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The Landtag Elections of 1969


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Issued by the Lawspeaker of Reinmar

In the year of our Lord 1969




4AxhYqJfU47ru6Jevki5g4zOnMEKkA61yjkv1Ys327oqQRCjTt7jipCbrJrToUmIQZ_1u08Ce8m3tmoJ4SjasDv4-Nu70znYGlyqfRK9sNUVYGC4veqimBW5XR6oLGoRkC45qrsLWqPFIS0qxOz7LbQÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMAR,


LONG HAS IT BEEN, since the position of Lawmen has been utilized. However, with the unity of Reinmar and Minitz, and with the restructuring of many government proceedings and documents, never before has it felt more of potential and more of need. Thus, I, Gregor von Langenkirch, as the Lawspeaker of Reinmar, have taken it upon myself to resurrect the position to serve a greater purpose in the interests of the Reinmaren people.


Those who serve the Kanun as Lawmen will be its tender. They will represent the people in matters of trial. They will correct laws as required, and create ones when needed. And some may go beyond that in aspirations. A good lawman after all is more often than not an indicator of a future Lawspeaker, to hold supreme power over the Kanun and organize the sacred Moots that Reinmar is known for. 


The candidates for the position of Lawmen go as follows:


- Anselm Barclay


- Adalfriede von Hexenwald


- Anton Barclay


- Baldric von Kretzen


So it shall be that THREE Saint Days will the Reinmarens have to cast their vote to vote on the new members of the Landtag, of which only TWO may be elected into office.


OOC I. You will have until the end of the 27th of March to vote. After that point, the votes will be locked in. You may vote for a maximum of TWO candidates.


OOC II. To vote, take one(or two) paper (The Moothall will have a chest filled with it), and write the following with /notes write:


i. “I [Full Name] do so elect [Nominee Name] as the new Lawman of Reinmar, which I serve.”


ii. Then, type /notes sign


iii. Repeat for your second vote if applicable, then deposit the papers into the hopper next to the chest filled with paper.





HIS LORDSHIP, Gregor von Langenkirch, Lawspeaker of Reinmar, Chefarzt of Reinmar, Ritter of the Order of Saint Tylos, Patriarch of House Stroheim, Baron of Langenkirch, 




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