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DNN #34

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Edition #34


Kingdom's Most Disliked Dwarf, Alaric Grimgold, Beaten in Unfortunate Incident Amidst Controversies


In a startling turn of events, Alaric Grimgold, the eccentric dwarf known for his abrasive personality, has been assaulted within the confines of the kingdom. Sources reveal that Grimgold, notorious for his contentious demeanor, fell victim to a brutal beating allegedly orchestrated by disgruntled citizens who harbored disdain towards him.


The incident, which has sent shockwaves throughout the kingdom, occurred late last night in a secluded alleyway near Grimgold's residence. Witnesses claim to have heard heated arguments preceding the assault, suggesting that tensions had been escalating between Grimgold and his detractors for some time.


Grimgold's unpopularity stems not only from his confrontational nature but also from a history of dubious claims regarding his lineage. Reports indicate that Clan Grimgold, to which Alaric belongs, has a checkered past of altering their public heritage claims, casting doubt on the legitimacy of their assertions. This pattern of inconsistency has only served to deepen mistrust and skepticism towards Grimgold and his clan.


Furthermore, recent revelations have surfaced regarding clandestine meetings between notable slavers and members of Clan Grimgold within their clan hall. The nature of these gatherings raises alarming questions about Grimgold's involvement in illicit activities, further tarnishing his reputation within the kingdom. Additionally, troubling reports have emerged detailing Grimgold's alleged mistreatment of animals, including kittens, and disturbing remarks in which he referred to fellow dwarves as his "little kittens," sparking outrage and condemnation from the community.


Rumors also abound that Grimgold, in a drastic departure from dwarven tradition, contemplated shaving his iconic beard—a symbolic act that many viewed as sacrilegious and deeply offensive. Authorities are currently investigating the assault, and speculation is rife regarding the identities of the perpetrators, however, the authorities have told DNN that they will not be looking to hard to find these suspects. While some speculate that the attack may have been a spontaneous outburst of pent-up frustration, others suggest the involvement of organized groups seeking to rid the kingdom of Grimgold's influence. Only time will tell if the Grand Kingdom will finally defeat Clan Grimgold for good or not.

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Thumbrindal strokes his beard as he reads the newspaper"curious, wonder w'o is behoind all t'is."

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