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The Blackpaw Trading Co.


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About us-

Hello friend do you like money? Are you one of the simple folk who doesn't have a head for business? Then boy have I got a deal for you!

(This will be an "Evil" corporation focused mainly on destruction of the environment. While our motivation is money+greed don't expect to get rich from this you can look forward to a large number of events though since our enemies will be the druids + the golden harvest to name but a few.)

(We will be situated mostly in the wilds. Usually at least 100 blocks distance from any big cities we do have a builder hired you can check out what our buildings will look like Here)


(These are DEMO ranks they are subject to be changed if you apply for a job you may be shifted elsewhere ex. Adventurer, gatherer, and engineer may be fused into one rank with an officer rank above them)

Simple Work


Gatherer- The gatherer’s job is to gather all kinds of materials for us. From Orcish sand, Elven Lumber, and Dwarven Ores the gatherers gather it all for the sake of profit!

Adventurer – The adventurer’s job is to slay monsters and bring in his findings. 1/10th of his findings should be turned in to the Company. In exchange he will be given room and board if the earnings are excessive then the adventurer shall be entitled to rewards such as free equipment meals and the like. (basically the mercenary who has no villain app and live with the company. if you aren't good at building and you have decided gathering isn't your thing you can join this way)

Engineer– (builder) (must be able to make cranes, machines (saws for the lumber mill), and make natural areas look ravaged) The engineer will be responsible for not only operating any machinery we employ but also constructing the houses required for our work. (Think you can make Laurelin look like it was logged recklessly for a quick buck?)

Enforcer Work


Seeking experts in the criminal field to ensure protection of assets.

The following is OOC aka none of this “OMGZ ITS BLEKPAW KILLZ HIM HE BAD!”

Highwayman – Your job is to make the streets UN-SAFE you will rob people of their minas and goods resorting to violence if things get hairy. You will also rob houses and strip them of valuables (aka I am giving you an excuse to destroy those ugggllyyy box houses do not go overboard with this or you will face punishment)

Bruiser – The bruiser’s job is to ensure that clients who have paid for “Protection” get it. If need be you will resolve any little “Problems” we have with competition. (Competing shops that disagree with us you will burn smash and destroy if necessary) (this may include entire towns.) Any mercenary work that we are paid for you will perform.

(advanced highwayman you are “THE” roleplayers of the guild you will be treated like grunts but you can think of yourself above the rest) (promoted)

Negotiator – The negotiator’s job is one of politics. Whether it is between guilds, kingdoms, or persons your job is to make deals that benefit us through ANY means necessary (blackmail, bribes, extortion, violence). As the negotiator you will also be in command of the Bruisers, Highwaymen, and Crooks. (Officer rank) (Only available through promotion.)

Dealing with is including but not limited to

-Exclusivity contracts only WE get to work in that area

-Price fixing --Tac & Co are charging 10 minas for iron ore!? Have a little chat with them don’t forget to take a couple Bruiser’s with you.

(sorry mates but you gotta plan it out ahead of time with leader of T&C)

(Basically helping plan the roleplay events/ general overseeing)


1. When logging NO REPLANTING OF SAPLINGS.(in the logging areas only) Replanting is BAD for BUSINESS if you replant then some other nobody can come in on OUR turf and sell lumber and the likes for LESS do you want to be paid LESS? I thought not. (We will negotiate selling saplings so if you are a tree-hugging hipster then you can feel like you are making a difference even though we will just cut the trees down again and resell the saplings again but hey they are your minas.)

2. Unless you are one of the villains please for the love of god stick to gathering, building, and role-play events. If the company goes to war most of the time we will try to set it up so you will not need a villain app especially since I will be lying to you and attempting to not be the aggressors at least in the beginning.

