being watched, as they begin to sometimes see odd shapes in the corners of their eyes. Sometimes, they may even hear incomprehensible, yet disturbing whispers echoing within their ears.
Its symbol is a collection of tiny eyes within a tight circle


- The effects of this curse are merely to instill a sense of ever present paranoia and fear within its victims, although it can never be made to force someone into taking extreme actions such as self-harm.
- The Fjarriagua that instilled this curse cannot control the manner of visions or illusion being uttered to her victim in a specific way to get a desired result, like hearing the voices or glimpses of certain figures, that is without OOC consent.
The curse can never be used as a method of sending messages or informing characters akin to forcefully gifting someone 'Visions' of things they never knew beforehand.

- The affected character is expected to respectfully RP out the effects of the curse, one cannot simply 'ignore' them under the guise of bravery or strength of will, as these are visions created or based upon their own subconscious and thus would test said traits of theirs.
- Deaf individuals can still be affected by the curse's auditory effects.

Curse of Rabidity - [Combat | Non-Combat]  
This curse will cause the individual to experience an intense hunger for meat and flesh, more often than not raw. The more they consume, the more ravenous they become, should the individual indulge within these unsavory cravings of theirs long enough, they may begin to hunger for more 'exotic' choices, whether it be delving into cannibalism or perhaps being entirely overwhelmed by an obsession to devour the flesh of a specific mythical or sentient creature. The effect still will fade in strength over its duration, the hunger unable to be satiated until the curse is removed or runs its course. Its symbol is a drop of ‘blood’ formed in frostbitten skin.


- The cursed one's player is required to OOCly choose a "target" for their character to begin obsessing over and wishing nothing else but to devour them, this can be any kind of sentient creature or race.
- Event creatures or otherwise non-sentient beasts may also be included as targets if they pose enough of a threat to one's life, as opposed to hunting a normal rabbit.
- The Fjarriagua can never be considered a delicacy by individuals bearing such cravings, infact they will find themselves unconsciously incapable of even conjuring the thought.
- This curse does not make the individual capable of eating any kind of meat, their digestive system remains the exact same as that of your average person, with the effects being purely mental in effect.
- Should one suceed in devouring the chosen target, the curse's effects will only grow stronger in effect making them wish to either devour more of it or swap into an ever greater target. There is no way ever stop the hunger until the curse itself is removed.
- The curse will make any and all individuals incapable of being able to find any kind of fruits, vegetables or in general any plant-based foods appealing, considering it to be the same as eating dirt or rocks.
- As long as the target meets the criteria stated, the choice of target is entirely up the Cursed Character's player to decide, this even includes wishing to devour the 'meat' of creatures that do not possess a normal anatomy or whose flesh is not safe for digestion, such as being poisonous or rotten.

Curse of Bleak Sight - [Combat | Non-Combat]  
The curse will cause the individual’s perception of color to fade, whether it be in the form of any type of colour blindness, or viewing the world entirely in black and white. This of course will never make the victim blind and they will be able to perceive shape and depth as normal, simply seeing less if any colors. Its symbol is an eye with an empty uncolored pupil.


- The type of colour blindness, is to be chosen by the Witch enacting the curse and can be fully customizable, for example seeing the world entirely black and white with the exception of blood, which retains its crimson colour.
- Custom made colour blindness cannot be used to metagame the nature of certain things, for example one cannot have a cursed individual be able to see people with X magic having red eyes.
- The Colour blindness affects only one's perception of colour, retaining their abilities of sight exactly the same as long as it is not dependent on colour.
- It is advised one first researches what kind of colour blindness they have been dealt for the sake of clarity.
- It is impossible for the individual to ever escape the colourblindess set in by the curse without the curse having been lifted, whether it be by any sort of illusion-creating magic, artificial eyes and even magics that allow one to view from another's eyes as he effects of the curse are mental in nature and do not affect their actual eyes and anatomy.

