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The Siege of the Wicked Fort

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The Siege of the Wicked Fort



Heed my word.


Last Saint’s day, the construction of a terrible fort upon the mountain facing the Duchy of Brabant had seen its completion, another one of my wicked plots coming to fruition. As it turns out, we were discovered by the forces of Brabant, and just after we had put up a catapult at the top, we were faced with 140 soldiers at the treelines.

My forces at the time were meager compared to that of Brabant, standing roughly at 70, excluding commanders. We were outnumbered two-to-one. This, however, didn’t deter us - for Brabant prides itself in its numbers, and shows that even children would do a better job. I positioned around 50 men at the entrance, whom I ordered to stay completely silent. My second-in-command, the wicked Craftsman, stood upon one of the parapets with a mage he had brought with, who had connected as soon as we saw the forces arrive. Me and my apprentice, whose name I shan’t reveal, manned the catapult.

Brabant closed in on the fort. We launched a shot at the woman named Aurelia - whom I will return to in a second. This did not hit. Then, my apprentice got a crossbow and stood near one of the windows, firing at the people below, while I, in my practical, tactical genius, moved ‘round the fort, directing forces and ushering commands. The Craftsman had, meanwhile, climbed on top of the main roof, right above the Brabant forces trying to force themselves in. Then, a terrible log of flesh and bone was dropped, which, by our wicked means, exploded within the midst of the Brabant forces.

Twenty soldiers suffered lethal wounds, perishing on the battlefield, while at least thirty more suffered moderate injuries, infections, and plagues. After such a development, Brabant striked at our doors, which gave in under their forces. What they did not expect, however, was my force of fifty men at the door, who, at a singular command from me, rushed at the three who were closest to the entrance.

A goliath of viscera struck at the Duke Sterling, while another simple footman flailed around, attempting to hit anything within sight. From what I saw, Duke Sterling was struck at the shoulder. After this, my golem was struck down, and fell onto Sterling, leaving him mostly incapacitated for the rest of the battle. Battle in the doorway ensued, while Paladins and Templars rolled in, swiftly pushing my forces back. At this point, the Craftsman arrived downstairs, and with the help of his golem, threw another log of flesh at the attackers. This rolled right to the feet of a knight. Reports show he died shortly after, sustaining major wounds to the chest and face. This is when, seeing our inevitable demise in front of us, we departed.

I must now remind the reader that we were outnumbered two to one, and we caused major damage. Our leave marked, on paper, a Brabant victory, however, keep in mind, there was no soldier that got out without a scratch. Many died, even more were injured, and major harm was done.


Now, I promised to divulge into matters concerning Aurelia as well, which I shall now.


I am, undoubtedly, a master of espionage, and by means of spies and research, I have found that the woman named Aurelia is a Paladin. She hides this zealously, for the Church determined that such a thing is considered heresy. Well, now I freely declare that the woman named Aurelia Whitewood is no less of a heretic than I. Now, I recognize that the Church shan’t listen to a necromancer such as I, and I recognize that my word in this matter sounds slanderous. Do with this information what you will, the truth will come out no matter what.


And now for a message to Aurelia.

I killed your brother. I killed your husband. I revealed your true nature. As I declared at the fort, I do declare here as well. I will destroy you. You will covet Death, only to be met with servitude.



Your church was burned. Your shrines crumbled. Your army beaten. Neither Aurum, nor salt, nor paladins, nor GOD stopped me.


Quadrice your forces defeated, quadrice your cowardice made public.  You bested me once. A mistake I shall not make again.


My crusade continues, your defeat approaches.


His Excellency, The Vicar

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Ser Sterling Whitewood would leave an inspiring reply, if he were not recovering from 20 different types of plagues and viruses caused by the necromancer's explosion spells.

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"THAT COCKY SON OF DEATH!" Samuel shouts while trying to calm himself out of anger when he was reading the missive





Edited by AlmondSto
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There was no triumph in capturing the lonely tower, for a grievous toll was exacted upon the besiegers. Albéric too was vexed by the outcome, tending to Ser Sterling in the aftermath. He had come so close to finishing the Vicar himself, only for the necromancer to slip away with merely a cut to tell of their brief encounter.


He now patrolled the territory with renewed conviction, eager to root out the festering taint.  

"Run and cower, darkspawn. Next time, I'll leave you with more than just a mere scratch."


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The Oni, a high ranking figure within The Vicar’s forces, sat within her home drinking a nice glass of tea.“Yeah.. I’m not touching that.” The woman muttered, she had better things to do than attend some silly battle.

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A letter would be sent forth to Taliyun'Orrir Sirame stamped with the appropriate signage so he could recognise that it came from one 'Cathàn'. Furthermore, the above poster from the 'Vicar' would be attached,


"Hello Taliyun'Orrir,


This letter is regarding the 'Vicar'. It has recently come to my attention that this necromancer has been capable of doing grievous injury to the defenders of what we would call the Lotusgrad State.


While I would have preferred to not get involved due to my involvement with our mutual causes beginning to take up more and more of my time, I do not believe I can fundamentally choose to do such. The reason being that, should Lotusgrad fall under serious threat, our operations above would aswell be threatened.


I suggest that we form a pair to lead a combined offensive with our forces upon the Vicar, using the equipment we have for the sake of expediting the process while keeping fatalities and causalities to a minimum.



Commandant Cathan."


The same poster would be attached to another letter, and then sent to Ahren Jaeger,


"Leftenant Jaeger,


The Vicar stands as a fundamental threat to our work here in Aevos. Assuming Sirame of the Druids is amenable to a situation of us working together to bring him down, we will restore our former status-quo. We will be using our equipment to expedite this situation and its conclusion.


 Близок победы торжественный час,

Commandant Cathan."

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Aurelia Scrunches up the missive within her hands. Her temper wavering at the false declarations of a thing that knew no better. He would pay for the work he had done, the grief he had caused her. He would pay for his crimes, she would make sure of it. Her visage shifting from the crumpled missive as she leans over to grab a clean page setting to work her quill dancing ink across the page. She was Done being forgiving.



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