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La mascarada del regal de l'oceà - Ocean's Gift Masquerade


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La mascarada del regal de l'oceà

[20th April, 5pm EST]





To this year but eighteen ago, Balian saw the arrival of its youngest Prince and Princess, Elianos and Ophelia. The youths have spent their years surrounded with the lush sands and vibrant seas of the south, and wish to extend a celebration to not only honor their home, but to usher in their adult years.


A Masquerade - on the theme of sand and sea - is to be held within the Palace’s enclosed beach. Guests are encouraged to bring their finest sandals and lighter outfits, to ensure they are comfortable in the heat. Should guests not be able to provide their own masks for the ball, the twins have some ready to provide.


Following the ball will be games; a paper boat race and a fishing contest, with prizes for the winners. Refreshments will be offered which feature the local fishermen's finest catches of the day, with drinks produced from Balians orchards and wineries.




Attendees are welcome to wear the masks provided for the ball. Each mask has been lovingly recreated from inspired works throughout the ages.


(Masks can be found on planetminecraft in their original versions. These are recreated based on examples.)


Masks Here




Guests should make their way to the Palace, where they will be led to the festivities.



The People of the Kingdom of Balian

HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Ivan VIII, and the Kingdom of Haense and his Royal Pedigree

HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, and the Kingdom of Aaun and his Royal Pedigree

HER MAJESTY, Catherine I, and the Commonwealth of the Petra and her Royal Pedigree

HER MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the people of Numendil and her Royal Pedigree

HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, and the Sovereignty of Hyspia and her Royal Pedigree

THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES, Alfred & Leon Barclay and the Principality of Reinmar and their Royal Pedigree

HIS GRANDNESS, Grelu Irgard, and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and his Royal Pedigree

The People of Aevos



Personal Invitations are sent to the following:

Father Jan

Crown Prince Charles Reman Alstion

Crown Princess Santana Leya Ramona de Pelear

Princess Kareena Isabel Nasrid

Infanta Renata Alba Francisca de Pelear

Infante Rafael Arsenico Diego de Pelear

Lady Esfir Artemesia Amador

Lady Lavanya Aruna Acharya

Lady Jadwiga Maria Jazlowiecki

Lady Alicja Julia Jazlowiecki

Karol Alexander Walewski




His Royal Highness, Elianos Hadrian Novellen, Prince of Balian

Her Royal Highness, Ophelia Johanna Novellen, Princess of Balian


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