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[✓] [Creature] Rimeblood Wolverine

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In the deepest reaches of snowy foothills, there exist a variety of wolverine which has been altered by the potent elemental energies of the cold and frost by adapting to consume the cold-enriched alchemical reagents of the region. In so doing, they grow to larger sizes, their blood becoming infused with the freezing power of frost and snow.



A Rimeblood Wolverine standing next to a wood elf.


Creature Summary


Rimeblood Wolverines are, at a glance, gigantic variants of the normal wolverine. They deviate from the normal hunting strategy of the wolverine by attacking large mammals by ambushing - waiting in snow drifts along their migratory paths before leaping out and shredding them to bits. The Rimeblood Wolverine also steals the kills of similar sized creatures and other large predators. As a highly territorial creature, the Rimeblood Wolverine ferociously guards its burrows, and will attack without question anything foolish enough to wander within smelling distance of its den.


The Rimeblood Wolverine’s true power lies in its frost-laced blood. When wounded, the droplets of their blood become nearly instantly coated in immensely cold hoarfrost crystals. Enemies who strike the Rimeblood Wolverine with melee weapons will have their weapons freeze within the beast’s wounds and become stuck. There is additional risk in having the blood splatter on to them, as it will rapidly induce frostbite in the areas it lands on. This defensive power, combined with the normal reckless tenacity of the wolverine, makes them a creature that the wise do not wish to disturb.


During the spring thaw, the Rimeblood Wolverine will produce a few kits in a single litter. They are fed until fully grown, upon which they will disperse out into the wild. Encountering a female Rimeblood Wolverine in the spring is exceptionally dangerous, as she will be even more aggressive than usual to defend her children.


ST Notes/Abilities

Assume that the Rimeblood Wolverine has the equivalent of Olog Strength. The thick fur and layers of body fat grant them considerable resistance to slashing and bludgeoning damage and moderate protection from piercing weaponry. The Wolverine’s main strategy is aggression, believing that the best offence is a good defence. In spite of its bulk, the Wolverine can move up to 6 blocks per emote.





Weapons and arrows which strike the Rimeblood Wolverine have a 75% chance of becoming stuck in the wound, frozen firmly in place by an eruption of ice crystals. Additionally, individuals who strike the creature have a 50% chance to be splattered in blood, the location of which should be determined by the ST running the event. The blood will inflict 1st degree frostbite on the area struck. The rate of freezing will be slowed slightly by plate or thick clothing. Fur, whether naturally occurring on the body or worn, will prevent it entirely. Each emote after the initial splattering will progress the frostbite by one stage unless the affected individual spends one emote to wipe themselves clean. If the splattering is delayed by worn items, the affected individual will have one emote before the frostbite begins to progress.


Rimeblooded also is effective in closing wounds on the wolverine's body and preventing death from blood loss or dismemberment. 


Rimeblooded can be negated by low density boomsteel or any other magic which can raise the temperature of the weapons attacking the creature. If the ice can be melted, weapons can be freed.


General Red lines/Restrictions


  • The Rimeblood Wolverine cannot be tamed due to its psychology.

  • Rimeblood wolverine kits will die in one OOC day if separated from their mother.

  • Rimeblood Wolverines will not flee, and will continue fighting until it suffers a fatal injury.

  • Rimeblood Wolverine blood is an alchemical reagent capable of extreme cold, provided it can be harvested without contact with the air.

  • Rimeblood Wolverine hide is extremely thick and insulating and can be used as an effective component in making supernaturally warm clothes. 

Purpose (OOC)

The Rimeblood Wolverine presents an interesting challenge for beast hunters and an enticing target for alchemists. It also integrates nicely with material and reagent lore, providing an interesting usage for low quality boomsteel.


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