 Curse of Shuddering - [Combat | Non-Combat]

This curse will cause the individual to tremble as if they were intensely cold, their teeth chattering rather uncontrollably, making speech and eating impossible for [3] OOC hours after the effects of the curse have surfaced, becoming much more managable after this time has passed. Its symbol is a thin swirl, switching between frostbitten flesh and mundane flesh with geometric precision.


- The curse's initial effects, make it impossible for any comprehensive words to be uttered by the cursed individual, requiring them to entirely focus on achieving this task, but even then they may only utter single word at a time.
- The curse does not affect practitioners of magicks that require verbal words to be uttered for its functions at all and as a general rule cannot affect one's combat capabilities other than simple communitcation between them and other people.
- Even after the initial effects have subsided, the average individual will still find it difficult to form coherent sentences when its purely for the sake of communication, being able to only form a single sentence at a time should they focus entirely on just speaking.
- The curse still affects individuals with artificial or inorganic voices, the effects being merely mental in nature and not affecting their actual bodily instruments of speech.
- This curse cannot be stacked, if the exact same curse is used on the individual after the initial effects have passed but before the curse as a whole has concluded, then nothing will happen.
- Screaming and or other otherwise incomprehensible and inaudible sounds are the exception to this curse's effects


Greater Hexes

Curse of Snowstorms - [Combat | Non-Combat]
The afflicted individual’s eyes will be overtaken by a foggy, white hue, causing the victim to be unable to see anything further than [8] meters around them, as if in the middle of an intense snowstorm.
Its symbol is that of a face whose eyes are obscured by a cloud.


- The fog itself bears no special characteristics in any way or form, being akin to whiteout and neither can it inform the cursed individual of things that may lay within its borders, whether it be individuals running within the fog or projectiles about to exit it, being only able to visually perceive them the second they exit said fog.
- The fog still remains no matter the environment, whether it be a lush green forest, a frozen wasteland, the charred lands of a volcano, within a small house or even beneath the water.
- Individuals with mechanical/artificial prosthetic eyes such as Animatii, Tawkin, Atronach will still be affected by the curse's effects as they are purely mental in nature and do not actually affect the anatomy of one's eyes.
- In the case of magics such as Seers where they see through the eyes of another, this curse will have no effect.

Curse of Cryostasis  - [Combat | Non-Combat]
The victim’s blood begins to slow down, their body drastically lowering in temperature as if overtaken by a strong chill, causing them to be rendered sluggish, making them incapable of moving more than [4] meters at a time, as well as one's general movements becoming slower, as if trying to fight off a cold, with attacks becoming more telegraphed. Its symbol is a jagged snowflake.


- The 'chilly' characteristics of the curse are purely flavourful in nature. This curse can still affect individuals even if they have a resistance to the cold and alternatively, It is not stronger to entities that have a weakness against the cold.
- The curse only makes one's movements more sluggish, it does not affect any individuals with any kind of hypothermia or cold.
- During the curse's effects, the individual may not whatsoever sprint, being only capable of walking at a pace of [4] blocks.
- An individual may still hold their weaponry and or items and perform activities as usual, suffering only sluggishness to the swiftness of their actions.
- One cannot 'warm up' as a way to combat the curse's effects.

Curse of Silence - [Combat | Non-Combat]
A loud shriek is let out within the victim’s mind, stuck in a perpetual loop. Such an act disrupts any currently casting mage - and if in combat - disallowing any manner casting for the [3] next turns as the individual's mind becomes overstimulated and unable to properly focus. Additionally the victim becomes unable to hear anything around them, unless the person addressing them is within a [1] block range.
Its symbol is an empty circle with a collection of tiny eyes looking inwards from outside.


