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Asioth: How is Deficiency Removed

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Asioth: How is Deficiency Removed

(OOC: The document presented here is not public knowledge.)
Part 1:  Asioth: Journey Between Two Pillars



As a Seeker of Asioth, embarking on The Auric Path, I have been bestowed an Um'ei, or "Sacred Journey"—a question I must contemplate and seek to answer along my pilgrimage. Though the possible Um'ei's are infinite, my tutor has granted me one, which is commonly asked of Seekers, and a question I perceive to embody the essence of Asioth: "How is deficiency removed?" 

I have resolved to document my reflections and insights in writing, as while The Auric Path is a personal pilgrimage, it transcends individual experience, embodying a collective yearning for understanding that binds together all Seekers of Asioth. I hope my endeavor serves as a lantern for others navigating these sacred steps.





— Nature & Solitude —

On The Auric Path, in my solitude, I am reminded once again that seeking can never be done strictly through academic pursuits. It must be a reflective expedition towards enlightenment, informed by the principles laid out by the sage teachings of The Great Titan and Eresar sin Nathemas and the silent lessons and eloquent wisdom of the natural world surrounding us.

The truth of removing deficiency lies in deep self-reflection and insight; solitude is a place where few fear to tread, but is it a wonder then that it is where profound secrets and treasures are hidden? In true solitude, nature emerges as the truest mentor, whispering the secrets of Asioth, life, and how to overcome deficiency. Nature has the answers to all questions if only one sees and strives to understand.



                                            THE RIVER           




I have witnessed the unwavering course of many rivers, their currents a vivid symbol of continuous exploration and questioning at the heart of The Auric Path. Just as rivers are drawn inexorably towards the embrace of the seas, so too are all Seekers drawn towards accumulating more wisdom and power as a means of enlightenment. As the river carves its path through the landscape, overcoming obstacles with grace and never-ending patience and persistence, so too must carry out a journey through the shadows of ignorance, patiently and with persistence, always seeking the light of understanding. I am reminded by The Teacher, Eresar sin Nathemas: "Greater loves lesser, core loves periphery."  Though our journey, like the river, is towards a destination, it is also about deepening the connection with the world around us, like the river enriches the land through its flows.



                                 — THE FOREST 

I have ventured deep into the forests, where no descendants tread. The deep forests are a place where life thrives in symbiotic harmony. Here I see the embodiment of the interconnectedness taught by The Great Titan: "That which is within is like that which is without; that which is without is like that which is within."  The great symphony of nature, that of giving and receiving among flora and fauna, illustrates the shared journey of Seekers, mirroring the sage teachings of Eresar sin Nathemas, the communal endeavour that strengthens and deepens understanding: "Each teaches the other; each studies the other."




                                              — THE SEASONS 




The cyclical transformation from winter's quiescence to spring's renewance reflects self-discovery and transcending deficiencies. Just as the natural world constantly renews itself, we shed our former layers through our spiritual and intellectual engagements to emerge as The Second Born. Having spent nigh a year now in nature's solitude, it inspires my creative expression and guides me to articulate my understanding of self and my place in the world. As I write this, I once again reflect on The Teacher's words: "The philosophers speak of equal opposites. But bringing these together, nothing results. First and second are neither equal nor opposite. Light is greater than darkness, but there is no light without darkness. There is no first without second."  This passage underscores the essential balance within the cycle of renewal and discovery; it reminds us that The Auric Path, like the transition from winter to spring and summer to autumn, involves embracing the light and darkness within us to find harmony and deeper understanding.






— Beyond Solitude & The Answer —

The path to Asioth and the removal of deficiency is a many-sided journey that leads to a profound understanding of self and our relational existence. It involves introspection, engagement with the sage teachings, shared experiences of the community, creative expression, an unwavering pursuit of wisdom and power, and many more sides I have not considered. By integrating insights from the natural world with the teachings of The Great Titan and The Teacher, we navigate not only through outer landscapes but also our inner landscapes, as well as relational networks, unwaveringly advancing toward the infinitely high zenith promised by Asiothism.

To answer the question posed by my teacher simply: The removal of deficiency is achieved through the synthesis of nature's wisdom, introspection, and the journey of enlightenment all Seekers share. We transcend our deficiencies by embracing the cycles of growth and renewal, mirroring nature's resilience and rebirth.

In essence, the deep reflective understanding of our wholeness eradicates deficiency, enabling our inner selves to undergo cycles of renewal, where we let go of the old, embrace a period of introspection, and emerge rejuvenated, each cycle removing layers of deficiency.


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