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Issued at Year 174 of the Second Age





With the new town finally finished and operational, folks have been skeptical of moving in out of fear for future taxation levels. I hereby wish to put those concerns to rest as taxes are easily preventable within Cerulia.



To acquire a home is to first complete the simple citizenship test, which will be more in depth explained later on in this document. Once this simple yet effective test is completed with the proper results then one may start the process of searching for a home applicable to the amount of folks intended to be living in such. Once an appropriate property has been found then they have to pay their steward a downpayment of two times the yearly tax and the steward will then note down everything necessary into the registry.



Acquiring a shop is much easier in comparison as the citizenship test is not applicable here. Only requiring the willingness to sell your goods with the weekly tax in mind. However, it should be noted that you will not gain tax cuts over your shop and will have to pay your tax in full with the standard 2 week downpayment.



The citizenship test is a rather thorough one to ensure no darkspawn and agents of evil will slip past us. To start the citizenship test, a few standard questions will be asked:

Why do you wish to live here?
Are you aware of what our state religion is?
Have you had previous incidents within Lurin?
Are you willing to fight for your home when it comes to it?


After these questions have been answered sufficiently, the next step is to test this future citizen for any darkspawn afflictions. The first step is to remove all jewelry from their being to prevent any enchantments from being active during this testing period. After this removal of jewelry, they are subject to a standard spook test where a golden dagger will be used to inflict a cut and then salt will be lightly strewn over the blood that comes out. After this undead and vampire test comes the test for frost witches where a flame will be held at a distance near their non-prosthetic limb of choice.


Once all parts of the citizenship tests are completed then they will be informed of various jobs that need to be filled which will grant tax cuts and payment for this new citizen.



Taxes in Cerulia work much like they do within Lurin, where a tax slab has to be bought and put into the correct barrel for the tax to be paid with the option for this tax to be paid with resources if wanted. However, one cannot forget about the tax cuts that various jobs within Cerulia and even Lurin as a whole will provide that could make one’s property tax free.



Small Home - 5 Mina

Medium Home - 10 Mina

Manor - 20 Mina



Stall - 5 Mina
Shop - 20 Mina

Alternative way of paying for taxes without Mina with a list of resources equivalent to such.
64 Iron Ingots - 5 Mina tax
16 Netherite - 10 Mina Tax
32 copper - 10 Mina Tax
32 Leather - 10 Mina tax
128 Logs - 5 Mina tax
64 Coal - 5 Mina tax
64 Hay Bales - 5 Mina Tax




Lubba’s Favor - 20 Mina tax cut
Minister - 20 Mina tax cut
Active Bartender - 10 Mina tax cut
Active Medic - 10 Mina tax cut
Active Worker - 10 Mina tax cut
Active Centurion - 10 Mna tax cut
Active Men-At-Arms - 10 Mina tax cut
Active Knight - 10 Mina tax cut
Registered Levy - 5 Mina tax cut


And With such, one who works will never have to pay tax within Cerulia.

Freely available tax doc







The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion,
Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin, Founder of Cerulia, Brickmaster of Lurin


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