- The Witch may, if she so wishes, choose a phrase to be repeated within this clamor of shrieking voices, as long as it does not exceed a maximum of 7 words.
- Even after the cursed one regains their bearings and is capable of concentration once more, the clamor of voices remains for the remainder of the curse's duration thus the deafening debuff remains.
- This curse affects only magics with a focus-based connection system
- The initial effect of the curse does not affect melee combatants as much, as they can still rely on their instincts to guide them through combat, even if they have an exceedingly hard time concentrating.
- Deaf individuals can still be affected by the curse itself.
- This curse cannot be stacked, if the exact same curse is used on the individual after the initial 3 turns pass, then they will not re-experience said effects

Curse of Tranquility - [Combat | Non-Combat]
The victim’s mind is set at peace, akin to a breath of fresh air in a wintry morning, as the sun rises from the horizon. Tranquility is all they begin to feel, seemingly beginning to lose their sense of fear and danger, their anxiety, making them prone to taking dangerous risks to themselves without thinking of the possibility of danger this could result to themselves. Useful for coaxing enemies into making a rash mistake or for turning less valuable allies of the witches into the perfect meat-shields.
Its symbol is a small collection of four-pointed stars.


- This ability cannot be used to force an individual to make certain decisions, but it is also impossible for one to ignore its effects as they begin to lose all sense of danger, anxiety and urgency.
- This can also be used to inspire bravery upon individuals, but only the suicidal and reckless kind, such as wishing to duel a towering giant on their own, but only if the individual has a reason to want to fight said giant to begin with, as it does not cause bloodlust, merely a lack of any fear.
- Even in the extreme scenario where the cursed individual or those around them are somehow consciously aware of the curse's effect, simply being reminded of maintaining basic self-preservation will be impossible to actually have any effect, as the concepts of fear and danger are erased so completely that they cannot be forcefully re-introduced as long as the curse is in effect.
- The curse can also alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, self-doubt, self-loathing, low self-esteem, imposter syndrome and even depression to some degree. Although they will still ever constantly put themselves in constant grave danger and said pre-existing ailment's effects will return once the curse is lifted if they are chronic in nature.


- The Lesser Hexes will remain for up to seven OOC days, with Greater Hexes lasting upwards of thirty OOC minutes or until combat has been concluded unless removed beforehand. The effects of the curse alleviated once it has completely run its course or is cleansed.  This is unless given OOC consent, at which point the curse can remain indefinitely within a character until their accursed's player decides to have it fade away.

- The curse can only be prematurely removed by the magic of a tier three holy mage or alternatively another Fjarriagua by placing her hand upon the afflicted skin.
- A fjarriagua may be disguised should she wish to remove any curses.

- Contact-based cursing of individuals are distributed by means of direct touch with the victim's skin or flesh, the Fjarriagua on the other can still impart the curse if she her form is obscured by any manner of clothing, such as gloves/gauntlets etc. It is merely required that she makes contact with the victim's exposed skin or flesh.

- Natural armours such as chitin or scales do not protect one from contact-based transmission of hexes as they are part of one's body.
- When cursing through physical contact, the action itself would produce no pain or any noticeable feelings to the individual, save for their newfound frostbitten symbol upon their skin.
- In the event of cursing without physical contact, the Fjarriagua may choose where the symbol appears within their victim's body.

- A person can only be cursed with ONE Lesser Hex and ONE Greater Hex curse at any given time. If the victim is in the middle of being cursed, but is already under the influence of a curse of the same type, then any additional curses will simply fail, giving the witch a telling mental note that this mortal is already marked with a live curse.
- The frostbitten marks themselves do not actively harm or inconvenience the individual in any way, for example should one manifest within the skin surrounding one's eye, then the cursed individual will suffer no ailments other than their disgraced visage, being purely visual in nature.
- The Fjarriagua cannot curse each other.
- The curses can affect any soul-bearing entities with organic bodies. this includes races with lesser souls such as beastmen CAs.
- ST Event creatures larger than Ologs are up to the event-runner to decide whether or not they can be affected by said curses or to what severity.
- As soon as the curse is lifted or runs its course, the mark will begin to slowly fade away over the course of a few minutes, the formerly accursed individual's skin returning back to the way it was.


Within the current lore of the CA, Frost Curses possess quite the immensely lackluster and hollow system and mechanics, curses only being something that can be used by someone that your witch has already beaten to an inch of their life, which the lore would usually have you eat them for that 2 week murderhobo quota or for any of the various murderhobo requiring mundane rituals.