3. There are methods to how we gather. In the most destructive way to the environment small swaths of land will be chosen and destroyed in a creative way (not griefing). A few examples of this would be a forest we will line out an area in wool, sand, or some other non dirt material. remove all of the grass and trees and leave stumps and dirt, For sand mining cranes will be constructed in quarry like areas where the sand will be gathered. (Images of an example below) (working on getting better images)

The first picture shows the island on the right being outlined in stone the second will show it completely changed (had screenshot corruptions the islands original appearance and middle stage is lost for the most part)


This second image shows what the end result COULD look like (probably less of those trees in the background)


those are some crude examples I threw together in about an hour in creative mode (takes much longer without 1 shotting blocks)

4. Follow all server rules.

if you want to destroy a house you will probably have to

  • notify a GM (for fancy protected houses after contacting the person who owns it. Ugly block houses in the wilds will probably not be worried about)
  • attempt to contact the person who owns it give them a week to get back to you(sign outside the house asking to be contacted along with a date on it)
    EX: House in danger of destruction contact (forum name via forums) or it will be destroyed by (1 week from day) be sure to screenshot with coords so we have valid proof.
  • if they are NOT OK with their home being destroyed it is NOT OK to destroy their house. (we will however keep pestering them to the extent that we can)



Punishments range from a slap on the wrist to banishment (server ban if you go overboard sorry can't and wont save you from this if a GM says no to something then it is NOT ok.)


Since we are new this will be short

IG name –

MC name-


Which "job" you are applying for?-

Why you would like to join-

I don't have a villain app but my friends are going to rob somebody will I be joining them? -

if applying for Enforcer work

Link to your villain app-


We will have a trade thread shortly after the first mill is constructed.

Once we are set up I will also accept PM's from people who would like to plan any GvG events or Guild V Town events (we can play the part of the raiding bandits once we get enough criminals) most of these events will have to be open ended with agreed upon win/loss trades.

if you have any suggestions concerning the post then place em below I'll get around to reading em eventually.

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IG name:Mili_Irongut

MC name:Leland22

Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)

Why I want to join: I really like the idea of an opposite to the Golden Harvest.

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IG name:Mili_Irongut

MC name:Leland22

Timezone: GMT-5 (EST)

Why I want to join: I really like the idea of an opposite to the Golden Harvest.

Accepted PMing you co-ords of where the first lumber mill is to be established (it wont be until sin is able to log in) ill work on getting you a job. Oh and you can tell me IG which job you are applying for my fault.

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Engineer may I suggest that we build a secret base?

In due time we shall have need for one. For now however I am getting an array error (probably message box full) whenever I try to send you a PM with the coords.

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IG name –Athanatos

MC name-xca0

Timezone- +8 GMT

Which "job" you are applying for?- Engineer, but may transfer to Enforcer in the future

Why you would like to join- Kicking me out of Golden Harvest is a bad idea...

I don't have a villain app but my friends are going to rob somebody will I be joining them? - Why not? I'll join even if they're gonna siege a city.

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IG name –Athanatos

MC name-xca0

Timezone- +8 GMT

Which "job" you are applying for?- Engineer, but may transfer to Enforcer in the future

Why you would like to join- Kicking me out of Golden Harvest is a bad idea...

I don't have a villain app but my friends are going to rob somebody will I be joining them? - Why not? I'll join even if they're gonna siege a city.

Accepted. However while I do respect your enthusiasm I must ask that until you are assigned enforcer work you keep out of their way.

((Best to not join in on villainous activity without an app trust me on that one you will get banhammer for that. I'll be PMing you co-ords however I believe you are already living nearby. You will have to start the PM since I get an array error...every single time. I am GMT -8 so we probably wont see each other unless its the weekend.))

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I still love this idea, a fight between druids and the black paw would make for great rp, thank you for your ideas!

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Was able to PM you after screwing around with the system. co-ords of first base sent as well as explanation of our current progress

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IG name – Z9Ryan

MC name- Heimdall

Timezone- GMT

Which "job" you are applying for?- Negotiatior

Why you would like to join- Well I signed up for the Golden Harvest but it was really bad, so I left and I love the sound of another group of people that totally disagree with what they stand for! Count me in!!!

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IG name – Z9Ryan

MC name- Heimdall

Timezone- GMT

Which "job" you are applying for?- Negotiatior

Why you would like to join- Well I signed up for the Golden Harvest but it was really bad, so I left and I love the sound of another group of people that totally disagree with what they stand for! Count me in!!!

I'll accept ya but you gotta work for Negotiator (you will probably need a villain app for that one too so if you have it link it to me after I PM you and we will see where you go.)

As for the fixing of the array error I tried changing it to send copies not sure if that did it.

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