And with the exclusion of making individuals possible cannibals (If they already OOCly specifically wanted that) despite the fact that it's merely a meat-lovers type of curse and not a actual cannibal curse, all of the current curses are incapable and too scared to impose any actual notable effects that could actually lead to engaging RP for the cursed individual, thus making them virtually worthless and not even worth the effort, for both the witch and the accursed.

With that said, this is for the most part copying over all the various curses from the most recent rewrite and as the feedback requested:
Making them less overwhelmingly powerful, giving each and every single one of them redlines to properly explain their mechanics as best as I could, as well as giving Greater Hexes their own unique delivery system so that people have a chance to avoid being cursed by a witch 30 meters away from them. Although just to be clear, these are curses not poison attacks, their whole point is the inherent lack of 'physicality'.






Tormented Cooking



A fiendish act of the Fjarriagua designed to ensnare men perhaps more moved by their stomachs then their minds. By using various inedible mortal parts a Witch might normally discard, the Fjarriagua can instead create cursed food with far more devilish & sinister intent, inflicting various ailments upon those who consume it. Certain ingredients must be obtained in order to give it its unique and perilous effects, though the end result is far worth it for the Witch as they watch the descendant’s agony and suffering. 


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- A Witch may create food from different descendant parts and mix it with Witch Blood in order to grant it cursing properties. Using different parts will yield different effects. Foods may not be made during combat.


Applicable Ingredients

Mortal Teeth - Mortal Teeth used in a recipe will cause the consumer’s teeth to fall over the course of the first day, before sharp and jagged teeth begin to grow upon the second. Upon the third day, the teeth will fall out and regular teeth will grow back. These offer no RP advantage.

Mortal Eyes - Mortal Eyes used in a recipe will cause the consumer’s vision to fade over the curse’s duration, unable to see more than five meters in front of them for half an OOC day, as if they were within an intense snowstorm. 

Mortal Flesh - Mortal Flesh used within a recipe will cause the consumer to have an intense craving for mortal flesh above all other foods and delicacies, unable to look at fresh blood or an injury without intense cravings for the curse’s duration. 

Mortal Ligaments - Mortal Ligaments such as ears, toes, fingers, or noses used in a recipe will cause the respective ligament of the consumer to freeze over and fall off, before regrowing over the course of the next day.

Mortal Blood - Mortal Blood used in a recipe will cause the consumer’s blood to become sluggish and slow down, whilst also becoming cold. This results in the individual’s movement becoming sluggish as well as they are overtaken by a light chill.


- Only up to two ingredients may be used per product.

- Products do not require ST signing.

- Effects from cursed food will not last longer than three OOC days unless specified otherwise.

- Holy mages may cure the effects of the tormented cooking with their magic.

- A maximum of 3 may be made per OOC day.




Tormented Cooking



A fiendish act of the Fjarriagua designed to ensnare naive victims perhaps more moved by their stomachs then their minds. By using various inedible mortal parts a Witch might normally discard, the Fjarriagua can instead create cursed food with far more devilish & sinister intent, inflicting various ailments upon those who consume it. Certain ingredients must be obtained and then be combined with the inherently magical blood of the Fjarriagua, dipping the chosen cooking within the liquid of a cauldron  and infusing It with a curse fit to create suffering for its consumer to give it its unique and perilous effects though the end result is far worth it for the Witch as they watch the descendant’s agony and suffering. 


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- A Witch may create food from up to two different descendant parts and mix it with Witch Blood in order to grant it cursing properties. Using different parts will yield different effects. Foods may not be made during combat.


Cannibal’s Teeth - [Non-Combat] - Teeth
The consumer’s teeth begin to fall off over the course of day [1], as a row of sharp and jagged teeth, ones exactly like the ones the Fjarriagua possess, both in terms of function and form, fully replacing them within that same day. Upon the last day of the curse, these teeth will fall out, as their regular teeth finally return.


- Whether the victim has all their teeth fall off , with sharp and jagged ones taking their place in a quick an quick and agonizing fashion or they slowly lose their teeth only to have them be slowly replaced by monstrous ones over the span of the first day in a rather painful fashion, is something to be decided by the character's player. The same also applies for when their teeth return back to normal.
- The process of losing and regrowing one's teeth is to be treated as agonizing, although not crippling in nature unless the character's player wishes to
- The newfound teeth have the exact same man-eating capabilities and grotesque aesthetics of a Fjarriagua.



Hunger of the Wicked - [Non-Combat] - Flesh
The consumer will grow an intense craving for mortal flesh above all other foods and delicacies, unable to look at fresh blood or an injury without intense cravings for the curse’s duration. If they were to come across an injured person, they must roll a [D20], and anything below a [10] will cause them to go feral and attack that person until they’ve either satiated their hunger, knocked out, or neutralized.


- A character is not required to roll their cravings of flesh in the middle of battle should anyone be injured. Only being required to do so after the battle has concluded and the character has a moment to bask in the offered feast all around them.
- The cravings of flesh are ever present and lingering during the entirety of the curse's duration, although this does not entail that their character will be driven into a single-minded pursuit to feast, unless they themselves give into these urges. Of which they reach their peak whenever witnessing, smelling or even perhaps tasting fresh blood or coming across an injured individual, thus requiring the roll.
- If the cursed character's player wishes, they can have their character give into their cravings at any moment, the rolls are purely there to force individuals to not be able to 'power through' and ignore the effects.
- 'Injured individuals' includes characters that have suffered any injury that is capable of drawing even the slightest bit of blood at the very least, or that would make weakened them to the degree of being easy pickings for the accursed.

- The Fjarriagua can never be considered a delicacy by individuals bearing such cravings, infact they will find themselves unconsciously incapable of even conjuring the thought.

Fear the Night - [Non-Combat] - Brain
The consumer gradually begins to get overwhelmed by a mixture of pacing thoughts and incomprehensible voices on day [1], putting them in a panicked state. This disallows them from being able to sleep, which may cause severe exhaustion, and a variety of symptoms that come from such an exhaustion, including but not limited to hallucinations, irritability, forgetfulness, etc.


- Any hallucinations caused cannot be manipulated by the witch, being merely the results of the consumer's own subconscious thoughts and memories being twisted against them.
- Should the individual somehow manage to fall asleep regardless, whether it be by alchemical, magical or being knocked unconscious, they will be welcomed with only an endless stream of nightmares in turn.
- The thoughts themselves can be left as vague or be as specific as the consumer's player wishes them to be. It can be in regards to a certain old memory they have yet to process being forced upon them in a near-traumatic manner, or their feelings for another person being twisted into ones of the extreme, whether their relationship with said individual is positive or sour, although in the case of love and similar such things, it cannot be RPed in a healthy a sane manner, rather existing on the edge of unhealthily obsessive and dangerous. With sour relationships perhaps even escalating into a maddening fit of anger that may lead to loss of life.
- Any manner of exhaustion caused by the curse will not affect their combative capabilities, merely making their grasp on reality become more loose as well as all the usual symptoms of exhaustion and sleep deprivation.

Purge - [Non-Combat] - Stomach
The victim’s stomach will grow an intense pain, causing them to feel queasy, unable to eat foods without causing them great pain, their torso swelling, resembling a bloat should they eat anything.


- The curse itself does not infact affect the individual's digestive system function in any unnatural or unhealthy way, merely leading to the consumer suffering.
- The individual will still feel hunger as usual, even if they feel bloated and full.
- This can never forcefully lead to the individual  'ejecting' the contents of their stomach.

Distorted Silhouette - [Non-Combat] - Spine
The victim's spine grows distorted, bending in unnatural ways, causing them to befall Scoliosis. Their back bent into a certain direction, such as being bent downwards to the front, resembling the form of a hag's. Bringing forth aches and pains, as well as hindering their mobility.


- The hindrance in mobility is purely aesthetic and visual in nature, only affecting their combat capabilities as much as mundane Scoliosis can.
- This effects only one's spine, with the rest of the individual's body
still looking the exact same.
- Upon the curse reaching its end, the individual will begin to feel their spine weirdly return back to its original state.

Decrepit - [Non-Combat] - Skin
The consumer will find their skin begin to stretch, growing saggy and wrinkly, their lips turned dry and chapped. Essentially making them look like a haggardly, much older form of themselves, although to no cost at their physical state.


- Despite looking like they are on the natural end of their lifetime, the consumer maintains their flexibility and strength they had beforehand.
- Should an already naturally old, saggy and wrinkly individual be cursed by this food's effects, then they would grow twice as decrepit as they already are, although it can never actually pose a health risk upon them, no matter how much they may resemble a mummified corpse after a point.
- The effects are purely on the individual's skin and does not bring other ailments associated with the elderly.
- After the curse's conclusion, the individual's skin will return back to its original state, leaving no lasting effects upon one's complexion.

Breath of Frost - [Non-Combat] - Lungs
The victim's lungs grow achy, their breaths shallow, as all air they exhale misty and frigid, as if breathing out cold air. Their mere breathing, made painful from such a curse. Their breathing pattern resembling that of someone with asthma.


- The consumer is only affected in their combat capabilities as much as mundane asthma can, as well as anything that depends upon steady and healthy breathing.
- The individual gains all the traits of an individual with Asthma, it is recommended one does their own research.
- The curse cannot take effect in the event that the individual has artificial lungs, such as from Animatii's
- This cannot cause any lasting harm or damage to one's lungs after the curse's conclusion.

Slow - [Non-Combat] - Blood
The victim’s blood flow slows down and drops in temperature, resembling the Fjarriagua’s blood- turning it into a slushy consistency. Rendering them sluggish, and reducing their general ability to move by half the pace, yet finding themselves bleeding out at half the pace as well.


- Unlike the blood of a disguised Fjarriagua, any manner of light wounds or cuts will expose this sludgy blood within the unfortunate individual.
- This curse does not offer combative disadvantages in terms of movement range within CRP, although it does make one's attacks more sluggish in turn to gaining the slower bleeding rate of a Fjarriagua.
- The blood of the consumer retains the exact same amount of Genus that it previously had.
- The very change to the individual's own blood does not leave any lasting effects on their health, neither does it cause any inherent suffering other than an ever present slight chill.


- Only up to two ingredients may be used per product.
- An individual can only be under the effects of a SINGLE instance of tormented cooking, another one is eaten while still under its effects, then the curse will not be transferred to them.
- Products do not require ST signing.
- Tormented cooking is incapable of being spoiled upon its creation, remaining in peak condition until the curse within it is transferred to a victim

- Effects from cursed food will not last longer than [3] OOC days unless specified otherwise, or consented by the victim to last longer for the sake of a good faith narrative.
- Holy mages may cure the effects of the tormented cooking with their magic.
- A maximum of 3 may be made per OOC day.

- While the parts are made out of a descendants body, this does not require them to be acquired through the killing of other characters for any of these ingredients to be used.

- Cursed foods are indiscernible from normal foods, both in terms of taste, smell and appearance and may not be metagamed.

- Tormented cooking may only be done out of combat.

- The Tormented Cooking curse may immediately take effect, or be stalled all the way up to the next OOC day, leaving the Fjarriagua to include it in the item description to inform their victim at their discretion.

- Fjarriagua and any variations of their kin are all immune to Tormented Cooking's effects.

- The curses of Tormented cooking are transferred as soon as someone takes a bite out of said food.

- One cannot share a single item of tormented cooking between multiple people, that is to say should two people take a bite from the same Apple, only the first individual to take a bite from it would be cursed, with any other suffering no such effects.

- The Fjarriagua will have to /showitem the item to the victim after it has been consumed. This may be stalled until after the RP encounter should a Fjarriagua fear that the person consuming it will OOCly warn others and therefore sabotage the RP.


Tormented cooking on the other hand allowed for more actually impactful curses to be placed on individuals and the allowance for two ingredients per product allowed for some exceedingly fun combinations!

Unfortunately, the limiting roster of curses made It rather hard to create anything other than "Cannibal with big teeth" or "Fake Fjarriagua", these new additions (Also from the rewrite) would do more than enough to allow for all sorts of opportunities and fun combinations for all Tormented Cooking enthusiasts!

NOW: Regarding the given feedback to Tormented cooking within the rewrite, I disagree with both of them on a fundamental level. . .


Tormented cooking should not have a method of cleansing the curse from said cursed foods and it should not have a method of detection or have the descendant bits be present within the actual cooking. Tormented cooking should usually be something that can fit into someone's traveling bag and be ready to give on the go, like for example an Apple. Where will you hide the lungs, teeth spines and such within an apple or peanuts or even a fully cooked dish of spaghetti?

And additionally in regards to the topic of 'detection' by magical or mundane means, I personally believe that this would defeat the entire point of Tormented cooking, It's an item that thrives on the Fjarriagua herself being capable of convincing and coercing random strangers to take a bite out some food they were offered as a gift. It's something that is to be RPed out naturally and should not be bogged down magicks needless mechanics


For any attempts already starts with the Fjarriagua needing to fight an uphill battle to convince their potential victim to accept their 'gift'. There should not be any method of detection neither any method of 'curing' the cursed offering, simply because at any point the other party has the final and absolute choice to simply deny eating the tormented cooking if they are smart enough.


Remember: Do not eat the food that strangers in the middle of the road give you. That's how things work and the expected default state of business.

With all that said, I also went ahead and took the liberty of putting redlines on the different ingredients of tormented cooking as well and also as polishing the thing as a whole. On top of that I cleared up the lore in the beginning as to how the different ingredients are not present within the Tormented cooking itself.




Writing by Agy (That's me!)

Showcased video by Reber Arts

 Art in order of appearance by: davidwyatt2013 and Gustaf Tenggren
Mechanics borrowed by Diogen's Fjarriagua Rewrite





Did a big scan of the entire thing with a less melted brain, redlines have been updated and cleared up some mistakes.

- I've cleaned up and or moved around some redlines to reduce redundancies and multiple instances of the same redline.
- Additionally, as commented to ReveredOwl, Tormented cooking will no longer require the witch to murderhobo whole character.
This is a purely flavourful and non-combative ability and should not be locked away from the CA's players for no good reason.

-Made it easier for the effects of cracks to form within Curse of Cracks
- Curse of rabidity has become more strict in demanding that a "target" of a feast is chosen as opposed to simply being an optional path to a "meat lovers" curse
- Curse of Snowstorms has had its total field of view decreased from 9 meters to 8 in accordance to other similar spells/ability
- Curse of Cryostasis has been changed to instead to disabling sprinting as opposed to its prior mismatching version.
- Curse of Tranquility has become more strict in its mental effects and they may not be ignored as easily.
- Curse of Shuddering has been demoted from Greater to Lesser Hex, as it was for the most part pretty useless combatively, with Curse of Silence being already able to deal with speech-based mages. As such it has been changed to pose no combative effects at all other than plain communication that should not affect them, since the point of the curse is to after all make people stop talking in general.

Edited by Agy
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Personally, I've had a lot of fun giving people tormented cooking items but sadly some do not follow the rp to the fullest extent and the effects are still lackluster. I can't wait for these new cooking redlines to give players some joyful haggy witch vibes! As for the curses, THEY SUCK, never seen a witch use them it's completely pointless, I pray this re write is accepted just so there isn't a pointless ability that's taking up space in the forum lore for frost witches. #tyagyforkeepingfwsalive


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42 minutes ago, Agy said:

- A maximum of 3 may be made per OOC day.
-Requires the usage of a Descendant’s body parts.

Could this not be very easily abused? For example, using parts of the same descendants limbs to mass produce cursed food

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, ReveredOwl said:

Could this not be very easily abused? For example, using parts of the same descendants limbs to mass produce cursed food

On one hand you are correct and I thank you for the feedback!
But at the same time, I'd very much rather not add yet another mechanic to the Fjarriagua encouraging them to endlessly murderhobo people. And neither should an entire ability be locked behind one's capabilities to rudely kill people for what is in the end of the day a tool for RP and not an actual weapon.

I'll think about how to deal with it

Edited by Agy
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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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